Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #551

Day 551

Burger King is going to start delivering.


Now, if I can only get Wendy's & Taco Bell (And maybe KFC) to get on board, I'll be geeked.

And this would be Wave #1 of the Delivery Wars.

Wave #2? Cigarettes & Liquor & Beer.

And the final one? Wave #3? Gasoline.

I won't even NEED number 3 because I'll never go anywhere. And it'll be awesome.

Is there any way we can add delivery strippers? Cause that would be tits, man. TITS, I say!

Everything needs to be delivery. Delivery burgers & fries. Delivery fried chicken. Delivery booze. Delivery smokes. Delivery strippers. Delivery video games. Delivery movies.

Actually... let me re-phrase that... Anything that will lead to probably dying from being wildly unhealthy & never leaving the house, stopping drinking, sleeping normally or smoking like a chimney...

All of THAT stuff needs to be delivery.

Cause we need to find ways for everyone to die faster.

1 comment:

  1. yeah ... I think we all have a bit of that recluse wannabe inside.
