Thursday, October 20, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #499

Day 499

Does anyone even actually use their Facebook account?

I mean, other than seeing which people I graduated with got fat, got ugly, had kids or got married, I NEVER use it. I don't play any games on it... I don't really care about any of the ads they have. I don't care to "like" anything on there. I rarely even look at other people's status updates. And I'm lucky if I post 2 status updates myself each month. I never link it to my Twitter or Foursquare. To be honest, it seems like just another useless social networking tool that doesn't actually network you with anyone you don't already know but haven't spoken to in a decade and it's not so much social as just another way for people to scream "pay attention to me!!"

Now, that's not to say I don't sit here every day and write shit without the expectation that people are going to pay attention to me. It's not to say that I don't enjoy watching the conversations that are brought up my rambling bullshit here. And that's not to say that this thing isn't my own form of screaming "Pay attention to me!!".

But considering that everyone I WANT to talk to, I have their phone number or e-mail address... it seems pointless for me to care about what they had for lunch & what photo they "liked" or what cause they're pushing or anything else. Mix that in with not giving a holy fuck about what these other 338 people that I used to know in highschool are doing, what their stupid kids or ugly wives are doing or thinking or any of that other crap... it seems more of a hassle than anything to maintain a facebook account.

Plus, once they got away from the "real people" thing, allowed nicknames & starting throwing the feeds of "random band X" or "random author Y" into your feed just because you read a couple of their books, it seems like it's pretty much just become MySpace version 2.0 with a news feed & games.

Maybe if I was a huge picture taking person or something. It's infinitely more useful as a cloud storage service for photos than most of the other sites like Flikr or even Instagram or Picassa or whatever. But since I've probably taken a dozen pictures that weren't for work in the past year, I don't really need it for that.

So I have to ask... is there really even a point to having one anymore? There doesn't seem to be any real reason to maintain it for me. Maybe if I played some of the games or gave a shit about some girl I kinda knew in highschool talking about how her kid was scared of the lightning last night and climbed into her bed, I could see keeping it. But at this point... I see no reason.

Ok... I think I'm done now.

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