Holy damn. I just figured this shit out.
So the only reason Rick Santorum is still around is in order to make Mitt Romney look like a reasonable candidate that you just hate LESS than Santorum. Romney is the guy that the GOP leadership wanted since the beginning (after McCain proved that he couldn't get it done), but everyone pretty much hated him. So they let Santorum stick around as one of the Final Four and be really neck & neck and let all of his crazy come out rather regularly at the same time. So that people pick ROM(TheSpaceKnight)ney instead as the lesser of 2 undesirables.
Ok... so I'm the only one that got the geeky comic book/robot reference in relation to the way Romney comes across.
*HINT* - He kinda seems like a robot. ROM the SpaceKnight was a robot. Kinda. Shut up. It was funny when I thought of it.
You sneaky old fat rich white bastards. I see what you just did. And this is why I hate the Republican party ALMOST as much as I hate the Jackass party on the other side of the aisle. Cause the minute you have the opportunity to win on actual merit, put the image of the past behind you, and come into the 21st century? You gotta go find the biggest robotic, bigoted, sexist, and/or rich old white men to rebuild that stereotype. A woman? Not a chance. Non-white persons? Are you high? Someone that doesn't have their bible surgically attached to their hands? HA!
Way to prove that you're actually worth it as an alternative to the tax & spend, gigantic government, control freak, lunatic fringe radical, idiots on the other side.
You're number 1.
Fuck politics. This is why I really want a "C - None of the above" option...
or "D - Joe's Dog" option. I still think Bailey would make an awesome President. Though he's kind of a pussy. As long as the other President isn't a smaller female dog, he'll be fine. Though... he's easily bribed with pets or food. So I'm not sure how that'll work out. Maybe this "Joe's dog as the President of the free world" isn't the best idea.
Ok... I vote for myself as Jesus instead. Cause then I can... um... do... stuff. Or something.
Or maybe I'll just go read a comic book, drink a beer or 37 and forget that there's an election.
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