Monday, July 18, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #440

Day 440

Son of a bitch... I already mostly wrote this once on my phone and then apparently forgot to save the draft. Fuck me sideways.

Well, the first version of this was funnier. I already forgot some of the jokes.
I don't have a useful picture for
group names. But this is probably more
funny than they would have been
I'm on vacation this week... so if you do get something to read, feel lucky.

I'm kind of amused at the discussion of new munch organization again. Didn't I already cover this? Oh yeah... I already covered this. Weeks ago.

As for group names... I'm voting for Kink 'N'@. A nice pittsburgh name in the tradiation of Pants 'N'At. Or maybe Super Awesome Mega Party!! as well. Just for the sake of being weird.

Or we can go with something more simple... like CitiGroup.  Oh wait... that one's already taken. Well, ButtMunch is also an acceptable alternative, @Danowar.

I'm not gonna rehash this too much from what I've said on the subject before. But I'll be honest. TNG is a SIG. That's all. And I'd even asjust the age restriction a little to make it more useful. Make it 18-35 AND new to the community. Then simply define what you consider "new" and then people graduate out. That's it.

Any other need for a TNG is kinda splitting hairs. And now that I think about it, I think we've been doing a LOT of hair splitting in order to justify groups that fill the void of social interaction from lacking a dungeon for the past year and change. But that's just me. I see far too much redundency that seems to only exist because people feel compelled to make something else new. But that's another thing I've already covered.

I already know how to shamlessly
self-promote. Beacuse I'm just that
damn good.
Seeing the "I already covered this" trend here? *shameless self promotion* "Read it here before it turns into a community thread a month from now!" *end shameless self promotion*

But back on this name topic... Define 'NEW" as a time frame. 6 months? A year? Whatever. Then have it run by someone that's recently "graduated" out of the group that still knows some of the people there and can relate to being totally new to the community. Figure out a "term" for them to act in that group-runner capacity and have them be there to play liason between TNG and parent group, help newbies feel comfortable and represent the newbs to the community at large when necessary.

But hey... whatever they name it and whatever new structure is put in place... at least it won't be as improperly named as TNG is right now.

This is kinda how I feel about the community
structure and what's done with it at this point.

I'm totally gonna start making people do something stupid to join @ElitistFucks after they're invited now. Like "jump up and down on 1 leg while singing "I'm a little teapot" in your best marilyn monroe impersonation voice" from now on. And then they have to learn the gang sign as well. Cause we already have one, bitches!

And for the record, until like 3 months ago... I STILL was getting the BurgherMunch and Burgh Munch names confused. And when I don't think about either group for another 2 months, I'll forget which one is which again. I'll know where they are and who runs each of them, but I'll still forget which one is named which.

Now that that horse is slowly turning to fucking glue... and since you might not get any more this week... Here's some Deadpool too.

I do think in little yellow boxes. I can see them.
But you can't.

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