Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dude, That's Racist! - RTOTD #760

Day 760

So... the Walking Dead. I love that show. It's great. It's just different enough from the comics that I don't feel like "I've already seen this" every week, but there's just enough fan-service in it to say "Yes, Robert Kirkman gets to do Walking Dead Earth 2 by producing the TV show".

But the thing that I can't stand is how they've treated the black characters in this show.

With the exception of Morgan in the Pilot, none of the black characters have been even marginally fleshed out. That's bullshit. T-Dog was on that show for 2 1/2 seasons and you didn't know a damn thing about the guy other than his only real weakness is rusted out cars. He got about 10 lines of dialogue during ALL of Season 2 (after actually getting dialogue in season 1) and then when he started talking again in Season 3, they fucking killed the guy.

And while that's bad enough, the one thing that I really can't stand is that the producers seem to have a "1 black guy at a time" quota for the show. Seriously.

"Oh, 3 new black guys shows up? Gotta kill 2 of them!"

"Last new black guy survives? Gotta kill T-Dog..."

2 weeks later...

"Tyrese showing up in the woods with a new group of survivors?... gotta kill that replacement T-Dog, whose name you barely even remember (did they even say it?) so Tyrese can be here! ONLY 1 BLACK GUY AT A TIME!"

That there are presently 2 black women scares me. Looks like Tyrese's woman ain't long for the world! Cause I think the fans would flip if they killed Michonne.

Not quite on THIS level that they are with Daryl, but still!
Motherfuckers... this is in GEORGIA. There are black people there. It's OK to have more than 1 or 2 on the damn show at once!


  1. Come on Joe for fucks sake SciFi has always hated black people and its the 21rst century. We've been waiting for three seasons to hear T-dog's story and he gets gobbled up. Yum yum those walkers enjoyed some prime T-bones.

    1. Well yeah, I think that's kind of a given. But still... doesn't mean it can't still be a gripe. I think someone alse called it the Highlander Principle. There Can Be Only One!
