Day 743
Cue gratuitious self-indulgence and whoring of myself in... 3.. 2... 1... GO
The book is done and released.
Here are all the ways to get it:
eBook formats:
Amazon Kindle
ePub format ONLY (does NOT work on a Kindle, as far as I can tell. Does work in iBooks and Stanza. Not sure about Android OS based software. Check your eReader software or hardware to be sure)
iBooks & Barnes & Noble Nook store - Coming Soon. It's been submitted, but is currently awaiting approval and, as of writing this, was still "under review" in each of those stores.
Print formats. Sorry everyone, I made it as cheap as I possibly could. The print-on-demand pricing is not exactly spectacular per unit. If you're local and want to just hand me cash instead, I can get them cheaper than you can buy them for, but I legitimately made them as cheap as possible without actually losing money on it. I'm making pennies (seriously. not even a dollar) per unit on the POD version.
Hardback Print-On-Demand
Paperback Print-On-Demand
There should be an Amazon/CreateSpace version of the print-on-demand that should be out later this week or next week. While I have the cover photos for the Lulu print-on-demand version and all the eBook versions done, I have to make an entirely different one (even if I use the same photos and art) because CreateSpace/Amazon does not have the same cover-creator system that Lulu does or even the Kindle Direct services do. So I have to sit down, learn how to use Adobe InDesign this week (I'm already getting there) and do a bunch of math while creating a professional level full wrap cover/dust jacket/whatever in InDesign instead of just slapping a handful of pictures and some text in a cover designer window and calling it a day.
This reminds me... I need to set aside money next time around and just hire a professional designer to put this shit together. Between making sure ISBN numbers match each different format version interior and exterior (each version seriously has it's own ISBN, including the same versions from different retailers), doing full cover designs, and creating entirely new formatting templates in Word just to make a motherfucking book look right... I'm going to kill myself or someone else if I have to do it again. That's fucking tedious. I wrote a book to do something creative. And after all that creative stuff with writing a book, how do you finish it off? With something creative? Nope... it's like a trip to the auditor.
Fun creative writing time, fun creative writing time, fun creative writing time, yay I'm done, oh, and now let's become an accountant for the next 3 weeks until you want to punch the computer to do what you want it to do and now you have a book. WTF? Where the fuck did that last part come from?
Or instead of setting aside the couple hundred bucks for a professional designer... let's hope enough of you all out there buy the book to give it some attention in the sales department and a publishing house comes calling. Please? Maybe? More fucked up things have happened, right? I mean... Ke$ha got a record deal, right?
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