Day 619
We're hitting all the good-old topics again for the spring.
So far we've had the topics of "dungeon/Steel Sanctuary", "assault/consent", "nut job cause-heads", "predators", "outing people", and now we're on "restricted membership groups/exclusive groups"..
Fucking christ. I guess the spring really IS all about renewal and starting over, because we're just talking about the exact same shit that we were a year ago.
Bear in mind, I'm not saying that those topics are necessarily invalid, but I think that 99% of everything that COULD be said on any of those topics.. well... HAS. So can't we just archive the existing conversations and just re-post the whole god damn conversation again around this time next year? You know, for the newbies or for the people that only come out of their holes in the spring, cause shit, and then disappear once they've caused sufficient bullshit.
Because if we do that... just repost the old shit instead of having the same conversation again in the spring next year.. then maybe, just maybe... WE CAN FIND ANOTHER GOD DAMN TOPIC!
Right now, we're in conversational recycling mode. And I think a lot of us will agree that it's become redundant, tedious, irritating, and just generally boring. Or maybe we're just all suffering early-onset kink alzheimers?
"you know, you look like my nephew Billy"
"I am your nephew Billy"
"You look like my nephew Billy"
It's like being in school again and knowing that every wednesday is taco do, every monday is hamburgers, and every friday is pizza or whatever. It gets old really god damn quick.
Can't we have a conversation about something actually interesting? Maybe about how awesome my dog is. Or I guess we could even talk about slightly more useful things like... on where are good places to play outdoors, maybe putting together a low-key camping event seperate from the Woodstocks drama, discussions on rope that go tangentally to Rope Bite, maybe even discussions on actual... you know... KINK... and not on some bullshit politics crap or authority issues or anything else that has to do with "community".
Now that I mention that though, it almost feels like all the discussion ABOUT "community" recently is about as productive as 2 people talking incessantly about their "relationship". Both seem to just fuck shit up more instead of just enjoying what you enjoy, having fun, and letting the "relationship" (or in this case, "community") take care of itself.
Or maybe I'm just getting too damn old for this "lather, rinse, and re-fucking-peat" bullshit.
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