I have a few topics that I'd really like to write something about, but every time I try to put my fingers to the keyboard, I get about 2 sentences in and hate the topic again. I don't know why. I can normally just use my lyrical wizardry and throw together a few hundred or thousand words together on a whim.
But I've found that these 2 or 3 topics have been giving me problems to actually get something out. And one thing I've learned is "don't force it. It doesn't work. The result ends up sucking". So I don't. I don't write about this thing or that because I really can't get any train of thought going, much less waiting for it to get derailed.

1. Thoughts on dating. It's been done to death by other people. I have mentioned it once or twice, but I haven't put together any terribly detailed thoughts on it. I've been contemplating the idea of starting to look for something that has the potential for being serious, but I can't quite put into words the parts of it that I dread as well. Mostly the cesspool that I don't feel like wading back into when you jump back into the dating pool.
2. The Occupy idiots showing back up again yesterday and trying to figure out if they've figured out what they're actually yelling about yet.
3. How sick I am of going onto K&P and needing to actually look at the other pictures by someone before I am willing to "Love" it, because I refuse to give "LOVE" to pictures that are just stolen bullshit by some guy that posts 2000 pictues of "girls I think are hot". It's obnoxious. And I think that it's a stance that more people should take. Hey, I might love a picture, but if it's just someone you think is cool, but didn't make or remix (and removing the credit and saying "well, I edited it, so now it's cooler, so it's mine" isn't remixing) or isn't of you or anything... that's just your fap material. So while hey, that's great that you want to show your fap material off to the world, there's a website out there specifically for that... it's called ImageFap. Go make a gallery there. But leave it the fuck off Fet.

5. Vote Bailey 2012. He will be the greatest President of our generation. Fuck President Dumbo and fuck the T-888 Prototype running on the other side. Bailey for President, bitches! I mean... he wouldn't even need Secret Service protection. Who's going to take a shot at a dog? Especially a cute one that just wants you to pet him.
Well... maybe a cat person. But fuck cat people. They shouldn't be allowed to vote. Cats are a sign that you have given up. I mean... really... it's a sign of the type of person you are. Cats hate the people that feed them and yet expect you to cater to them all the fucking time? I guess it shouldn't be a shock. That's how most of the humans are anymore. Ungrateful fucks.
So vote for Bailey. Because you should vote for the one candidate that will appreciate you.
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