Thursday, November 3, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #509

Day 509

Holy shit. I just saw the creepiest fucking thing ever. A robot spider. Actually, it looks like the robot spider that Apple would have made. Way too smooth with too clean of lines & curves & solid white. Like the iSpider or something.

It almost looks like a smooth white rubberized plastic version of the face-hugger things from Aliens.

Fucking creepy, smooth little bastard. Cause what the world was really really REALLY screaming for when it came to robots was Asimo's 8-legged creepy little cousin. Not sex bots. Not robot soldiers. Not Life-Model Decoys. No, what we wanted was a bigger, robot version of something that squicks out 2/3 of the population while making it look like your old MacBook grew fucking legs. That's what we want.

OK... now... I need to change the subject before I start getting paranoid that there's a bunch of these weird little fucking things running around about to pounce on me or something & then impregnate my stomach with little white robot alien spider babies.

I think I just set a new record for use of the word "creepy " in 1 post.

La la la la la la la la

Ok... maybe that helped

Intarwubz box, find me something more interesting to get my mind off of that!

Oh... hey look... it complied with my request.

Looks like another Fetish 101 party going to happen. And I guess all you fucking people got your way & it's non-smoking now. Boo... I'll pass now.

Oh, and there's a cover charge now too? Eh, only $15 and it gives you a drink ticket too. So that makes up for about $5 of it. Not bad. Not great, but not bad. Considering that they're making some serious bank off the drink sales, I'd consider throwing on a cover charge some serious double-dipping, but whatever.

It's just nice to see someone doing something, even if it's something I have no interest in. We'll be throwing the December play party the following weekend anyway (most likely. I think. I need to check schedules) so it's not like I'm gonna be missing much even with this one going on. But regular parties being thrown in public places are good. It's good for growing the scene. It's good for changing the chemistry of the people attending. It's good for business. It's good for a lot of things.

So there's your free advertising to a decent chunk of the community, people running it.

Too bad it's non-smoking. I might have even gone if it wasn't.

And you made progress in the spell check department this time. Even if it still would give Microsoft Word an an aneurysm from trying to get it to resemble proper grammar.

Ok... here's some entirely unrelated Deadpool.

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