Friday, August 3, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #678

Day 678

I've decided that the @ElitistFucks needs something... different. Something that really distinguishes itself from the other groups. More so than just having virtually everyone that comes to the munches made into a leader (unless you're a total jackwagon. then you're just blocked) when we remember to do it. Fuck having a set leader or owner or anything like that...

More than being just the last bastion of common sense and being an adult in the Pittsburgh community. What? Yes, I am looking at ALL of you other groups (minus RopeBite... cause all they're there for is Rope) and saying that you've lost your common sense & you're pretty much made up of petulant children throwing temper tantrums all the time. You expected me to NOT throw every other group under the bus? Ha... you forgot who I was.

But that's besides the point I was getting to here. We need something to really distinguish ourselves as why we're better than everyone else. And I got the idea from the Leather community, to an extent.

We need a motherfucking World Title Belt. Yes. We need a belt. A belt that'll transfer from person to person. Based on doing something fucking AWESOME. Someone might win it by beating someone else at Pong this week. Someone else might do a bad-ass rigging job the next week and win it off that person. And they might lose when doing some grappling with someone else the following night and drop the strap to them. A transferring game of oneupsmanship for the right to throw that title belt over your shoulder and hold it over your head when you walk into a room and proclaim "The Champ Is Here! The Champ Is Here!" everywhere you go.

It's for whoever has done the most awesome thing recently.

Although... maybe the Beer Pong champs should get the Tag Team title belt. Cause we play teams and swap back & forth.

Or maybe we save the Tag Team title belt for tag-teaming some girl? She gets to pick the winner after having been spit-roasted by both teams? Or maybe a dude will pick the winner after getting Delta'd by 2 sets of 2 girls? Hmmm... This could be an interesting idea!

Anyone got an idea here? I think we really need a title belt though. Because we're NOT leather, we can't do the leather sash thing (seriously... what's that thing called? I'm not being a dick. I just don't know what that thing that drapes over your shoulders is called.) cause that would be kind of insulting. But we are kinda like the non-Leather Leather, if that makes sense? So we need some sort of title ourselves and what is more appropriate than a wrestling/UFC/boxing-style title belt?

Now I just need to find a place to get a title belt made..

Or maybe I can just go and find a copy of the old-school Million Dollar Championship.

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