So, I met up with some awesome people for drinks last night post Rope Bite since I couldn't make it (fucking cleaning is a pain in my balls). And while there, it came to my attention that I must again evolve my persona.
First, I was the Doktor. Now, the ScienceJesus. We were thinking the next stage in my evolution should be JoeMyGod.
Come on... say it quickly. Out loud. I'll give you a few moments.
*muzak plays in the background*
Ok... tell me that wasn't kinda funny. You can thank DoNotGoGently for that one.
On a totally unrelated subject, Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple's CEO. My stock took a gigantic shit on my front sidewalk this morning. *Fuck you, Jobs.*
Now, let me preface this by saying that I LOVE apple products at this point.
But I have to ask... how the fuck did the company that used to make the Apple IIe that we all played Oregon Trail on in grade school end up becoming the couture brand of computer products?
And speaking of apple products...
I really wish I had a picture of this to post, but a good number of years ago... probably circa 1998 or so? A friend of mine and I decided to do something cool with an old-ass Mac. You remember those things, right? The kind with the huge 5" floppy drive on the front and the upgraded model with the 3+" one below that? They had the screen built into the tower. That screen was all of about 4" across. And totally square.

Now maybe turning an old console TV into a fishtank could be fun... hmmm... but I want it to be one of the kinds that have the record player on top too and the record player should totally still work.
And to play the misogynist card a little bit... if only girls actually worked like my iPhone does... is there an app for that? Cause that would be awesome.
And somehow I just managed to go from Steve Jobs to fish bowls to having a Dollhouse thought.
I am just that damn good. Maybe the JoeMyGod persona is the next step in evolution?
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