Here's a quick hit bunch of thoughts today rather than a long rambling post on 3 or 4 topics that I manage to connect with Deadpool or something equally pointless:
1. You know what would be an awesome costume for the Furry convention?
And if you can't figure out WHY that would be an awesome costume... well... I just have no hope for you.
2. The NHL Trade Deadline was horribly disappointing yesterday. There's nothing really funny here. It just kinda was.
3. While re-watching the original cartoon G.I. Joe movie the other night with DoNotGoGently, we realized how many of the characters in that cartoon were totally stereotypes of Leatherman fantasies. Especially fucking Gung-Ho. Dude was a walking Leather-man's fantasy. Seriously... go check out some of the pictures of the old 80's cartoon GI Joe characters... wow... I don't think I ever realized it until now.
4. While I'm at it, all you fuckers better be doing SOMETHING to support DoNotGoGently while she runs for IMsL. She is looking for donations for the auction baskets that the competitors put together. So come on, people. Give up some schwag for her. With all the shit she's done voluntarily and time she's donated to organizing shit locally and around the country, it's the least you can do.
I mean... she even asked nice and said pretty please!
I don't ask nearly as nicely. I demand, fuckers.
So donate... or I'll track you down and gut you in your sleep. Or just beat you with a sock full of nickels. Or something.
Wait... some of you might like that. You know what I mean.
5. And back on the topic of GI Joe... Dude... my man-crush on the Rock and my love of comic book movies and 80's toy nostalgia makes me NEED to see the 2nd GI Joe movie that's coming out. Yes... I admit a man-crush on the Rock. Shut it.
And there's even more awesome ninja shit in this movie. I mean... mountain climbing ninjas? D.O.N.E. Come one... that's just awesome. But really... I know we train a lot of soldiers to be good at hand-to-hand combat... but we really need more ninjas in military service. While wearing all kinds of ninja armor shit.
6. Apparently I am on an cartoon & toys nostalgia kick recently. I guess it was only a matter of time before I reverted mentally to being 8 again.
Ok... I think that's it for today.
So the lesson today?
You need to support my wildly hot, deserving, and generally awesome girl for IMsL. And give her all the help she asks for. Seriously. I'll track you down if you don't.
And I have a man-crush on the Rock. Use that however you want.
Who doesn't love ROCK? I mean really ... what is NOT to crush?
ReplyDeleteI must be under a rock somedays, didn't know she needed shit ... I will give, whatever she wants! (and yes ... you can go think on that if you like).