I got a couple small thoughts for you today. Nothing super in-depth. Here we go:
1. So... I've realized something else that I hate about the Star Wars Prequels...
Basically, it cheapens the Empire. As a bad guy. They're basically around for only about 20 years as a result of the prequels. It makes them a minor inconvenience. A blip in history. A Nixon regime. Or one of the 2 evil Presidents that were on 24. That's pretty much it. And as a result, it kinda cheapens the victory of the Rebellion. They didn't really do any serious Empire-toppling. The Empire wasn't all super-established as being the status-quo of the galazy for many hundreds of years. The Empire wasn't a dark-age. It was basically a thing where most people just kinda said "meh, fuck it. they'll get replaced soon enough" instead of really LIVING under tyranny for many decades or millenia or whatever.
I don't know why this just popped into my head. But I felt like sharing.
2. And an entirely unrelated thing.

I think the guy should quit because his job is to keep secrets. If he can't keep it a secret that he's banging a reporter on the side, he's probably not that good at his job. I mean... "keep secrets on who are your spies in another country with an intelligence gathering service trying to find out who they are" vs. "who am I fucking"... you tell ME which one sounds harder.
3. So there's a porn condom law in LA County now. This doesn't effect anywhere outside of LA county, so as long as you're not filming IN that county, you're golden. Goodbye tax revenue, County of Los Angeles.

But regardless, it does give new meaning to "rubber stamp approval".
4. The book is ALMOST available in the Nook store. Another few days. It's still "pending"... it's also available in the iBookstore. Which I found out, much to my chagrin this morning, is NOT the iBooks Store. Fucking christ. It's apparently a site that sells eBooks that are iOS and iBooks compatible but are not actually distributed by the iBooks store. So it looks like I know how I'm going to be spending my evening this week. Copying it all back up and spending like forever and a day learnign how to use the iBooks Author software that Apple has. Jesus fucking christ.
5. That's pretty much all I got for you today. I'm going to go off and suffer a little acute stabby brain pain and pretend to do some work while trying to remember stories for the next book. I've already got about 15 that I've remembered that I know I should put in. And probably another dozen or so once I think more about the stupid shit my friends used to do too.
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