Day 416
So today is the day that I begin cross-posting this both on Blogger and on FetLife. It's gonna kill the traffic that I do get here, but oh well. For those that only started reading this on Blogger and haven't the slightest clue what the fuck fetlife is... lemme explain it.
It's just another social networking site, but for kinky and/or horny motherfuckers. Actually, I guess that makes it just like every other social networking site, come to think of it. Except there is less cam-whoring borderline jailbait-looking spam-bots there. I think. But it has better privacy settings at the very least and you're not getting inundated with them. And your random cock pics/boob shots don't get taken down by the admins.
I think that pretty much covers it. Pretty much the facebook for us pervs where you haven't been friend-requested by your mom, boss or 2nd cousin yet and can therefore still throw up that status update about the chick/guy you tied up and fucked the christ out of last weekend. And as the general public can't see your profile without signing up for the site, you've gotta be a member to read the version of this that'll I'll be posting on FetLife (which is exactly the same, but all plain text. So you fetlifers reading this on there, go to the link in the "Day 416" text to see the bonus features that you get on Blogger some days)
Like the good-ol'-days.
And on that note... total change of subject, children.
I'm actually gonna kinda borderline break a boundry that I had originally kept when I decided to bring this little daily rant back and discuss some of the kink community politics. But just in a very informal sense and because I'm a little confused and curious.
About this whole TNG/Burghermunch merger thing. It is burghermunch, right? After like 4 or 5 years being involved in the community, I still can't keep those Burghermunch and Burghmunch straight.
So they've kinda merged, right? That's the impression that I get at least from what little I've paid attention to or heard from others discussing it. The leadership has merged and the munches are now merged as well. Ok, cool. I mean, I've only attended about a half-dozen total community events that weren't private parties in the past year plus, but unless something major has changed, it seemed like about 75% of the 2 munches were overlap in attendance. So it's not like much is changing there. They're just now 1 group with 2 munches at the 2 different locations per month instead of 2 groups with 1 munch at 2 different locations per month. The math on it is still the same. 1 munch at Folino's, and 1 at Del's. 1 at the beginning of the month, 1 at the end.
But that brings up something that I've heard a couple people talk about that I'm mostly curious about... if TNG, which is kind of supposed to be for the younger part of the community (ie. below the 35-40 range, depending on the group "rules" in different cities), while the Burghermunch is kind of the local "all-ages" group, if those 2 have merged, isn't it just now a bigger Burghermunch and the TNG "membership" has been absorbed by Burghermunch?
I know that the "18-35, or totally new to the community" rule has been pretty much just a suggestion for as long as I can remember, but with merging the 2, doesn't this kind necessitate the abolition of that rule/suggestion entirely? With the fact that nobody has "graduated out" of TNG, pretty much ever, at least locally, hasn't the rule long ago been abolished?
I'm just asking this in the entirely literal sense. If a rule has been on the books but generally ignored for a good number of years now, is it a big deal for it to be abolished entirely? Was it necessary in the first place? Does/did that rule define the TNG, as a concept? If it does, then can a merged group still carry the name TNG, even just as part of the name? And if it doesn't define TNG, as a concept, then was there anything that made TNG distinct from the other local munch groups?
Personally, I could care less about the practice of this merger and what it entails. It sounds like just a formality, being that the groups had practically interchangable attendance for as long as I can remember. So, in practice, it looks like this isn't really going to affect a damn thing other than on a leadership level. Like who to go to if you have questions about something at one of the munches. So basically no big deal.
I'm just curious about this from an intellectual standpoint. The philosophy of language, type thing.
The biggest question being, "Can TNG still be about The Next Generation if there is no age limit and it's attended by people of both The Next Generation and the (I guess it would necessarily be) The Present Generation?"
Just something I've been pondering the past few days. As I can see the merits and downsides to both.
I'll probably reply with my own thoughts on this matter later. I just felt like posing the questions that I have run into while thinking about this.
Oh, and here's a little something to make you want to click the link above... some non-plain-text amusing crap to, once again, change the subject...
Because Deadpool always makes the morning better.
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