Thursday, January 31, 2013

Old School - RTOTD #784

Day 784

I get a lot of nostalgia. This is no shock to anyone. Nor should it be...

But since I was a kid, I always wanted an arcade game in my house. Like a full cabinet unit. I kinda wanted the X-Men game. Or the original TMNT game. Or maybe even Street Fighter Alpha II. They were just ungodly expensive. At least in my frame of reference.

Now I'm an adult. Now I own my own house. Now I can do whatever the fuck I want & can afford to do.

I have started putting together the list of shit that I've always wanted to have in my house. And sooner or later, it's going to be here.

A stripper pole. I've been meaning to do this and haven't found the one I want at a reasonable price. They're crazy overpriced for what they are. They should cost, at most, 1/3 of what they do. The pole is only like $10-20 in actual metal price. And the brackets might cost $25-30 to fabricate. Yet they charge up to $800 for a decent one. Plus... come on... do you know how many girls will want to try the stripper pole at parties or just come over to practice?? Yeah... Exactly.

A projector. Like one of the TV projectors. I kinda always wanted one. They were just cool.

A hidden room. Because fuck you, I want a secret hidden clubhouse to hide in and nobody can find me. If I could, I'd build a house where ALL of the rooms were hidden but that might be a little impractical.

A dedicated comic book closet with drawers just filled with my comics that I can pull out. This might just require some remodeling or repurposing of my existing built-in cabinets.

A gigantic walk-in safe. Because come on, who doesn't want a gigantic safe???

An arcade cabinet... But maybe one that has a bunch of games cause computers are awesome and can do crazy shit now with emulating old-school video games.

And a pinball machine. Because I'm really just a bearded 9 year old.

What about you? What was that thing you wanted to have in your house when you were a kid but couldn't so you swear to yourself that you're eventually gonna have it when you're an adult?

Even if we never really grow up.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!! I should check that out with the strip clubs or pole dance classes. That's a great idea! Thank you!
