Monday, August 13, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #685

Day 685

I know that many of you have already seen it. Some of you might not have.

The @ElitistFucks group is no longer the @ElitistFucks group. It has evolved. It's now known as the UnMunch.

The original idea ran its course. It outgrew what it was intended as. I think I've previously covered what it was intended as enough that I won't rehash it now.

The thing is, the group dynamic and purpose evolved. It had been changing for months. In the span of a year and a half, it changed from being 3 guys in a bar that needed a drink into between 20 and 30 people in a bar. It wasn't for the disenchanted anymore. Well, not in the same way. The number of disenchanted had grown. There were more that just said "oh fuck everyone, we just wanna have a few drinks and some good conversation about something fun and not about the outrage of the week". It went from being an escape into an alternative. A growing counter-community. Not so much in the opposition to the existing one, but just as a new one that was an alternative. Almost something running parallel.

The name kinda says it all. UnMunch. Because we do shit at a bar. It was based on drinking, not food. And calling it a Drunk would have been confusing. We experimented for a couple days early on with trying different terms for a gathering, but then got distracted and stopped caring about that question.

When it was small, it could be legitimately called Elitist. Because 3 or 5 people sitting around saying "we're better than them for X, Y, and Z reasons" and owning all of the criticisms thrown at us on a personal level by some people could make us Elitist. However, it wasn't just 3 or 4 or whatever people in a bar anymore.

I don't know if that makes a fuck bit of sense at all or if it's even an accurate representation of my thoughts on it. But it doesn't matter.

In the end, the name needed to change. It didn't fit anymore. There was less irreverance. There was less beligerance. It ceased being the big middle finger to the petty bullshit on the way out the door and became an alternative where people would come to take a breather without necessarily being the escape hatch to go entirely off the reservation.

And so, some of us got together last Friday and made the call. Nothing really changes. The few rules that there were don't change. Just be an adult. Just leave your bullshit and baggage at the door. Anyone wants to call for a munch, you call for it. You pick the place. If you ask me to do it, I'll pick the place and I guarantee it'll be within damn-near walking distance from my house so I don't have to go anywhere. Because I'm a lazy fuck like that.

I guess I just look forward to seeing what this thing evolves into now.

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