I have successfully conquered the Ukranian Death Walrus Flu & some sort of stabby back pain to return, oh faithful readers, to spewing inane crap out of your intarwubz box.
Or it could have just been a minor sinus infection from too much smoking.
The problem with being sick like that though is that I pretty much do fucking nothing but sleep & occasionally make some toast. So I become entirely lost to the world around me. So what the fuck happened in my absence?
From the look of it... a big fat steaming pile of nothing..
Honestly... only thing I can find is how fucking crazy PETA has gotten. But really? Do I even need to go on a rant about this?
Is this supposed to be a negative ad thing? Cause I'm pretty sure this is kinda hot. |
Between that fucking chicken thing & the shark attack victim billboard, well... really? I think they crossed the line back into fucking lunatic territory... again. I give up on these idiots. I want to make a place for them & all the wild animals to go live in harmony. And when they get eaten by a fucking bear because they still look & smell like food to the bear, maybe they'll start to grasp the concept of a food chain.
Ohh... bears... I kinda want a pet bear. But a Panda. The short-bus student of the bear world. Cute. Always smiling. Cuddly. Lazy as fuck. A born carnivore that eats fucking wood. Can't even get the energy to fuck. Really? If it wasn't for your reliance on human beings to survive & force you to continue existing (because you are really fucking cute), you'd have died off a century ago.
You're a bear... eat meat, you retard. |
Pretty much everything that Darwin said a species needs to do to survive, the Panda does the exact opposite.
They're like the vegans of the bear world. Or the pot heads. Wait... can eating a shitload of bamboo make you stoned? Cause if so, I'm gonna go to fucking Pier 1 when I'm off work and buy a shitload of bamboo stuff... oh... wait... that's all wicker... they're not the same thing... shit. Nevermind.
Now I want ice cream. I have no idea why or what connected to lead my brain from Pandas, vegans, Pier 1 Imports & bamboo to get to ice cream.
This is why we don't ask questions about how Joe gets from point A to point Q.
The answer is always: Wizardry.
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