Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Day 851

I just drank a Cherikee Red. Probably for the first time since about 1987, and for all I know, it's been in the machine that long.

Looking at the can though, it got me to thinking. We have become a country that finds racism/sexism/sizeism/ageism/ism-ism or fucking whatever, everywhere. I mean, the Washington Redskins football team has been under assault on and off for a number of years now to change their names.

But when it comes down to cherry pop... fuck it. The biggest bitch you'll hear pitched about that is that I just called it pop instead of soda.

"It's cherry SODA, not pop!"

"Fuck yinz, I'm from Pittsburgh. It's pop, ya jaggoff! Go down to Warshington and yell about da Redskins. I gotta go to Pants n'at! They're having a sale and Donny Iris is gonna be there!"

It just leads me to realize that we've really got some weird ways of applying our outrage. We throw fits about a football team but not pretty obviously racist Kia Soul commercials. Black people are not fat hamsters.

So I'm asking you... try to be a little more consistant with your outrage about shit. Cause some shit is pretty obviously offensive. And some isn't. So let's just keep our outrage in check.

Or get outraged at everything. That's always fun too.

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