Day 667
I've been on an EDM kick recently. Electronic Dance Music, to clarify. I don't know if there's anything else that EDM stands for other than the abbreviation for the Edmonton airport. And that would just be strange. Who gets on a kick for Edmonton? 80's Hockey enthusiasts? I mean, I know Gretzky, Kurri, Fuhr, Coffey, and Messier all being on the same team at the same time is pretty fucking wild to think about in this modern age, but I don't know if anyone would be fanatical about it like 25 or 30 years later. That would be a little excessive.
Sorry... tangent.
But yeah. I've pretty much haven't paid attention to any DJs in about 5 or 10 years now. And I've been really feeling that pull.
It's strange. I dont' really dance. Don't get me wrong, I can dance like a motherfucker and I got rhythm like nobodies business. I just don't dance. It takes a really special kinda drunk to get me to dance. I might groove to something while I'm playing pong or tying someone up or talking to people or grilling food or something. But I don't really dance.
And when I DO dance, I'm not much for dancing to hip-hop and I fucking HATE pop. Pop just sucks. I avoid dancing to hip-hop most of the time because you inevitably end up looking like a douchebag at some point when dancing to hip-hop. I mean... look at pretty much every metro Guido fucktard on the planet. The guy who owns the patent on the floating neon signs with the arrows pointing at the asshat underneath while flashing "DOUCHE NOZZLE" every 2 seconds... that guy is probably making a killing.
Wait... what do you mean those aren't a real thing? Are you sure? Because ask anyone and they will swear that they saw it over the head of every person to ever appear on an episode of Jersey Shore and every splooge stain that still wears a visor or gets in a tanning booth. I challenge you to prove me that they aren't a real thing. Because I know I've seen them a billion times.
Consensus reality.
Wow. I really got off subject again. Fucking tangents, yo.
So yeah. I don't really like dancing to hip-hop, even when I'm special drunk. And I just hate pop music in general, much less wanting to dance to it.
But there's always been something different about being trashed and dancing to electronic music. I don't know why. Maybe because when I was doing it in my teens and early 20's, I was out of my god damned mind on pills, pot, and alcohol. Often at the same time. My heart, liver, and kidneys will never forgive me for the beating it put on them for those 5-10 years. I just feel a helluva lot more comfortable grooving and dancing to electronic music than pop or hip-hop. Maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's just that electronic dance chicks somehow manage to wear even LESS clothing and look more slutty than even hip-hop club chicks. Though they're often not as hot. Or as bimbo-ish.
Cost/benefit analysis. Heh... I said anal.
Now, it may just be a fondness for that time, but I've been really reconnecting with and vibing on a lot of electronic dance music in the past few months. More and more, it seems, almost every day. Like... to the point where I actually contemplated playing with old turntables again. Until I realized that I sold my gear like 9 years ago and have no god damn clue how to spin on my laptop with mp3's.
Music is weird like that for me. I might drift around in my tastes, but I always come back to a lot of the same stuff. Industrial influenced Metal, Punk, some Ska, laid-back hip-hop, gangsta rap, and a lot of different house/trance/grime/etc stuff. It's always comforting. Even with new stuff out there.
Or maybe modern rock just does suck.
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