Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #623

Day 623

So we all remember the SOPA and PIPA thing from a few months back, right? Well... we all got loud and yelled a lot and called representatives and all that fun stuff, and then it died.

Well... now we have CISPA. And something that Leiberman is sponsoring as well.

See why I hate politicians? We scream about how much we don't want something and they say "oh, ok... we won't give you that" and then in the fine-print of their reply, it says "so we'll give you something different that is exactly the same but won't be that thing but in all reality, will end up being identical to that thing but just won't be that one thing that you said you didn't want.".  Because they're all fucking lawyers and even their spoken words have fine print. They actually all have those fast-talker people from the bank commercials that follow them around and have been specially trained to do the fast talking thing while whispering.


They hired the whipser people from the LOST island and then bred them wit hthe fast-talker people from bank commercials and you have fast-talking whispering people.

Or maybe it was the Micro Machines guy. That guy was awesome. Or am I the only one that remembers him?

I don't know which is creepier.

But I'm voting for the fucking douchebags that keep just trying to pretty much kill the god damn internet with their copyright crap, sucking on the bits of the MPAA and the RIAA (you do know the guy that presently runs the MPAA is the same guy that gave us the Countrywide Mortgage fiasco and is pretty much one of the chief architects of the banking system rules of the past 15 or 20 years, right? Yeah... Chris Dodd... the former Senator) because they're all in bed together. Like a rock star/movie star/politican orgy. Except that the politician actually gets some ass that's not a chubby girl in a stupid hat. Actually... it's more like the rock star, the movie star, and the politician are teaming up to get the Internet airtight. Like an gangbanging the internet.

But yeah... so start screaming about CISPA now. Cause that's the next one. And it's even more awesome than the others. Cause not only does it pretty much allow everything to be taken down whenever someone feels like it and lets everyone sue everyone, but also makes it easier for Uncle Sam to watch/listen to everything you're doing on your intarwubz box machine.

Because these assholes don't have anything better to do than find a way to fuck with us normal people that want to watch some stupid cat videos, idiots dancing like idiots to bad pop songs, and post some Deadpool on a blog that he's not getting paid for...

Seriously... someone wanna pay me? I'll even start pandering. It'll be great. I'm not that different than a trained monkey already. But I can be YOUR trained monkey for only 3 installments of $19.95 plus shipping and handling.

What can I say? I'm a cheap whore.

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