Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #441

Day 441

Finally... The Dok... has come BACK... To... Fetlife.

Sorry about that... channeled my inner Rock there for a moment.

Alright... now, onto the fun stuff. Namely... things I have to say.

I was gonna write some long rant about the whole TNG thing again, but I just can't really bring myself to care enough to devote the time to even writing more than this:

Who cares if there's a new TNG that's affiliated with the new BRIDGE group? Does it really matter? And why does it need to be "created" by anyone in any position of paper-authority within the community? Why not just watch things happen when there's a necessity for them? Why does it need to be "created" at all?

Sorry kids... but it just smacks of too much community engineering to me.

If a bunch of 18-25 or 18-30 or 18-35 year olds want to get together from time to time as their own SIG, who the fuck has the authority to say "well, it needs to be an approved group by the community leaders" or some crap along those lines.

Nobody owns the name TNG (the claim of some dude in Illinois or Indiana or something and maybe Gene Roddenbery notwithstanding) so when a TNG ceases to exist, they also give up the right to the name. And nobody has to go ask anyone else permission to use it. Be TNG... Be Whippersnappers (I don't know if there actually is a national organization that needs to be chaptered for this one) or be the fucking Romper Room for all I care... do your own thing and stop letting people in positions of paper-authority tell you what you can and can't do.

And that's all I gotta say about that. And far more than I intended to initially.

For @Graydancer - see? friends are more than just enemies
I haven't yet found a solution for. They're also good
I'd like to extend a speical thank you to @LordAlexanderRose, @TwistedView, @BrighidsCross, @Sadistic_Switch, @Farm_Boy13 and @Sybele for all their help with getting shit moved for Artemis_Fallen, Diotima & I. I know I'm probably forgetting someone (or 3) here for their help, but still... thanks to all of you.

Also, I'd like to welcome Diotima to Pittsburgh. She's the new roomie. Say hi to her. She's pretty fucking cool. She's a southerner, but we don't hold that against her. Though it will be really funny to see her in a coat come winter time that is of the approximate size of the Michelin Man.

We still have roughly 4000 boxes left to unpack, but it's coming along. We'll be announcing the housewarming party... um... eventually? And I'll be sending out the invites for the rescheduled Kegs & Eggs party soon as well. Patience, children... patience. It'll be worth it. 

But as a break from moving, I did get to see Captain America on Monday night. I loved it. It felt like a comic book in the same way that the Ang Lee "HULK" movie tried and failed miserably to do. And with a pretty cool story. It had just enough patriotism without crossing the line into nationalism or jingoism. Though with how much it borrowed from The Ultimates, it really could have used this line:

Fuck France. Cheese eating surrender monkeys.

OK, I think I rambled here enough for this morning. Here's some Deadpool.

Punching Hitler in the face makes you totally awesome forever. Even when you have wings on your head
and little red booties.


  1. Actually, in the Bondage Capital of the World, the TNG is called the Madison Area Whippersnappers (MAW). they have patches & everything.

    I'm not joking.

  2. @ElitistFucks need patches. And T-shirts. And those Grand Poobah hats from The Flintstones.

    And maybe our own brand of underwear. Like the "Section 7" underwear in the first Transformers movie.
