I still can't believe I've been writing this thing for 2 1/2 years now. Do I have the highest number of writings on this stupid site yet? Not the actual blog site... I mean Fet.
There's days like today that I wonder if I'm just an idiot shouting in the darkness about irrelevant shit or if there's an actual reason for this thing.
I mean... I know I'm just blabbering about nothing here half the time. I connect 2 or 3 distinctly different topics that 99% of the planet couldn't give a fuck about, throw in some pictures, manage to tie it into Deadpool somehow & call it a day. But days like today, I'd almost like for it to be dedicated to something. For it to have an actual purpose other than my inane rantings & occasional pokes at feminists, vegans & other crazy cause-heads.
But some days, I'm so devoid of inspiration that I almost wish that this was some kind of journal or topical blog on politics or science or cooking or whatever. Otherwise, it's just a blog about nothing. And what's the point of reading about nothing? That would make it the Seinfeld of blogs. But... You know.... Occasionally funny. Unlike that god awful show.
No.... I'd like to have a standby topic to go to when I have no inspiration for one of my ranting diatribes. Like a standing Plan-B for blogs. Something I can always talk about to an extend.
Or is this my standard plan-b? Some sort of naval-gazing quest for meaning or some lame metaphor for searching for direction in life?
That's not me, is it? Seriously... Cause if it is, I'd like to punch me. I'm not a fan of those people obsessed with their "journey in life". I kinda wanna hit them. I know that life is gonna be a fucking rollercoaster. And I already talk about myself too damn much.
No... I want sort of op-ed type thing I can write on a fairly regular basis. I've written a little about music or movies or tv with pretty much no reaction. So here's what I'm asking...
Give me a topic I can write about somewhat regularly. We're pushing close to a new year & I'd like to give this thing a little bit of direction. What do you suggest? Fuck... I mean... what do you people respond to most? Throw a brother a bone, kids!
I can only talk about my appreciation for girls that look or act like or are sluts or strippers or whatever so much before it gets repetitive.
Hell, anytime you come across something amusing that you would like to hear my thoughts on, just forward it to me too.
In the meantime, I'm gonna just stumble around & search for inspiration to write something here every day until I find that direction.
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