Thursday, August 13, 2009

Random Thought Of The Day #17

Day 17
I'm working on projects around the house most of this week and realized that I almost get a zen-like feelin from building stuff or fixing things. I fix stuff. That's what I do. I fix furniture. I fix walls. I fix clothing. I fix wiring. I fix paint. I fix stuff. Only recently however, I've come to the realization that I also fix people. Or maybe I am a catalyst for people to fix themselves. I break them all up, put all the pieces in some type of order, and I start re-laying a foundation. It's just what I do. And I've also realized that I do this often. Maybe I see the ideal person inside of everyone and try to bring that to the surface and construct that from the parts that are already there and with a few new parts to finish it off. Maybe it's because I don't want to or can't fix me or whatever, but it's just what I do.
What? You were expecting some kind of joke in there somewhere? Ain't expectations a bitch? Especially when people don't meet them? Yeah. I don't do too well with ungracious expectations. And you all haven't shown enough gratuity for the enlightenment I grant you in these thoughts. So bite me. You'll take what I give you and fucking like it and beg for more, minions.

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