Day 406
So I see we're back to discussing the dungeon thing... I have a few thoughts on the matter that I don't feel like putting too much time into throwing out there... so you'll get a list again. Here you go:
1. Richard is a Richard. The end. The guy could run the greatest dungeon in the world and he's still be a total Richard. To customers and potential customers alike.
2. The building is a piece of shit. Maybe if you ripped the top 3 or so floors off of it and put on a whole new roof, new ceilings, re-poured the concrete floor in entire play space level, added plumbing, some type of duct work, an HV/AC system, at least 1 more bathroom, dressing rooms and then made sure to spray the whole fucking place with pesticides before power-washing the living christ out of the entire building, you could have a halfway decent space. But at that rate... just rip down the fucking building and put up something new.
3. The old dungeon, the old-old dungeon and the new dungeon were all and will all be the same. A few dozen people who support it no matter what, another group that goes when it feels like to get their play on and the handful of random wanderers-in-from-the-street types. This is still a horrible business model. It doesn't matter who runs it, it can NOT work as a business model. The space provided serves a niche clientele. However, it could also appeal to a number of other niche potential clienteles that it generally ignores... to it's own detriment. And until that changes, neither will the outcome.The only person that can effectively run a dungeon is someone that is the kind of businessman that knows how and what is required to make a profit. It's no different than any other niche business. You find your target demographics, you appeal to them (even pander if needed) and you provide a good or service that they want, need and desire and entice them to regularly patronize your establishment. This is not complicated. The owners seem to love to make it their own little clubhouses with their few friends and the occasional newbie. No matter who the owner/proprietor is at that time.
4) that was far too much thought to put into one of these points.
5) I have no idea what happened to the renewal money from the old dungeon when it closed. I'd almost be interested, except I didn't renew before it closed. Sucks for those who did and that's hella shady, yo. Between the auction money and the renewal money and the admissions of those 2 months or so, that's a helluva lot of money to just kinda *poof* and disappear. What ever did happen to all that $$? Shady, man. Shady.
6) Anyone dumb enough to do business without a contract deserves everything they get. From unexpected rental rate hikes & being locked out when you're a half a month late on the rent to being considered the fucking devil for "closing down their dungeon", you deserve it. I don't give a fuck who screws who... THIS IS WHY YOU GET IT IN WRITING! Fuckwits.
7) I understand the whole "I'm boycotting the new dungeon because of what they did to the old dungeon and I'm gonna scream about how much of a douche-rocket Richard is to anyone that listens" thing... because while people figure it out quickly (how much of a richard he is), there's always a new sap around the corner that'll give him some money until they figure out too and it's a nearly never-ending cycle. But at the same time... fuck it... who cares? That doesn't fix the problem of their not being a dungeon with a sound enough business model to survive. Michael's fatal flaw was being a bad businessman and hitching his wagon to a small customer pool. Richard's is being a richard. So figure out a 3rd way that actually has a sound business model. Trust me... quality will win out. Get a 3rd way and you'll run the new dungeon in the old space right out of business.
8) The whole thing doesn't change the past. Or the present. There's a new dungeon in the old space... ok... you're not going to patronize it because of the owner... ok... so basically, you still don't have a dungeon, right? The old shithole is still gone. Again, you still don't have a space to play in, right? So the idea is that having no dungeon is better than having a craphole run by an asshat? What kinda sense does that make? Just saying...
I think that's all I really gotta say on the matter.
That was far too much thought to put into any of this... I need a nap now.
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