Thursday, November 10, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #514

Day 514

I'd like to start off by wishing a happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps. Happy 236th Birthday. Semper Fi.

And a belated public birthday wish to DC. You're kind of an awesome chick.

And on an entirely different topic...

You know... what the fuck happened to jouralism? Not like... being entirely objective or anything like that. That has always been a myth that the media has propogated to the general public. They're no more objective than my fucking dog. They like the people that feed them, bite the people that kick them & bark at the people they don't know.

The new world has all but killed print media. The personal virus that we all have been unleashing has made Matt Drudge & Ariana Huffington a shitload of money & turned them into go-to sources for news. But at least they're MOSTLY honest that they're not objective. So the intarwubz is now the home for news.

Dan Rather might as well be the god damned crypt keeper at this point. He's a fossil. Nobody gives a fuck where Matt Lauer is either. 24 hour news cycles turn everything other than the local news into irrelevent time-slot-fitting tv that nobody but my 87 year old grandma watches. And the only thing they do is devote 20 minutes to a story instead of the 10 that goes to it on Fox News or MSNBC or CNN.

No. Twitter & Facebook & some random dude's blog or some chick's Instagram accounts are the new news sources. Blogs have replaced newspapers. Everyone has their own voice that has long ago replaced the Editorial section of the newspaper. That was the Blog for the "journalistic elite"... in other words, the ones that sucked enough dick to get a slot in a paper.

But what did the old media have that we're sorely lacking in the new media?


Hell, fucking spell check & grammar check is all I'm asking for at this point.

But what we really need is the guy that would read thru something BEFORE it went to publication... digital or print... whatever... doesn't matter. But they'd read it over & say "holy shit dude, did your write this in fucking Notepad or something? Was MS Word too difficult to use? Did you lose the Spell Check & Grammar Check button? WTF?".

I mean... reading half of the "news" stories on the intarwubs now, I don't know if it's intentional or not, but a lot of the time, my 4th grade English teacher would have beat me to death with my English book for fucking up the language as bad as these self-styled "journalists" do anymore.

Maybe it's intentional... make it read like a spastic 9 year old wrote it while gushing about... well... whatever the hell 9 year olds have their own little squee-sessions about... and fuck up the grammar so that they don't look like they're "establishment" sources. They're the "new media".

No... you're not. You write for a news source. It's just a news source that otherwise wouldn't make any fucking money if it had to pay for something more than their FiOS Business network connection. Mostly cause your articles take 15 seconds to read & are nothing more than "look at this cool thing" and not even anything funny to say about said cool thing.

Oh fuck it... just another example of how things are going to hell.

The world would be better if there was a real Deadpool walking around... oh wait, there is. He's totally gonna fix this shit.

In fact.. I love you all so much that you get Double The Deadpool today!!

See. Deadpool fixes everything fucked up that happens. Even movies with fake version of himself in it.

Cause he's that awesome.

And tomorrow... a special feature... It's going to be National Deadpool Day!

I just made it up. A day entirely dedicated to Deadpool.

It's one of 2 national holidays I'm totally enacting when I take over the world. That... and my Birthday. But Deadpool Day is going to be bigger & awesomer & we're going to take a page from Deadpool & break the 4th wall back to our fiction.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sacrilege!! Deadpool is the definition of awesome. And crazy. And awesome because he's crazy!
