Day 407
Ok... I am crazy fucking busy today, but I felt the need to throw a few short little thoughts out there this morning. None of which I've had the time to really explore much on yet... but all of which I'll get to in the not-too-distant-future:
1. I bought a fucking house. I guarantee that I'm going to regret this the first time I have to fight with my furnace in the middle of the night in January or every time I have to cut the damn grass or shovel the big fucking driveway... but hey, I got a house! I still have to wait for the inspection and whatnot, but my written offer was accepted and everything... so assuming nothing weird happens during the inspection, I'll be closing in the first half of July.
2. I'm thinking about a little ElitistFucks weekend escapade in the not too distant future as well... like, sometime over the summer. The initial idea is simple enough... head out to Cleveland for a First Friday thing at the Red Door and then grab a hotel room out near Elyria/Lorain area. It's about a half hour outside the city on the West side... then on Saturday, we drive to Sandusky and do Saturday and Sunday at Cedar Point. There's a million and a half hotels right outside the park and it can be done on a reasonable budget. So, if you have any interest in this... lemme know. The idea hit me on Sunday and outside of about 10 minutes yesterday, I haven't had time to think about it much beyond the "Oh, this could be a cool idea" thing... but if you're on a crazy-tight-budget... don't even think about it...
3. My fat ass ate WAYYYYY too damn much yesterday. Burgers, Dogs, corn-on-the-cob and the roomie's chicken and beef something-that-I-can't-spell-whatever-it's-called stuff (which was fucking awesome)... I'm just hoping I didn't poison anyone with the burger cooking... mmmm... MEAT!
4. Why am I thinking about food right now after eating that damn much yesterday?
5. Because I haven't told you in a while... I hate you all...
6. Oh, and I'd like to congratulate all the presenters at Shibaricon for making it a wildly successful event. While I didn't get to go this year for a number of reasons, every report that I've heard from friends that were there were raving. Congrats to TwistedView for his first ever Shibaricon class and congrats to Graydancer, DoNotGoGently, BrighidsCross, and probably another half dozen people I'm forgetting right now for making it a badass event... and for forcing my hand and convincing me "fucker, you better go next year"..
7. If you're poly, here's an idea... communicate with your partners... hell, this applies to monogamous people as well... but especially in poly situations... actually paying attention to your partners and talking to them regularly and generally not neglecting them is probably a pretty damn good idea... just saying...
8. And now I'm thinking about explosions... wtf?
9. Actually, explosions and bears.
10. Really... I still hate you all.
That's all for today. I think tomorrow, I might actually try to form a coherent thought and not a mindless drivel of half-thoughts. But probably not.
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