So... I've been wondering this forever and never think to ask it.
Why do homeless people in the North, stay in the North? Why not take the first $100 or whatever it is that they can scrounge up and catch a bus to the Carolinas? Or Georgia? Or somewhere where it's not fucking cold.
I've always wondered that. It seems like the highest priority for a homeless person would be to eat and the second highest would be to find themselves the best possible environment. With no or limited shelter options, your environment becomes a big concern for self-preservation. So the idea of avoiding the likelihood of freezing to death would be a pretty high priority for me.

Except that dude with the beard that's always wearing 3 pairs of pants or more and a winter coat and a bunch of other clothes and is always going into Ryan's Pub and getting a pitcher of beer. That dude has never changed clothes. Ever. For 2 years now, he's been wearing the exact same clothes everytime I see him. I'll buy it that that dude is homeless. Everyone else though? Fuck it... they're not homeless, they just want my change.

So I can totally spot a fake homeless person as a result.

But you know the ones that I really do feel bad for? The ones with dogs. I don't know why, but that really digs at me everytime. Even if they're frauds, I'll always throw them some money for having a dog. Because I want to make sure their dog gets some food that night. Yeah... shocking... I'm a sucker for dogs. I know, right?

Just saying...
Fuck... I just managed to depress myself this morning. Now I just want to go home and hug my dogs. Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK!
I'm gonna go try to NOT now think about this anymore or let my mind drift to the Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials now either. Which is going to fail. And then I'm going to want to go adopt all the dogs and FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.
I'm going to go cry in a corner now. I just ruined my OWN fucking day.
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