I'm not going to try to put together some witty 1000 words on this topic. I'm just going to say one thing about it:
People that have nothing but random funny pictures or stolen pictures of pretty girls (or ugly girls) or cat memes or whathefuckever... What's up with that?
Seriously. You're not showing your personality. You're showing your Flickr slideshow of random bullshit that makes you giggle.
Oh, right... who am I to talk about people having pictures that aren't of themself on their profile? All I have is a couple shitty or artsy shots (depending on who you ask) of a face that you can barely see. And the majority of the rest are remixed art from someone else. The thing is... they are all related to who I am. They really DO have a thing with my personality. Except for the slip n slide. That's just random. We had a slip n slide at a party. It was funny and kinda awesome. When was the last play party you went to that had a motherfucking slip n slide? Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm better than you.
And I guess the reciept was just to prove the point of the @ElitistFucks being better drinkers than everyone else.
I'm just tired of looking at profiles filled with "oh look, 350 pictures on their profile. And 347 of them are a mixture of random porn & cat pictures and the other 3 are from 14 years ago. Great."
So can we stop that? Really? I kinda wish FL would go back to the old policy of only pictures of you or taken by you. And kinda cracked down on the blatantly stolen pictures. Because if I want to inundate you with porn, all I have to do is make a RTOTD with just "and here's a bunch of porn" at the end.
Even if it means I would have to take down my remixed art.
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