Day 401
Welcome to the new home for ElitistFucks everywhere and the new home of the Random Thought Of The Day.
Here we are, at the end of the original countdown. It is less than shocking that it ends with me bringing back this stupid little daily blabbering. But hey, what did I say when I ended this? I'd end up bored in a month and writing again.
Plus, in about an hour and change... it's fucking Rapture time, people!! Yeah, only I could pick an arbitrary day out of thin air and start a 30 day countdown that ends on the day of 2 different parties thrown opposite one another by people that don't get along well and the mother fucking biblical Day of the Rapture. I'm just that damn good.
So as I said.... Here we are. And I have a lot to say today.
First of all, the number of people anxiously awaiting what my countdown was leading to was getting to the point of ridiculousness. It's like the minute I put fingers to keys, people tune in. And while the ego bump is appreciated (if not necessary since it's already the size of my car), you really shouldn't take me that seriously. I don't. So you shouldn't either. Most of what comes out of my fingers is less thought thru than the dump I took this morning.
That said, as this is the first one back after a little hiatus, I figure I should probably address the elephant in the room.
I know that a number of you have probably all heard rumors about me. About my past. And the beautiful thing about rumors are that they're non-specific. And with that entails a degree of innuendo. Great for avoiding a debate when you have an indefensible position. Not so much for actually winning an argument.
I know what happened in my past. I know the actual details, cause you know... I lived it. But I'm not gonna get into that here. I don't need to defend myself or explain anything. I've done that more times than I can count already and I'm just not in the mood. My friends know me. My friends know my past. But considering that I don't really have any need or desire to fight a battle over something 8 years ago, I'm not going to. There's nothing in it for me. If people with nothing better to do than go digging up dirt on people they don't like want to pick that fight, whatever floats your boat, man.
And if you really need to know the story, feel free to ask me if you see me out sometime somewhere. But you're buying the drinks for it. It's funny, sad and irritating all at the same time. And makes me need a drink or 7 every time I tell it.
But hey, dirty politics works for some people. Demonize, demonize, demonize is their way of winning an argument. I could probably go digging up dirt on the pasts of others here and I know that I'll hit gold (to a degree) on a few of my biggest detractors, but that ain't my style. You don't need innuendo and rumors to figure out a reason to dislike me. I give reasons every single day and with every sentence I utter.
However, that's not the point of trying to hold it over my head. No, it's to polarize and isolate me individually. To make anyone I'm close to need to defend their friendship with me, again, instead of discussing disagreements. It's a wonderful tool for the radicals. Because the line between a commentator and the tin-foil hat man on the corner is an audience and friends.
I've already lost a friend or 2 in over the years because of my past. And I've lost a couple of really good relationships because of it too. So needless to say, using it against me is hardly a new plan. In fact, by this point, it's kinda trite.
I've never claimed to be a saint and I'm pretty sure that if you had to pick a biblical reference for me to be embodied by, it's definitely not hanging out with Jesus. I'm an asshole, I'm am individualist, I'm an objectivist and I'm an atheist. Not exactly the traits of a saint by any stretch.
So shooting the messenger here (or rather polarizing the messenger enough so that YOU, in the peanut gallery, actually are the ones that kill him instead... THAT is the goal of that method of attacking) won't get anyone any cred for getting rid of a symbol of the opposition. I'm just a dude with a keyboard, a couple more firing neurons than those I disagree with and people that like to sometimes read my ridiculous ramblings. So congratulations... You had the same effect as a screaming child and I decided talking wasn't worth the headaches anymore for a while.
And with all that said, you all can have the "community" and your munches and causes and little back-slapping discussion groups where you feel offended about everything and I'm still the worst person in the world. I got better (and significantly more amusing) things to do with my time.
Like being an ElitistFuck.
Because... Yeah... I am better than you. And my privilege agrees.
As of the end of this sentence, any implied or formal ties that I have with the community structure, the groups that encompass it, their leadership or attendees are officially severed. I will maintain my friendships, attend private parties when invited, throw parties of my own when I feel inclined and otherwise keep doing what I've basically been doing for the past year+ now. But the munches, the group outings or events involving the Pittsburgh community will be sans me going forward.
I'm not part of that club anymore and I don't want to be.
I might just include a disclaimer at the beginning of every random though stating that "I do not speak as a representative of, or otherwise as any form of authority, implied or otherwise, with any group, group members, or organization. And every word is just my opinion. That of a guy with a keyboard and the intarwubz as my billboard.". Think that's complicated and legal-ese enough to cover everyone's asses?
"so what you're saying is, nothing's changed?"
"pretty much, yeah"
And that's the end of my acknowledgment of you people. You've gotten more attention from others by me pointing at you in the past 3 months than your rantings have ever gotten you. I'm done giving you free advertisement. Back to insignificance with you.
Now, on to more amusing things...
I'm gonna be rolling out a few little projects that I've been working on in my spare time recently (read: the 15 or 20 minutes before I started writing this) and hopefully, they'll prove useful or amusing for people.
One of which is moving this blog thing into a little more appropriate location. I'll be still writing here for a little while longer, but I am going to be taking this column/blog/corner-of-the-intarwubz off of fetlife in the future and starting a blog site elsewhere. It'll collect the previous 400-odd days in archive, but it will be the home for this as well.
And by more suitable location, I mean because this blog/column/thing (I really gotta figure out what this THING is one of these days. Seriously. Anyone wanna decide? You pick what I describe this as) has no real theme. It's not about kink. It's not about politics. It's not about music or books or art or even about what I want for lunch. But I write about all those things. So neither Facebook of FetLife are appropriate venues. And myspace is junk. So it's gotta go elsewhere.
Also, I hope for it to slowly morph into a place for others to contribute their own blogs, articles, commentary, art and even contact information for vendors and artisans in the area.
It will maintain zero connection or ties with the local community and bloggers will be able to post under pseudonyms or anonymously as well. And the comment section will allow the same rights.
Similar to the Pittsburgh kinky magazine or e-zine that was thought about before but never done. But without any connection or speaking on behalf of the community. Just somewhere where people can voice their opinions outside of the purview of any groups or leadership. (though somehow, I think this is going to end up being a distinction without a difference)
That's all I feel like talking about today.
This was probably the most self-absorbed, self-indulgent thing I've ever written and I really hope I never do it again or am placed in a position where I feel compelled to do it again.
Now I do need a beer and some cheetos
For the record, this was written originally to be posted on FetLife, but I figured "oh fuck it... I'll just post it in it's new home instead and make an announcement on fetlife of where it was going to be".