Kim Jong-Un had his ex-girlfriend and their entire band executed for violating North Korea's anti-pornography laws. Because I guess they made a porn and sold it in China.
Seriously. A dozen people. Executed for making weak-ass clebrity porn and trying to be the Tommy Lee & Pam Anderson of Asia.
And it's all in greyscale or with that blue/grey hue from CSI New York and all of the winter episodes of Law & Order. In fact, I have never been to North Korea, but I'm gonna bet that when you walk across the border from South Korea into North Korea, everything just magically becomes a grey-hued world. And you can see the sunny nice areas across the border, but everyting inside your country? Totally blue/grey-toned. Like there's a gigantic wall of depression around you and you're stuck inside it.
I bet they even give you a gun and just 1 single bullet when you get there in your official "Welcome To North Korea" WelcomeWagon kit. Along with a couple sticks to make a fire so you're not entirely without creature comforts, maybe a canteen, a map that you can't understand that has the 2 places you can find clean water but they're all on the other side of the country, maybe a blanket, like 20,000 korean dollars (worth roughly 38 US cents) and a backpack. But then you get a copy of the rule book for dummies and it's 35,000 pages and you realize that you can't carry any of your other stuff because the backpack is only big enough for the damn rule book.
Because even when you get (sorta) nice things there, it still sucks.
And I somehow just connected executed korean musicians, communism, and scooby fucking doo. I guess I'm maybe starting to get back on my game a little with this shit.
I actually started writing a big rant about commies and the people that are always screaming for "sex workers" rights, and then I stopped caring because FUCK POLITICS and figured I'd end it with Deadpool and hookers instead.
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