Day 515
It's the last binary day (when using the 2-digit calendar) of our lifetimes. I should have totally taken this whole thing and thrown it into a binary translator & made the whole fucking thing in binary. Just to fuck with you.
Although, it would probably have fucked with me even worse. And then I would have gotten bored & then I'd have been trying to find some pancakes.
But regardless.. it's the last binary date we're going to see in our lifetimes. Unless you're going to live a hair under 89 more years, that is. I'll be lucky to make it 89 months, so more power to ya if you can make it all the way there. You'll be like 120 fucking years old or something crazy like that, but I guess you'll enjoy it? Maybe?
I really don't care. I'm only amused that it's going to screw with the numerology freaks when nothing of any significance happens today & that it's just another damn day. A day with an amusing date, but still... just another day.
Now... on to the second thing we're celebrating today... and arguably the more interesting (to everyone but Sybele, apparently... )... It's National Deadpool Day!
So here we go. I'm just going to throw a bunch of Deadpool at you today. Like a Deadpool Bukakke. Deadpool-kakke. That's actually a lot funnier when you sound it out.
This is the First Annual National Deadpool Day. The day where the 4th Wall is the thinnest. Like the Deadpool version of Halloween mythology. Where we can talk to our fictional characters. But only those that KNOW that they're fictional characters.
So I'm going to have an interview with Deadpool today.
Me: Good morning, Wade.
DP: It's Mr. Pool to you, tonsafun.
Me: Well then, good morning, Mr. Pool.
DP: That's better, chuckles. Kinda awesome that it's Deadpool day & Binary day at the same time. My love of 1's and Zero's and my love of me all combined into one day? No wonder we can have a chat thru the Fourth Wall today.... wait a second..
hehehehe... I always wanted to say that.
Me: Really? Did you just use that joke?
DP: What?
Me: What the fuck are you talking about? You know what, nevermind. Let's just try to get on with the interview, ok?
Me: Wade! Pay attention!
DP: Oh, wait... what? I was thinking about something else.
Me: Yeah, I noticed. So how do you like being able to actually talk back to the people that you always talk to in your comics?
DP: It's pretty awesome. It's normally a pretty 1-way conversation, you know? I read your blog whenever I have the time. I loved the thing about Scrooge McDuck the other day. I would love that. I haven't gotten a gig recently that hooked me up with enough cash to do that, but when I used to...
Me: You know, you're kinda fucking crazy, right dude?
Me: Fuck you, man. I'm gonna punch you...
Me: Erm... Uh... Nevermind. Ok... maybe you'd probably kick my ass.
DP: Yup. But damn... I was hoping for a fight. I remember this time I was fighting with the Rhino & I shrunk him down & put him inside a glass jar & carried him around on a necklace for like a week. It was kinda awesome. And then the time I was fighting a bunch of dead X-Men and they just kept coming and coming & I kept shooting and shooting &
So I just kept shooting and then they all died... er... again... and I went to get a chimmichanga. That was a fun day.
Me: You like to talk to your thought bubbles. But your thought bubbles aren't really bubbles. They're just yellow boxes. How's that work?
I like it.
Me: But how does it work?
DP: Madness.
Me: Fair enough. So you always wear the mask. It kinda looks like Spider-Man's mask. Why do you always wear the mask? I mean, it's syonymous with you at this point. You even have a belt-buckle with your mask on it... but it's really rare that you take it off. Why is that?
Me: Speaking of Ryan Reynolds... you're getting a movie & you already appeared in the Wolverine movie with Ryan Reynolds playing you. How'd you like that?
Me: What are you talking about? I'm not married & I don't have supermodel wife that turned into a zombie. Do you even listen to anything going on around you?
Me: Yes, I know... ME! I'm the one at the keyboard. I'm talking to you and typing out the transcript for the interview I'm gonna post on the blog site. Oh you know what.. .never mind. I give up.
DP: Okie Dokie. We should totally do this again next National Deadpool Day!
Me: Um... yeah... we'll see about that.