Weird... past couple days, it almost feels like we fucking time traveled back to a year ago. Except this time, I don't care.
Maybe I have finally found a way to make the wonderful power of alcohol let me travel backwards. I've been trying to figure that trick out for years now. Looks like I got drunk enough last weekend at HATE that I figured it out.
As I've said before... Some people like to call it "blacking out", but I prefer to call it "time travelling". Except, before now... I've never found a way to harness the wonderful powers of alcohol to travel backwards.
Problem fucking solved. Not enough alcohol in all previous experiments. YAY SCIENCE!
It's strange though. When things feel like history repeating itself, the more times things happen, the less of an impact it really seems to have. I know that, at least personally, the feeling of "didn't we just get done dealing with this bullshit?" seems to have overpowered my ability to give a fuck. In fact, other than minor annoyance at feeling like this is just deja vu, it's just boring for me to see the same shit happen over and over.
But then again, doesn't it feel like the last few years are just rehashing of shit that sucked the first 17 times it was tried? Outside of having a non-white President for the first time... the world seems to be stuck on this endless fucking loop of repeating stupid ideas. Tax the rich, don't tax the rich, spend money, don't spend money, the economy sucks, the economy is great, "yay Marx", "yay Smith", leggings are pants, leggings are fucking stupid, pastel colors are cool, pastel colors suck, Apple rules, PC rules, global warming, another ice age, gas is fucking crazy expensive, gas is reasonable, the Euro sucks, the Dollar sucks, americans work too much, americans are lazy... it's been one or the other. And it's lost its effect... at least on me. Am I alone here?
The Occupy idiots? They're just trying to do their worst impression of the sit-in protest crowd from the 60's. And somehow making it even dirtier and smellier. So props for that, kids.
Can we like... skip forward? or are we just living on a record player and the fucking record keeps skipping? Did we all fall into a bad remake of Groundhog Day? Or just me? Wait a fucking second... I'm blaming that god damned smoke monster from LOST. It's gotta have something to do with that.
If not... then... FUCK... just try to be at least a little bit creative. Stop straight up copying someone elses shit. Try something original. Do something different. If you're going to try to do something to make a spectacle, at least try to make it original.

But hey, at least I did get my little dose of seeing some crazy recently. And that was fun.
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