Thursday, June 30, 2011

RTOTD #429.1

Day 429.1

You know what's really intriguing to me? Buildings that were proposed, deesigned & rendered but never built.

Maybe it's that whole "the world that might have been" thing... or like a retro-50's "world of the future" fascination, but looking at these buildings that were never constructed are just amazing. How grand the world could have been.  I mean... the whole skyline of a city like New York could have been completely different if even 1/4 of these amazing designs were ever constructed.

Met Life North Building -
Only the fat bottom part was built.

The Ghost World... the world that exists on a different vibrational frequency as ours. The world where the choice was made to "yes, we will build this". The Ghost World where we built the future that was promised to us in old sci-fi. Not the dystopian stuff that seems to be rampant everywhere.

No, the totally grand scale that people wanted to create in. Like the whole world was just out there to be molded into whatever you wanted it to be.

No, I'm talking about the stuff that COULD have been. The world we COULD be living in had people made different choices. New York, Chicago, Moscow, London, Los Angeles, Tokyo. Or even planned cities where no cities exist now.  The entire view of the planet could  have been different.

Just the statue of Lenin on top was
supposed to be twice the height of
the Statue of Liberty.
The cool designs. Like the original plan for the MetLife North building. Only the bottom part of it was ever built. And it has a massive footprint. You can only imagine how big it would have been had it been completed.

The crazy designs like the Palace of the Soviets to be built in honor of Lenin in Moscow. This one was actually attempted until WWII closed in on the Russians and they had to tear up the structural steel to be used for military purposes.

This would have housed 3/4 of a million people in 55
pyramids stacked 5 high within a giant pyramid

The ourtight insane designs like this pyramid city designed for Tokyo that would have housed 3/4 of a million people.  Except it's a pure work of fantasy because the materials required to build it don't actually exist on Earth.

They all fascinate the crap out of me. I think it's about the boundless potential of the imagination in humans.

I mean, hell... just finding that people even came up with these ideas is like this wonderful expedition into the archeology of architecture.

If only 10% of what has been proposed would have ever been constructed, can you think of the modern wonders of the world we would have to see? Can you imagine the world we could still create?  

The world could look so much different today. I would have loved to seen it. Just for the view. Or at least get a glance at the Ghost World.

Random Thought Of The Day #429

Day 429

I hope you all enjoyed the Mad Libs edition of the RTOTD yesterday. You'll probably get one weekly from now on. Hopefully, the next one will be better. Yesterday's was kinda impromptu and weak. It was kinda fun, if a little frustrating.

Thought not quite as frustrating as having a song stuck in your head that you can't remember the name of or who sings. That's what's wrong today.

I heard this song in the gas station today... some late 80's or early 90's pop song that I KNOW that I should know, but I can't put my finger on it. It's driving me fucking crazy. And google isn't helping. I even got to the point of looking thru the Top 100 songs of every individual year from 1988 thru 1994 and every song that I didn't know or thought there was even a slight chance of it being, checked youtube to listen to some of it and find out "nope, still not the right fucking song". Seriously, it can't be this god damned hard to figure out 1 stupid song.

So as a result, this thing sucks today cause I'm trying to figure out the name of some song that I don't really care about or even really like but is stuck in my fucking head until I can figure out the name of.

Maybe some hockey rumor blogs will distract me. Cause the music I'm presently listening to can't seem to do it.

So instead of a blog... you get... well... absolute crap.

This is the way I feel about my brain today...

Can I kick my brain to make it work again?
Wise Words Of Wisdom From Wade Wilson (Deadpool)

When things don't work... kick them. Until they work again. Or until they die.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #428 - Mad Libs Edition

Day 428
So I've been promising you a Mad Libs Edition of the RTOTD for like a week and a half now... and my biggest problem was figuring out how to do it. I mean... I remember doing Mad Libs as a kid and it was always a 2+ person thing. One person held the book and asked everyone else for the stuff to fill in and all that. Then they read it back. So here's how we're doing it... the actual Mad Libs is only gonna be on the blog site... below some Daily Deadpool...

So here's what you do. Go get yourself a piece of paper and a pencil and fill in the blank. Cause writing on your computer screen probably won't work out too well.

1. Place ____________
2. Thing you buy ___________
3. Job (plural)  ____________
4. Adjective _____________
5. (Different) Place ___________
6. Fun thing you do (verb) _____________
7. Animal ___________

But what if he IS a zombie?

Here we go...

The other day, I had to go to _______1_______ to get a couple things. I was looking for a new xbox game and _________2_______ but I wasn't able to find the second one. Apparently they don't sell them there. That confused me. I know I've seen them there before. When the hell did they stop selling them? 

But while I was there, I came to a conclusion... I can't stand the _______3_______ for a bunch or reasons. They're annoying, pushy and _______4_______. And on the rare occasion that you DO need their help, they're nowhere to be found. I never understood that. How can they be fucking everywhere when you don't need them but nowhere to be found when you do? Do they have like radar for that shit or something? "Holy crap, someone actually needs help! I gotta go hide in the ______5______ until they leave!"

So I finished up there and decided to go get something to ________6_______. But the line was really long and I just eventually said "fuck it" and went home. There's nothing more frustrating than waiting in lines for something that simple. Especially when there's a lot of places to get some of that, but only a few that I actually LIKE.

I mean, Ok... a couple minutes is one thing but it looked it was gonna take like a half hour just to get something and as much as I was looking forward to it, it's totally not worth the kinda wait I was gonna have. So screw it, I thought. "I'm going home to play with my _______7_______ and order a pizza instead.". Pretty much just as satisfying.

It was a generally frustrating venture.

(hey, gimme some credit here... this is my first attempt at a Mad Libs Edition RTOTD! So if it sucks, then you weren't dirty enough in your word choices!)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #427

Day 427
Is it Friday yet?

I don't ask that because it would be the weekend and I'd get to go do stupid wreckless things and all that stuff that makes up a productive weekend.

Beer - It's what makes weekends kick ass
No, I ask because Friday is one of my favorite days of the year. Christmas, Halloween, Free Comic Book Day, my birthday (excluding last year; turning 30 licked balls), trade deadline day and then Friday. Free Agent Day.

It's a day that I sit in my office all day, don't do a damn bit of work and just refresh TSN (because US sports media's coverage of NHL Free Agent Opening Day sucks gigantic donkey cock) every 15 seconds, pare down my twitter feed to only hockey-related posts and do nothing but look at the free agent listing and scratch them off as they get signed. And hope that the Pens pick up someone to fill whatever their most glaring need is that particular year. 

The minute it hits noon, this is every NHL General Manager

It's like the Black Friday of the NHL shopping season. The stores all have a huge fucking line outside and everyone has been waiting since the night before to get inside in order to hopefully pick up that new present to their fans and team that they will absolutely love.

In the week leading up to the beginning of free agency, there's always a lot of awesome rumors, activity and all that. There's the NHL Entry Draft, Restricted Free Agent Qualification Day (Yesterday) and then all of the trades and whatnot that set the stage for what is going to happen come July 1st.

I know most Americans freak-out like this over the NFL. They spend days, weeks, even months analyzing the draft class, looking at every aspect of every potential or definite free-agent. They figure out their mock-drafts and read everything that they can. But I don't do that. I mean, I love football. I love the Steelers. But I don't know... It's just not quite the same.

There's something different about hockey. Maybe it's because the players tend to be more relatable to me. Maybe it's because I always played it more than any other sport growing up. Maybe it's because I was significantly better at it than most other sports growing up. I mean, I played football, baseball, basketball (back when I was still tall for my age and before coffee and cigarettes put an end to that whole "growing" thing), I still golf sometimes. But Hockey was always my first love.

We were luckey if there were places to hang our clothes
when I still played regularly

Something about sitting in that locker room in some crappy old rink, in the middle of January, 8 fucking degrees outside, we can still see our breath in the locker room while trying to get into gear because the rink owner didn't kick on the heaters in the place until about 20 minutes ago, that nasty hockey-stank (and our cigarette smoke) kinda filling the room from our poorly aired-out equipment, and even more poorly aired out locker rooms, in order to get on the ice for a 5am practice on a saturday or sunday. And then standing at the door to the ice, waiting for that half-awake zamboni driver to finish cutting the ice for that first morning skate. Stepping out there, and taking those first couple easy strides to get your feet under you and start stretching out the muscles before actually pushing off for a lap or 2 to warm up.

I don't know... but I think memories like these are why I love hockey. And why I also love the NHL.

But yeah... Free Agent Day is this friday. It's like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one.

And I can't fucking wait.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #426

Day 426

Verbally Terrorizing Everyone Since 2005
I enjoy using this space every day to say ridiculous shit.  I greatly enjoy using it for pointing at idiots or people in positions of authority, regardless of how legitimate that authority is, and saying "You're doing it wrong!".

I mean, how much more freedom of speech is there than a medium for your message to be heard by anyone in any part of the world? That's the beauty of the internet. It gives everyone a voice.

Sadly, it also gives everyone a voice.

From the people with the most common sense to the intellectual elites that long ago decided that common sense is too common and therefore must be ignored... to the completelly braindead idiots that ignore their brains altogether and live entirely based on the thoughts of other people without ever thnking for themselves. Their voice can be heard.

And I love it.

From the fearmongering idiot spouting off about how "them fags are gonna destory your families if they're allowed to get married!" or the other idiots screaming about how "we're gonna destroy the whole environment if you don't all start living exactly how I tell you to!". (I guess people like having their irrational fears justified?). To the hot chick with nothing to say but loves to show her tits. To the person who just wants to share their love of comics or rope or cooking. To the person that just wants to make the world laugh with their jokes or art. To the complete trainwreck that everyone loves to watch.

It doesn't matter.

I love it all.

We're the children of the future. We're rockstars, porn stars, contrarians, comedians, experts on something, novelists, social architects or leaders into the new world. THAT is the power that the voice that our written word gives us in this new future.

I have no idea where I fall into the different types of voices. I don't know if I'm the raving lunatic, the comedian, the person who geeks out about some hobby or pastime of their or the trainwreck. But I don't really care. I just love using this space to say SOMETHING about ANYTHING every week day (and the rare weekend) and I can only hope that my voice doesn't get lost in the big, wide intarwubz.

So enjoy the trainwreck, the geeking out, the jokes or whatever. And keep on reading. There's bound to be more explosions in the not too distant future. I can only go so long before poking one idiot or another.

And in the meantime, think for yourself. Be a rockstar, a pornstar, a novelist, a leader, a follower, an expert or a geek and spread your own virus. It's a viral world. It always has been. But finally, you and I have the power to create and spread our own virus to the world.

Or just re-post some LOLcats like everyone else.

I know I'm not saying anything entirely new today. But hey, at least you didn't get another list of random crap today.

But you do get some Deadpool...

Cause he is kinda awesome

Friday, June 24, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #425

Day 425

Hey kids... it's friday and you're still getting a list of crap today.

1. Remember to add your cell phone number to the national do not call registry. They go public to the telemarketing companies this month. Seriously. This is a helpful reminder from your friendly neighborhood mad scientist. The number is 888-382-1222. You gotta call from whichever phone you want to have put on the list. I'm actually being helpful. I know it's rare. But hey, there's some knowledge for you.

Tell me she wouldn't look hot in that.

2. I totally forgot that the furry convention was in town this weekend. Fuck me sideways, I forgot. Goddess Sybele & myself were going to totally get dressed up and go. But I was going to do a Safari costume. She picked out the sexiest fucking kitty-looking costume I've ever seen. We'd totally NOT fit in there. It was gonna be awesome.

That's one of the few kinks I just can't understand. Every time I think of furries, I just think "Mascot Fucking". And I end up with a mental image of the Wisconsin Badger fucking the Oregon Duck on the 50-yard line. 

I wonder if the Ohio Buckeye would be an OK costume for a furry convention? It's a furry suit, but it's a nut. Hmmm...  What about if you went in a fish costume? Does that work?

3. Also in town this weekend... Belladonna at Cheerleaders. Yummy. God damn that chick is ungodly hot. And all kinds of crazy. Probably fun crazy. But also probably a good bit of real fucking crazy as well. But who cares? She's hot enough that you can deal with that. And apparently pretty fucking kinky as well. So it's like a win-win. She might dig it when you slap her into a straight jacket when she gets real crazy.

Go find your own porn.  I'm pretty sure you can find her picture pretty fucking easily.
I totally wish I had Photoshop skills
to put the President's face here.

4. Also in town as well... the President. Is he going to Anthro-Con? What kinda furry do you think he is? I'm betting he's a dog of some sort. Maybe an elephant. He's already got the big Dumbo ears.

Is he gonna check out Belladonna at Cheerleaders while he's here? 

Fuck You Philly

5. Hey Philly... good job yesterday. You trade 2 of your best players that are still only 26 so  you can have the cap space to sign a 31-year old goalie to a 9 year, way-too-fucking-much-money contract. That's fucking smart, idiots. And you even got, at best, a mediocre return.

Ahh the Flyers... 36 years of futility and counting. Keep it up, idiots. I love watching your asses fail. But hey, at least you finally have a goalie that's more effective than a shooter-tudor! Maybe one of these days, you'll actually have a chance to win something that means something.

6. So some dude actually put up a billboard because his ex got an abortion. Really, asshole? That's pretty fucked up man. Hey, I get it... you're pissed off that your fat ass got dumped and that you're not gonna have a kid now. But seriously man... that's fucked up dude. I get it... it was your man-juice that made up half that kid, but it's still her twat that's gotta shove that shit out later. She's the one that's still gotta carry it. Regardless of if it's right or not... YOU DON'T GET A SAY IN IT, dude. Her vag, her call. That simple.

I'm not gonna post any pictures here on this one. That's even over the line of good taste for me. So you gotta know that it's pretty fucked up. Thankfully though, a judge ordered it taken down.

Even I'm not that big of a prick.

So here's something funny of another idiot doing something stupid instead.

Almost as stupid
Ok, I think that's it for today. 

Have a good fucking weekend, children. Get drunk, stoned or the hell beat out of you. And come back monday and maybe this daily blog thing won't suck gigantic donkey cock.

I do have to know though... when someone in a furry costume is screwing a person in no costume, can it still be considered bestiality?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #424

 Day 424

Yeah, I really got nothing today at all. So here's another list of crap that there's probably a joke and/or rant about that I don't feel like figuring out:

1. Congrats to Disco Dan B for winning the Jack Adams Trophy for the Best Coach last night at the NHL awards. It was well deserved.

Disco Dan thinks he's an airplane

Doom Does Not Approve

2. Oh, and congrats to the one lone citizen of Romania with an internet connection. Thanks for using your singluar permitted site view to read my bullshit.

Wait... what? People outside of North America have the internet? No, I don't believe your lies.

There should probably be some more text to fill in this big fucking gap but nope... big gap it is.

Politicians would be cooler if they  just played funk music

3. La La La La La La La *sticks fingers in ears* I don't care about your stupid troop withdrawl. As soon as these guys get home, you'll just send another 10,000 over to replace them and say "well, I brought those 10,000 home!" like the guy before you did and like every other politician does. I stopped believing anything any of you idiots say. Just go away. Please. You have a really nice (if bland) office... stay in it.

4. The Real Housewives Of some-place-that-apparently-has-nothing-better-to-offer-the-entertainment-world-but-them presented the Lady Byng trophy last night at the NHL awards. Not only did the did the guy listing the candidates specifically emphasize how to pronounce Martin St. Louis' name, but the audience even loudly, in unison, sounded it out so that the presenters could actually get it right (cause everyone and their mother knew he was gonna win it)... yeah... these bubbled-headed  walking-plastic-surgery-factories still managed to pronounce it like the fucking city in Missouri.

St. Louis - Hocky Player                                                                                                St. Louis - City
Not The Same

5. Speaking of missouri... I'm still trying to figure out why the fuck Kansas City is mostly in Missouri and not Kansas... really? couldn't move the state borders a little bit and pick a fucking state?? Or maybe just change the damn name to NOT be named after a state that you're only like 1/3 inside of? I mean, the fucking state lines run right thru like the middle of the downtown. How fucked up is that?

"Oh yeah, I live in Kansas City."
"in Kansas?"
"no, missouri"

I need better material today

6. Speaking of things that aren't the same...  I know this isn't exactly a groundbreaking or completely original gripe, but really... Is it really that motherfucking hard for people to know the difference between "their", "they're" and "there"? What about "advice" and "advise"? "Accept" & "except"? "Too", "Two" and "to"? Come on people... we all passed fucking 4th grade English. You should have figured this shit out by now. I know I'm probably playing Grammar Nazi with this... but still.... WORDS HAVE MEANINGS! USE THEM PROPERLY!

I know... next thing you know, I'm gonna be bitching about airplane food or some trite thing that has been beaten to death by every comedian alive.

7. I promise... I'm doing a RTOTD - Mad Libs Style Edition either tomorrow or next week. I tried to do it today and yesterday and realize "oh shit, there's really no formula to this thing and I'd actually have to write one and then take out a bunch of random Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives from different places. And I can't come up with fucking anything to yell about right now that is longer than a paragraph." and kinda figured I'd get to it eventually.

8. Are you sick of lists yet? Want me to just yell about something ridiculous? yeah, so do I.

Who the fuck stops a list at 8? Really? 3? sure. 5? ok. 10? You're stealing from Letterman, asshole, but ok.

Nope, fuck it... 8 things on the list today.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #423

Day 423

So apparently it was decided in the comments section yesterday... Kegs & Eggs in the not too distant future.

Because what we really need to do is further fuel my rampant alcoholism.

Oh, and since yesterday was the Summer Solstice, just remember... it's all fucking downhill from here. There's your motivation for today.

But on to what I actually want to talk about today...

I don't know about you, but I'm one of those people that is almost entirely non-functional without a shower in the morning. Like, first thing when I wake up, I'm in the shower before my eyes are even entirely open. It wakes me up. And considering that I don't drink coffee (I know, how in the fuck do I survive being awake most days at 5am without coffee?) I kinda need the shower to actually make my eyes open fully in the morning.

Plus, I'm kinda anal about hygiene. And I can't stand smelling bad or that kinda sticky, oily feeling when I don't have a shower first thing in the morning. Especially in the summer when it's hot and sticky and shit outside.I don't know how people that shower before bed can do it in the morning. I mean sure, you're keeping your linens and whatnot cleaner by sleeping clean, but I'd still need that first-thing-in-the-morning shower to jumpstart my body and brain.

Which brings me to why I'm actually talking about this today... I woke up late and didn't get a chance to take a shower before having to half-stumble into my clothes and run out the fucking door this morning to get to work close to on-time. So needless to say, my brain hasn't yet engaged (and probably won't until like 10am today as a result) and the only thing that I can think about is "I really need a fucking shower right now. I feel fucking gross" right now.

Because my brain won't function and this is what you get when my brain doesn't work. Normally when this daily rant is crap, it's because nothing inspired me. Today, it's beacuse I'm preoccupied on needing to feel clean.

I'm totally gonna go use the bathroom and take myself a hooker shower in about 15 minutes. There's your old-school George Carlin reference for the day. Armpits, asshole, face & crotch.

Then maybe later, you'll get something approaching a thought that isn't written in 10 minutes about taking a fucking shower. So here... you can be amused by this picture instead.

Or not... fuck you stupid intarwubz box... it won't seem to be willing to upload the damn pictures today. I'm gonna punch this god damn thing. I'll update it with something to justify you waiting shortly... maybe after I reboot.

*edit* ok... so rebooted did jack & shit. Fuck it... I'll fight with it tomorrow. It's probably just the damn site. I give up for today.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #422

Day 422

Here's another list of thoughts for you this morning because I don't feel like expanding on any of it:

1. Just to remind you... I hate you all.

2. I haven't had steak & eggs for breakfast in far too long. I also haven't had Kegs & Eggs for far too long.

3. I'm going to do something really stupid and go see the ex tomorrow night for a drink. Because playing with fire is really really really fun.

4. They're going to put pictures on the warning labels now for cigarettes. Dear FDA... nobody gives a shit. It doesn't matter what you put there, people are still going to smoke. Just fucking give up. As Dennis Leary said, "they could make the whole front of the pack a warning label, with a big skull and fucking crossbones, and people would still be lining up around the block for them..."

5. I don't remember the last time I actually played a video game all the way through. Seriously... I'm not really a super hardcore gamer, but I think the last time I beat a video game was like 2003. I'll play a game for a long time and then get distracted by some shiny object and then stumble away from it... then I'll find a different game to play. And I might sometimes come back to the first one, but I never play them through anymore.... I think this draws a very sad parallel for the rest of my life when it comes to finishing things I start. I don't really have a funny picture to go with this one... so eat me.

6. On like 6 occasions this week already, I've read a thread on FetLife that makes me feel like this

7. That sound in the attic tonight will NOT be me waiting with a big fucking knife for you to go to bed. I promise.

8. Me - "Maybe if I put more pictures on here, people will actually read here instead of just on FetLife?"
     Brain - "Maybe if it wasn't TOTAL CRAP, people would read it, ass!"
   Me - "Shut up, Brain. Or I'll stab you with a Q-tip!"

9. yeah, I should totally do the RTOTD - Mad Libs Style Edition one of these days.

10. *insert obligatory shot at [vegans, feminists, pretentious assbags, hipsters, people with more than 3 cats, myself, evangelical religious types, people who spend all their time working on their car or in the gym, the cast of Jersey Shore, that Beiber kid, telemarketers, people that wear their hats half off their head, anyone driving a Buick or any politician] here*

Monday, June 20, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #421

Day 421

I'm driving to work this morning and listening to the radio. Normally, I hate the radio, but sometimes I'll listen to the morning shows for some amusing stories or sports updates, but I kinda tend to change the channel every time actual music comes on. If I wanna hear music at 6am, I'll use my iPod and break my fucking ear drums on something really angry and heavy.

But so, I'm listening today and one thing caught my attention...

Scientists have apparently now perfected (or at least made commercially viable)... smell-o-vision.

Yeah. To smell what's going on on your television.

Who in the fuck thinks this is a good idea? I mean, I'm just thinking about the amount of vomiting that's going to be initiated by this oh-so-amazing enhancement of our television or movie viewing experience. Seriously... the sale of plastic bed-side garbage bag liners is going to go thru the fucking roof.

It's like instant-bulemia for us lazy fucking tv watching americans. Oh, don't be all offended... I embrace the stereotype. Fuck being all European and riding bicycles and walking everywhere and shit. And especially the french and their "let's put 1/2 an ounce of food on a plate, dribble it with some obscure tasting sauce and call it a meal" bullshit. Be a proudly fat, ugly american!

But I'm off topic.

Who in the sweet jumping chocolate christ on a crutch thinks that this is a good god damn idea?! "Hey, let's smell the dead bodies that all the actors/actresses on screen fake vomit over after catching a wiff when they're pulled out of the sewer grate after being dead for 5 days! That sounds like a great idea!" or "You know what would be awesome? If I could smell the ass-blasting power of the fart jokes in every stupid-comedy movie!"

But I do have some questions... such as the following:

Can I get a contact-buzz from watching Harold & Kumar?

Will we be able to smell all the lube, slutty perfume, excessive cologne, BO and dirty pussy in that super-low-budget amateur porn we're watching?

What in the fuck does the scene with the dead super-fat-fuck dude in Se7en smell like? And do I really wanna know?

If we gotta smell it while watching it, do the actors/actresses on screen have to smell it while actually making the show/movie?

Will we be able to sue for second-hand-smoke exposure when John Wayne is smoking in a re-mastered version of pretty much any of his movies?


Who the fuck thinks this is gonna be a good idea?

HDtv? OK. 3Dtv? Sure. If they could make tv like that girl from The Ring and that porn stars crawl out of it and hop on? Absolutely... 

Smelling my television? I'll fucking pass.

Friday, June 17, 2011

RTOTD #420.1

Day 420.1

It just dawned on me that I never gave my thoughts about this whole TNG/Burghermunch merger thing.

Let's answer the questions that I had before:

1. Does the merger require the 18-35 rule to be thrown out? Yes. If you don't throw it out, it creates a conflict between the 2 groups. Burghermunch is pretty much the main "all-inclusive" munch group for the city. There is, of course, the Burghmunch, but that's not in the city. It's close, but it's not in the city, therefore it can't be the "primary" community munch group. And as Burghermunch is the "all-inclusive" group, an exculsionary rule like that can't exist and it still remain all-inclusive. This one is pretty straight-forward.

2. Does the rule define TNG? Honestly? Yes. The name is The Next Generation. I'm not talking about TNG Pittsburgh, I'm talking about TNG as a whole. The purpose of it is for those young and new, that might otherwise feel out of place in, in some other cities, an older community, to have a peer group of those also kinky and of similar age. Without that rule, it's just another munch. Whether it is enforced is entirely up to the group leaders.
    In the sense of the local community, for the most part, there hasn't really been the NEED to enforce it for as long as I can remember locally. The older crowd has generally respected the suggestion, though as there IS a lot of crossover in friendships and relationships, and as a result, there hasn't been a need to enforce the rule. People older then the cut-off come sometimes and it's not a problem. It doesn't create a situation where the younger people really feel uncomfortable or like they're the kid in the room with a bunch of people they can't relate to.

3. If the rule isn't enforced, does it really matter if it's thrown out? Yes. Just because it hasn't needed to be enforced doesn't mean that it's unneccessary. Because as long as the rule is THERE, it can be enforced if circumstances dictate the necessity of doing so. Past-practice be damned. If the necessity arises, it's better to have it than not. As long as the rule is technically there, even unenforced, it's still there. And if the group leader, whoever it is at the time, ever felt compelled to do so, they could easily enforce it and make the group a true TNG. (I won't say "again" because honestly, I don't know if it was ever enforced.)

4. If the rule has to be thrown out for the groups to merge, can TNG still be part of the name? No. Look, whether or not the rule is enforced, it's still there. TNG is defined by the rule. If you get rid of it, it becomes just another munch group. The purpose of TNG becomes therefore unfulfilled, whether or not it's mostly attended by those in the 18-35 age range, it's still just another munch group welcome to everyone.
      That's not a bad thing to have a nother munch group open to everyone. However, it just can't be called TNG at that point. That's all I'm saying.

Now, that that's settled... the question becomes "what happens now? They've already merged and as a result, the rule MUST be thrown out. What do we need in that place for the 18-35 group?"

My answer to that? Nothing. Seriously. We don't need a TNG, by definition, in Pittsburgh. What we do need is something to fill a place though.

Threshold serves a great purpose here. But it isn't really a "gateway" group. It's a one-and-done meet-up for those that have never been to anything before. You can meet 1 or 3 people, 1 or 2 established members of the community and that's about it. It helps you get over the intial fear of actually being around other kinky people in real-time.

But then again, TNG wasn't a gateway group either.. Yeah, sure... it was for those that were mostly new, within the past few years, and most of those new people were in the 18-35 group, so it was a peer group. However, it wasn't a gateway group. It didn't mitigate the feelings of being overwhelmed or lost in the crowd the way a gateway group should. It didn't put you in a position to meet a couple other people in exactly the same boat as you to develop friendships or to learn new things very easily. OK, the mentor program is being put together for that, but it's still un-tested and not even in place yet. Hopefully it works for some of those things, but it could just as easily end up a headache and clusterfuck. (Yeah, no pressure on you @DoNotGoGently *grin* haha!)

No, a gateway group should be something between the Threshold and Burghermunch (I'm not calling it TNG/Burghermunch because I've already decided that it can't have TNG as part of the name anymore). A 6-12 month attendence hard-capped group for newbies of all ages can fill that role. You can establish friendships and maybe learn a little bit in a lower-pressure situation and still venture into the "community-at-large" (the other groups) but still have that group of newbies that you can come back to for the first 6-12 months after your first Threshold meeting.  Think of it as "Freshman Orientation".

And after that 6-12 month window for you closes, you're not allowed back. That simple. You've "graduated" out of the group.

If Threshold is the front door and Burghermunch, Burghmunch, MaST, the FemDomme group and others are the rooms in the rest of the house, a gateway group is the Foyer or lobby. Somewhere that you come in the door after being greeted and can kinda figure out where you're going from there.

I don't know exactly how the details of this would work, or who could run it without attending it (you wouldn't be allowed if you've been around for more than 12 months). But I don't care. I just think it's just a better idea than anything I've heard so far.

Random Thought of The Day #420

Day 420

It's day 420. I know you don't smoke weed, I know this; but I'm gonna get you high today, 'cause it's Friday; you ain't got no job... and you ain't got shit to do.

So go enjoy your friday, motherfuckers. And by enjoy, I mean do enough damage so that you dont' remember your own name.

That's all you get today because I don't feel like writing anything more than this today. At least right now. Knowing myself, that means that in 3 hours I'll be struck by some thought that I can't help myself but write a fucking novel about on here.

In the meantime... go back to bed, go get trashed, go play some video games... but by all means, don't do a fucking thing today when it comes to actually working.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #419

Day 419

First and foremost... Hey Vancouver??!!... Yeah... YOU!  Fuck You. Fuck your sense of entitlement and fuck your pompous "we're the best in the league and canadian and gonna win it all" bullshit. As much as I hate Bostonians (it's a beautiful city, I just hate all the people there. Because they're either Patriots fans or Red Sox fans and I want to cock slap both of those teams) and their superiority complex, I hate you motherfuckers more.

I only wish it could have been to a team other than Boston, with the exception of the following that I hate almost as much as you:
Montreal, Philly, Detroit, New Jersey

I would add Washington, but that would involve them not being a bunch of primadonna choke artists that don't have a goaltender or anything approaching defense. And we know that sure as shit ain't gonna happen.

But on to other things...

If I had a quarter for every time something went bad and I heard any variation of the phrase "Joe! Fix IT!!" (thought my favorite is still "joe, make the bad things go away") ... well... I'd probably have at least enough money to go buy some video games. Or a handful of lap dances.

So I have a friend that used to live locally but moved home, out on the other side of the state, to take care of her dad a few years back. She was seeking advice on her present relationship last night when all of a sudden, my phone starts ringing. I look down and it's my ex.

She was drunk-dialing.

Thankfully, not for a bootycall (did I just actually use that term in text? It's bad enough saying it, but it looks ultra-gay in text), because I don't know if I could have said no to her. I know that a handful of you met her when we dated last year, so you can kinda figure out WHY it would have been hard to say no, but still... No, it wasn't for a bootycall but rather to yell at me... apparently because I ruined her for dating.

I mean, I'm kinda fucking awesome. And there's definitely not another one of me in the world. The universe couldn't handle that much awesome without causing like a singularity or some shit. That much awesome would collapse under it's own weight and suck the whole solar system into it. But still...

It turned into a 2 hour conversation with her telling me to "fix it" so that we could get back together, yelling about how every guy now gets compared to me and how none of them match up while also telling me how much she hates me but still wants me but wishes she could get over me. So in essence, I apparently ruined her for dating. Lemme tell you... my ego was already the size of Texas when she called... those of you that have met her can attest... getting told that by a girl like this moves that ego into the size-of-the-former-Soviet-Union territory.

By the end of the phone call, she apologized for yelling at me, told me again how much she still hates me but doesn't and said that she felt like a 1000 times better and thanked me for making her feel better.

I really do hope she finds someone almost on my level of awesome that makes her happy. Cause as much as I want to, the variables on why it can't work now aren't changing anytime soon and we can't give it another shot. She was the one girl I could have actually seen myself going vanilla for. 13 years of knowing someone and being into them, the first 12 of which not knowing that it was mutual, can do that to you... no matter how much of a kinky fuck you are.

There's really not much I can add to this in the line of other media today... no, I'm totally not putting naked pictures of her up here... She'd fucking kill me... and that would totally not be consentual. But at least I know what she looks like naked and you fuckers can only imagine...

So here's some Deadpool talking about peanuts...