I'm pretty sure it took me like 2 years to figure out who the fuck that gaga chick was.
I'm was significantly happier when I didn't know who that gaga chick was. Or that human glitter machine that writes her name with a $ in it.
I should start writing my name with some kind of special character in it. Maybe the "o"'s can be boobs... and we can dot the middle to make them nipples. Doktor... with boobs... hmmm... yeah... that doesn't work.
Fuck you, Kesha! I can do it 3 times. And I don't look like a herpes epidemic waiting to happen.
But back on topic...
I have no idea who some of these celebrities are anymore. Or these shows that they're apparently famous for being on. WTF is the Hills? I vaguely rememeber something about Housewives, but I thought that was the show with the chick that used to be on that Superman tv show like 15 years ago. And who the fuck is this fake titted blonde chick hanging all over the dude that played Horace on LOST that is all over the damn intarwubz??
I'm not even going to bother finding out. It's the Hilton sisters effect again. People that are famous for being.. I don't know... famous? Like, they haven't done anything. They're kinda hot. And they're just always out somewhere getting their picture taken. But they aren't even actresses or musicians or artists or anything. They're just random hot girl that apparently complains a lot... and according to the random news thing I just read, don't look all that great without makeup.
I give up. This is the reason I avoid celebrity related crap.
Deadpool is a better celebrity. And he's not even real!
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