Ohhhhh... so a defense contractor is getting a chance to build a railgun. YAY!!! And once this comes out, I'm waiting for my laser guns, jet packs, flying cars and pretty much all the other awesome shit that 1980's cartoon GI Joe promised me and never delivered in the military hardware department.
In case you don't know, a railgun is basically a gigantic gun that fires really fucking big bullets (like, person sized bullets) at about Mach 7 and can hit a target hundreds of miles away using the earth's natural magnetic field and curvature to accomplish. You know the electro-magnetic roller coasters? Like that one at Cedar Point that shoots you at 0-about 100 in like 2 seconds? Yeah... same principle... but shooting really big fucking bullets.
So now that we've figured this one out, I want some fucking red lasers and blue lasers. Cause that's the other half of the battle.
Here's a pie chart. You know, to make it easy |
So I already know... now I need the red & blue lasers.
Wait a second... we're still doing work on the Free Electron Laser too? Dude... we'll have railguns & motherfucking death rays? Sign me the fuck up! Now we're getting somewhere.
I mean, the flying cars would be pretty badass. But I still want a motherfucking jetpack. I mean, we've only been getting promised personal flying apertures for about 100 years now by our science fiction. And everything short of dinosaur cloning, alchemy and the technological singularity has come true from our Sci-Fi... so where's my god damned jet pack?!
But I'll settle for a stealth tank with fucking missle launchers attached instead. Cause I'm reasonable like that. So come on... make with the old cartoon technology you want to see happen since we're getting a rail gun and a fucking death ray.
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