Wow.. I was gonna write something here this morning. And then work happened. So about 7 1/2 hours later, I'm back to writing.
Thanks everyone who came out this past Saturday to the party. It was a good time. It was an invitation only party, so if you weren't invited... we hate you.
Ok... maybe we don't hate you... maybe I hate you and my roommates are indifferent to you. Or I am indifferent to you, like I am to 98.7% of the worlds population. This is a legitimate statistic. I counted. The other 1.3% is made up equally of people that I like and people that I hope would have an anvil dropped on their heads from a zeppelin ala Wile E. Coyote meets... well... a zeppelin... if someone still made them. Does anyone still make zeppelins??
Yeah, so thanks to the 20-some people that made it out. It was a good party even though like 10 of the people that said they were coming bitched out. Whores. You're dead to me. Or... maybe I'll just see if you show up next time. Whatever.
And thanks to Sybele for coming up with the idea. A 50's "Mad Men"/Housewives & Misogynists/ Greasers & Poodle-skirts thing was definitely fun. I'm pretty certain that almost all the guys actually did wear suspenders with their pants too. It was kinda awesome.
And thanks to BrighidsCross for fulfilling my "only wearing heels and an apron" fantasy. That was hot. Seriously. All damn night... I don't think she even had other clothes... she wore a coat in to cover up and underneath... heels & an apron. It was yummy.
He's totaly going to be an Eat N Park Smiley Cookie |
We're gonna do another party in the not-too-distant future. Probably a Halloween party. But we're definitely going to be doing a Superhero theme party too. They're' going to be different parties. So save your superhero costume for the Superhero party and don't blow your wad on the Halloween party. Do something creative, fuckers. Like a gigantic Cock.
I can bet Artemis_Fallen is going to go as Wonder Woman. It's too perfect of a choice.
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