I think it's time we all started to play a game. An endless game. A game where you can challenge at any time to anyone holding the belt at the time.
For the World Championship Belt.
I mentioned this a while ago and it seemed to get some traction. So I think we should give it a go.
The rules are simple:
You challenge the current title holder in anything you want. Something you're good at. Something you think you're good at. It could be anything from rope bondage to beer pong to who can run the fastest. You make the challenge in public & have whatever contest it is take place in public too.
So you beat the belt holder in beer pong? You get the belt. Someone else challenges you in rope work & beats you? They get the belt. Someone else challenges them in how well they can take a beating & wins? They get the belt. They get challenged to a drinking contest by someone else & lose? You can figure out how it goes from there. And so on and so on.

You can challenge in any competition you can think of. And the belt gets transferred to you and you get to carry it or wear it. But you've gotta keep it with you at any public event/party/bar excursion/ etc thing that you go to or you forfeit it.
And in some cases, the audience gets to decide who wins if it's a game without objective winners & losers. Like Olympic judging. Sometimes there's an objective winner/loser and sometimes it's a question of who the audience thinks wins. Depends what the competition is.
But you gotta make the challenge something fun that other people would want to watch. Don't make it a fucking staring contest or something. Make it fun and bring the audience into it. Make a spectacle of it.
So would people be willing to throw in for the first ever Kinky World Championship Belt? I'm thinking of taking up a collection to get the Championship Belt made. We can do a dirt-cheap one for like $150, but that one just as a sticker on the plate, which kinda makes it lame. There are economy belts that are just painted for like $400. And they have them all the way up to over a grand. So why don't we do a collection and I'll wait a month or 2 to get it made and we can figure out the kind of belt we want based on how much money we get?

Though @Diotima gets the first title run. Because she can't see Unicorns anymore and she is the most recent person to lose their Unicorn-vision.
Or maybe we can get LAR to make the belt and do all the leather work and I can see how much it'll cost to just get a plate made?
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