Thursday, July 26, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #673

Day 673

@ElitistFucks munch tonight.  7:00 at Dunnings.

Seriously... someone else can call one of these and make the post in the future. I don't run this shit. I'll just throw it on Twitter once someone else decides "hey, we're totally having a munch like... tomorrow" and call it a day, ok?

That's the end of my announce-y-ness for the day. Unless I win the lottery or someone just decides to pull up to my house with a dumptruck full of cash. I'll totally announce the shit out of that. Cause who the fuck does that happen to? See?

And that's also the end of my things to talk about today.

Actually... no. I feel compelled to talk about this stupid Chick-Fil-A thing that everyone is in such a fucking uproar about.

Ok. Dude that runs it doesn't agree with gay marriage. I get it. I don't agree with him. I mean, that's kind of a dick move, right? Totally agree there.  I've always been in support of everyone's right to marry whoever the fuck they want. Know why? Cause it doesn't affect me. And I'm all for equal-opportunity marital misery.

Wanna marry a squirrel? Ok... maybe not a squirrel. That would be weird. And they can't really consent at all. Plus... oh god... I just had the worst shiver/wretch from even the first hint of a mental image and I kinda wanna forget about ever even writing those words down. Fuck.

But want to marry someone of your own gender? Awesome.

Wanna marry someone of the opposite gender? Great. We kinda need the re-population it often leads to. Just don't ask me to be part of it. Unless you're paying me for my genetic material and don't expect anything from me later.

Want to marry a half-dozen people of one or both genders? Cool.

Wanna marry family members? Ok, now that's kinda crossing the line, but if you're adults and it started after you were adults, I guess I can't really argue. But don't expect us to take care of your 3-eyed, hermaphroditic, Egor-looking, half-witted Satan spawn because of the lack of genetic diversity that comes with your family tree not having any branches and looking like a broom stuck in the dirt.

Want to marry your car? Well... you kinda can't, cause a car isn't a person. But some cars are kinda fucking sexy. And I think I'd still fuck an Acura NSX. That car is kind of my white whale. I will own one... one day. Somehow.

Wanna marry... well, I can't really think of any other combination of consenting adults that could marry other than same gender, opposite gender and multiple people, so I guess there's not really anything else that can be said there.

But you get my point. Marry whoever the fuck you want. I never understood otherwise. But I also realize that other people feel compelled to butt into the lives of everyone else. And some of those are the people that are douchenozzles that disagree with what I said above and start thumping their bibles or whatever.

This is one of those cases. Some douche with a big mouth that doesn't think you should have the right to choose who you marry. I mean... first of all, should we even be surprised that the company that doesn't even open on Sundays for religious reasons ends up having an issue with gay marriage. They are so religious that they won't operate their for-profit business on a particular day because the BIBLE SAYS THEY SHOULDN'T WORK THAT DAY. And we're fucking shocked that the guy doesn't agree with gay marriage?

Shouldn't we have chalked this up in the same category as when scientists say that the sun gives off light and heat? Or when we stick our hand in water and find out it's wet? Maybe more along the lines of "unprotected sex can lead to unwanted transmission of disease, infection, or genetic material leading to pregnancy"? Maybe?

But you know what? Who the fuck cares? He's slinging chicken nuggets. He doesn't actually have the authority for his opinion to matter. He's an ass. But that's it. And if you don't wanna support a company that holds a public sentiment like that, awesome. There's better chicken out there. And their fucking waffle fries suck. So don't go there.

What I DO have an issue with is the attempts to ban the opening of new stores and trying to get them kicked out of cities. Chicago is trying to kick the whole company out of the city. Boston is trying to as well.

Want to boycott? Awesome. Want to protest? Great. Have fun. Know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna keep not giving a fuck and eating elsewhere.

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