Day 454
I'm going to make you a few promises today... Here's the first 5.
1. If your power goes out tonight and you go down to your basement to check the circuit breaker, I promise that it wasn't me and I'm not hiding behind the furnace with a knife.
I promise.
2. When you wake up tomorrow and get in your car... I promise that I haven't snuck in during the night and cut the brake lines.
I promise.
3. When you go to bed tonight and see that window open just a little more than you think you left it, I promise I didn't climb in and hide in the attic with piano wire until you go to sleep.
I promise.
4. When you think you hear that noise in the closet and go to get your gun and find it isn't there, I promise that I'm not hiding in there with it, watching you and waiting for that moment that you realize your only protection is gone.
I promise.
5. If you hear something in the bushes outside the house tonight and think "oh, it's just an animal"... I promise that it is. I'm not there waiting for you to walk back towards the door with a chloroform soaked rag.
I promise.
You can trust me. I promise.
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