Friday, September 2, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #468

Day 468

Hmmm... here's the list of things that is going thru my head this morning... none of which will make any for of a decent RTOTD by themselves... and I can't really find any way to link them into the usual rambling incoherent trash I put here... so...  um... here we go:

1. I just read thru some thread about if people are being polite or not. No, they're not. I'm pretty sure I had something to do with starting that trend. You can thank me. I like being a rude, impolite, brutish or otherwise generally an asshole. It's fun. Especially with newbies. It's like hazing for me since I never felt compelled to do the Frat thing. (I'm pretty sure I've been accused of that by a couple lunatics before... sorry kids... I wasn't a frat boy. Paying for friends was never my thing.)

And for the record... the ElitistFucks are staying exclusive. Fuck that stupid "we accept everyone and want to be huge and a gateway for all the newbies and blah blah blah... I already got bored trying to remember what the principles of inclusiveness were" crap. And we're not going to be polite. Even to each other. Because we're better than you. And we know it.

2. Starz turned down a deal with Netflix worth 10 times what their current deal is. Because fucking TV and movie content providers still don't understand this magical world of the intarwubz. And they don't trust Netflix wizardry to get the content to your tv with their watermark in the corner or something. I guess they're afraid that Netflix in-house Dumbledore is gonna die or something.

3. Seriously... does anyone know who won the local and county elections from like 4 months ago yet? Cause I still can't find the results. I wanna know if the Kwik-E-Mart guy won or not.

4. We're all gonna die. Fucking Earthquakes & hurricanes and shit. Virginia & Alaska get hit with big earthquakes in a week span.  A fucking hurricane hits NYC. What the hell is going on? Fuck you, mother nature. The world isn't supposed to end for another like 16 months. Impatient bitch. Typical girl.

5. This weekend and most of next week is going to be dedicated to building shit for the playspaces in the basement & one of the spare bedrooms. I'm thinking a couple spanking benches, maybe a St. Andrews Cross and something else. What do you think? Any equipment you'd want to play on when you're at our place? Maybe a suspension frame for the one extra bedroom?

Suggestions, children. I want your suggestions.

Ohhh... I need a stripper pole. Badly.

6. Welcome to FetLife to the Other Joe. Yeah, I know... he's not quite on my level of awesomeness, but hey... you can't expect 2 times the perfection. And I'm pretty sure that if there were ever 2 of me, it would cause some kind of paradox and the whole universe would be sucked into a fucking vortex or some shit.

7. Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, children. Eat a lot of meat that's been burned on a grill and then maybe blow some shit up. Who cares if it's not the 4th of July. It's a drinking holiday. That means you can blow shit up.

See, there's only 2 different kinds of holidays. Drinking holidays and Hallmark holidays. Sometimes they overlap, but you do 1 or the other on every real holiday (not the made up shit like Secretaries Day or Take Your Daughter To Work Day). You drink or you send out cards. Well, in my case, you drink on all of them and you never send out card to anyone... but you get the point.

So enjoy it... Drink... eat meat... and blow shit up. It's the American way.

See you fuckers next week. Don't die. Well, at least tell me if you did. And if it was fun.

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