Friday, January 6, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #544

Day 544

You know what we need more of? TV shows on actual history and educational channels about aliens. Because... we don't have enough of those.

Fucking REALLY??
 Now that I think about it... who the fuck does the programming for these channels?

Planet Green network has half of their shows about fucking ghosts and haunted shit. I don't know the last time I flipped that channel on and saw something about nature.

The History Channel has about a dozen shows about "ancient alien astronauts" visiting earth, Area 51, nostradamus and about everything else that is as far from actual history as possible.

Same with The Learning Channel. And I'm pretty sure I saw some of this shit on Discovery too.

That's more like it! Needs More Tin Foil!!!!
 Don't get me wrong. I love me some wacky alien conspiracy theory nutjobs. The Area 51 freaks are great as well. I'm a little bummed that none of them have actually been on TV yet wearing their tin-foil hats, but still. I love it. They're great fun for letting your brain go off on fantastical tangents for no apparent reason. And they're my replacement for the last decade of no X-Files on tv and one bad movie that had nothing to do with aliens... fuck you, werewolves and bigfoot and crazy pedophile priests and shit. I want some little grey men!

I just don't know why in the chocolate christ these guys are all on channels that are supposed to be educational but they still don't belong on History or Discovery or TLC. Granted... Pawn Stars, Storage Wars and Hoarders don't belong on their either... but still. At least that shit is REAL... with physical proof & all that.

Just look at this guy... fucking... REALLY? He gets paid?
 No... these alien nuts sit there on my television box for an hour and spout off about "hey, I saw this light one time at this place and there wasn't a plane around that I could see... and it looked like it was floating" and expect that to be proof of something?

And while I'm at it... how the fuck do you become an expert in ancient alien astronauts? Or extra-terrestrials in general? Cause that seems like a pretty cool gig. Just make up bullshit strawman arguments about conspiracies and try to tie little bits of nothingness from history into a big elaborate story.. and get paid for it? GAME. ON. How can I become an expert in something that has no proof?

Then again... I guess there's experts on god... and that's a fictional character too.

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