Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #455

Day 455

Party planning is tiring. You gotta write an invitation... keep the guest list to a manageable number and then actually send people invitations? Then after that, you gotta still do the stuff like... clean the house so people think you're a lot less messy than you really are. And when that's all done, you gotta still actually throw the party. My natural apathy is kicking in already...

So the invitations for the housewarming party have been sent... I THINK I got everybody. If I missed someone, lemme know. 

Or maybe it's just because I don't like you all that much and intentionally didn't invite you.

Or you... you know... live like 400 miles away and I have no expectation that you'd drive here for 1 party. Cause that would be absolutely stupid to do. I wouldn't drive like 400 miles or more for a party unless it was a family member's wedding. And even then... I might say "eh, not worth the trip".

Seriously... who the fuck drives 400 miles for a party? You're lucky if you can get me to go 2 miles to the grocery store some days. But maybe that's just because I'm lazy. I actually had someone get mad at me about a year or so back for not inviting them to a party because they lived 3 states away. WTF, mate? I'm pretty sure that's a reasonable reason to NOT invite someone to a party.

Oh... yeah... I guess I got off track there.

I don't remember where I was going with that... so um... yeah...


oh... and here's some other funny comic stuff... this time... Spider Jerusalem

It does work.

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