Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #557

Day 557

Ohhhhh...  so a defense contractor is getting a chance to build a railgun. YAY!!! And once this comes out, I'm waiting for my laser guns, jet packs, flying cars and pretty much all the other awesome shit that 1980's cartoon GI Joe promised me and never delivered in the military hardware department.

In case you don't know, a railgun is basically a gigantic gun that fires really fucking big bullets (like, person sized bullets) at about Mach 7 and can hit a target hundreds of miles away using the earth's natural magnetic field and curvature to accomplish. You know the electro-magnetic roller coasters? Like that one at Cedar Point that shoots you at 0-about 100 in like 2 seconds? Yeah... same principle... but shooting really big fucking bullets.

So now that we've figured this one out, I want some fucking red lasers and blue lasers. Cause that's the other half of the battle.

Here's a pie chart. You know,
to make it easy
 Knowing? it's half the battle. the other half is red lasers and blue lasers.

So I already know... now I need the red & blue lasers.

Wait a second... we're still doing work on the Free Electron Laser too? Dude... we'll have railguns & motherfucking death rays? Sign me the fuck up! Now we're getting somewhere.

So what other technology from 1987 cartoon GI Joe do you want?

I mean, the flying cars would be pretty badass. But I still want a motherfucking jetpack. I mean, we've only been getting promised personal flying apertures for about 100 years now by our science fiction. And everything short of dinosaur cloning, alchemy and the technological singularity has come true from our Sci-Fi... so where's my god damned jet pack?!
But I'll settle for a stealth tank with fucking missle launchers attached instead. Cause I'm reasonable like that.

So come on... make with the old cartoon technology you want to see happen since we're getting a rail gun and a fucking death ray.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #556

Day 556

Time is running very strange for me right now. I don't know if I can really explain it... It's like I have no real temporal compass right now. It could be January 5th or it could be February 17th and would have no idea which it actually was. I keep thinking that it's only days until the HATE party and that I have another month at the same time.

Do you ever have that? Where time just kinda all starts to flow together & you have no concept of what day or week or even month it is?

This is the first time I've had it like this. I mean, I've had the usual "oh, it's only Thursday? I thought it was Friday already" thing a number of times. But this past week and a half is the first time I've been totally clueless as to what day it actually is.

And I'm being forgetful about what I have planned. Hell, on saturday night, I totally forgot that I was even going to the Rope Bite demo. I remember Artemis Fallen telling me "DoNotGoGently & Dork68 are coming over for dinner" and I had no fucking clue as to the significance. I didn't remember what we had going on. I didn't remember that there was a Demo. I mean, it's not like I'm complaining. Any excuse to see DNGG is always wonderful. And I haven't seen dude in like forever, so it was fucking rad to have him drag his ass out from bumfucksville, pennsyltuckey to come out. But I had no idea what was on the schedule.

I kinda feel like time just is not working correctly right now. Like I'm about to get an error message that just says:

Time is broken. Do not attempt to consult a schedule, calendar, or clock. Our time-displaced robot monkey staff is working to fix this problem, but it might occur in the next 7 minutes, 3 weeks or 12 minutes ago. That's what's fucked up about broken time. In the meantime, enjoy the music that might have never played for you.

Maybe I need to add some RAM to my brain. Or find some other way to cache information. Cause apparently what I'm doing isn't helping.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #555

Day 555

It's really fucking weird not writing this week. I don't like it.

So let's do 2 things today... first... SOMEBODY... put together a RTOTD Greatest Hits (Or most offensive hate-filled rambling bullshit... your choice)... Quote them... link them... or just tell us which one it was. I have a feeling what you're gonna say... but I'm just kinda curious.

The next is thing on the list is for me to ramble about bullshit here. Like usual.

Oddly enough, probably the only thing the
weatherman can get right. When I open my mouth.
Did anyone even bother to watch the State Of The Union? Cause I'm kind of at the point now where I'm looking at politicians about the same way I look at the weatherman. And like the weatherman, I don't listen to people that lie to me.

Oh, and look at that... some dude is suing his ex for talking shit about him on the intarwubz. I'm pretty sure I'm totally getting sued by someone at some point here. Well... can't get blood from a stone, fuckers!

You know what I miss though? Just randomly screaming at lunatics here. I haven't done that recently. I miss it. Granted, it pretty much causes a shitstorm every time I do... but still. I miss yelling and calling people crazy on here.

Though I also haven't randomly blabbered about nothingness in a while either. I don't have inspiration. And there really hasn't been much that's caught my eye to ...

WAIT A FUCKING SECOND!!!! I just saw a 100 pound fucking tumor! HOLY MOTHERFUCKING SHIT!!! How the fuck does that happen? I mean.. I understand it's in bumfucknowhere... but seriously... how the hell does that happen? That's almost as fucked up as that one dude that had all those growths on his body and face and arms and shit. Where was that one? They had all those specials about when they were cutting that shit off of him? What was that again? I don't remember. That Human Tree dude.

How does that shit even happen? That's fucked up man...

And there's your major turn-off for the day...

Unless you're into freakish growths. And then you're just weird. Or actually managed to find a kink weirder than furries. And that takes work, kids.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #554

Day 554

Fucking hell... I'm guessing that 2012 will be the year that the government actually pays more attention to virtual problems than actual problems. SOPA, PIPA, the DoJ shutting down megaupload, guys actually going to jail for uploading a bootleg movie, getting e-mails from your ISP that you've been flagged for downloading an episode of a tv show that was on NBC or HBO last week or pretty much anything else. Intellectual Property rights are a BIG fucking deal for this government right now.

Too bad private property rights, monetary policy, tax policy, energy policy or anything else that will actually help people that don't own media conglomerates isn't on that list. But hey... gotta take care of the guys that bought them their ... errr... I meant "generously donated so that they could get legitimately elected in a just and democratic election process"... yeah... that's what I meant.

I'm still waiting to get paid for the virus that you're carrying around in your head. It's my property. You can pay me to keep it or pay me more to make it go away. As long as you don't distribute it without another fee.

Wait... does that make me ransomware? Cause that would be... actually, not terribly off base.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

RTOTD #553.1

Day 553.1

The equation is:

(Mutual Attraction + Compatibility + Interest) x Proximity Acceptability x Timing = Status

The product being a 0 thru 3 result.
3 = probable romantic interest
2 = probable close friendship
1 = probable basic friendship or acquaintanceship
0 = possible acquaintanceship or no relationship at all.

That is the relationship dynamic equation.

Random Thought Of The Day #553

Day 553

It's strange how much life really is simply a series of mathematical equations.

Especially relationships. Of any type. It doesn't matter if it's the most meaningless acquaintance or someone you want to spend your life with.

Every. Single. One. They all boil down to an equation with 3 variables. Mutual-Attraction/Interest/Compatibility, Proximity, and Timing.

And these 3 are crucial. They all have to match. But the thing is, they're not degrees so much as binary commands. They're simple "Yes/No", "On/Off", "1/0" responses. They're binary degrees of acceptability to both parties.

This makes the equation signficantly more simple. Becuase they mutlipy off one another, a single Zero in the mix is all it takes for the equation to also equal Zero.

You end up with a binary product as well. A One or a Zero. A Yes or a No.

It's as simple as that.

But the problem is...

...when you constantly end up with a Zero somewhere in that equation.

Then, you're fucked. Them's the breaks, kids. Sorry to break it to you but that's how it works. And that's why some of us just can't manage to put it together. At least, I know what's why I can't. There's always a Zero involved.

So now that I've brightened up your day... here's some Deadpool:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #552

Day 552

Welcome To The Wonderful New Internet.

All of this glorious content brought to you by SOPA & PIPA

You can thank us later.

Also... you all now owe me $50 for viewing this content.

And another $1,000 for the virus that you're carrying around in your brain that you took from me. It is my property. You did not make a formal request for it. I'm demanding $1,000 for your copy & another $10,000 for every copy of this virus that you distributed to anyone else. I will track your BP (Brain Protocol) traffic to determine this.

Your unique BP is:


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #551

Day 551

Burger King is going to start delivering.


Now, if I can only get Wendy's & Taco Bell (And maybe KFC) to get on board, I'll be geeked.

And this would be Wave #1 of the Delivery Wars.

Wave #2? Cigarettes & Liquor & Beer.

And the final one? Wave #3? Gasoline.

I won't even NEED number 3 because I'll never go anywhere. And it'll be awesome.

Is there any way we can add delivery strippers? Cause that would be tits, man. TITS, I say!

Everything needs to be delivery. Delivery burgers & fries. Delivery fried chicken. Delivery booze. Delivery smokes. Delivery strippers. Delivery video games. Delivery movies.

Actually... let me re-phrase that... Anything that will lead to probably dying from being wildly unhealthy & never leaving the house, stopping drinking, sleeping normally or smoking like a chimney...

All of THAT stuff needs to be delivery.

Cause we need to find ways for everyone to die faster.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #550

Day 550

I want to promise myself that I'll actually get my office moved today into my new office.

Somehow, I doubt my motivation level is high enough to do that.

There's nothing in the news today that amuses me... so I'm going to do something I have done once or twice in the past...


Dateline: August 2012 - Rick Santorum has his mask ripped off on stage during a speech. Found to be an alien reptile. Confirms that the TV show V was based on a true story.

Dateline: September 2012 - War begins between reptillian alien invaders from Neptune begin attempts at colonization.

Dateline: December 2012 - Skynet activated to destroy reptillian alien invaders from Neptune.

Dateline: December 15, 2012 - OccupySkynet begins. Claims that Skynet is stealing American jobs and demands that Skynet employ 99% human operators. Skynet unleashes T-888 units to kill Occupy idiots.

Dateline: December 20, 2012 - Skynet launches nuclear missiles at reptillian alien invaders from Neptune. Most of world is rendered uninhabitable.

Dateline: December 21, 2012 - I take over what is left over of the world. The ScienceJesus opines "I kinda want a steak". Doesn't get a steak. Cause all the cows are dead.

Dateline: December 22, 2012 - I quit... because ruling the world sucks. And it's kinda boring. Final act as Earth's Dictator... abolish governments and tell remaining Occupy idiots "get a job".

Dateline: December 23, 2012 - Rest of the world dies from radiation poisoning. Skynet remains in operation.

That is all.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #549

Day 549

It's Friday the 13th.

Be vigilant... I might just be outside your house tonight... or in your attic... or your closet. Waiting... with a machete.. for you to go to sleep.

Just to give you fair warning.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #548

Day 548

Ok... so serious question... does anyone have a room big enough to watch an 84 or 100 inch TV in? Cause I don't. And I have a pretty nice sized living room with plenty of space to PUT a tv of fairly or very large size.

But do you realize how far away from said TV you have to be to able to really WATCH something that fucking big?

I mean... how big do you REALLY need to see the porn on your television? I'm pretty ok with about 40-odd inches of screen real estate for that. Any more... and it's like watching giants have sex. And that would be kinda weird.

Can you imagine the size of an ass on an 80-odd inch screen? It would look like a car bumper.

Not on fire... but close enough.

Which... well... actually, that's kind of a funny thought. Seriously... stop... and get that image in your head for a second. Some chick's ass on an 84 inch tv screen. It would be like 4 feet wide. That's like a SmartCar.

Except... I don't wanna set that on fire. And I DO want to set SmartCars on fire.

And with an 84" tv ... it has gesture control... exactly what is that "jerk off" motion going to be recognized as by the gesture control?  Cause when you're watching 84" of porn on your tv and looking at an ass as wide as a SmartCar bumper... you're probably making a gesture... granted it's an up & down gesture with your hand mostly closed and wrapped around something... but it's a gesture, nonetheless.

Your fucking TV is going to keep changing channels up and down over and over. And you're all fucked.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #547

Day 547

And now I remember what my life was like between ages 15 and 17 for a lot of days. Get trashed before I get home... eat a bunch of junk food and then pass out on the couch for a couple hours. Wake up later and try to remember what the fuck happened.

And totally forget to do that laundry that I probably should have done last night.

This is why I need a service bottom. Just to do shit like this. Laundry. And to make sure I don't eat the whole box of Fudge Sticks while sitting on the couch because making food is WAAAAYYYYY too difficult to do when I'm in that shape. I mean... I burnt the shit out of my thumb the other day and I was totally in a cooking groove. Yeah... I'd have set my arm on fire last night if it involved the stove.

But really... I need a service bottom. Someone that can do the laundry and cook dinner. Cause those are just kind of massive inconveniences a lot of the time. Granted, I love cooking most of the time & I'm pretty damn good at it. Just there are some days that I don't want to do it or don't have the time/energy/mental faculties to do so & that would be kinda helpful.

Oh hell... how about just a bottom with service tendencies.

Or I wait until they've transitioned 3D printers into Makers. Then I get all 5th Element with the whole turkey & trimmings from the bowl of cruton-looking things thrown in a microwave. You know you remember that shit and was like "damn... I wish my microwave did that!"

Though, knowing my luck, I'll get a Maker that is on drugs & makes me arsenic-laced food for fun.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #546

Day 546

Yesterday proved 2 things that I should have known. 1) People like monkeys, and 2) If I need to spike readership because it's lagging... talk about monkeys. Preferably monkeys that kill people.

And with that said... Fidel Castro thinks we should elect a robot to the Presidency.

Oddly enough... I'm not sure I entirely disagree. I know. I don't agreed with Castro on anything. I must have had a head trauma. But really, it can't be worse than the idiot in the White House now or pretty much ANY of the GOP options.

Though I'm still of the opinion that Santorum could be amusing.

This guy? Potentially more sane than Santorum.
Well... maybe... if we could find a way to prevent him the power to absolutely anything of any authority while he was there. But just listening to him speak is always a gem. I mean... I talk shit. I say wildly unpopular things. I take shots at pretty much everyone from straight white males to transgendered black lesbian jews (do those exist? Cause I'm just picking pretty much every minority class and sticking them all together... into like a super-minority human... is that a thing? could it be?) but that guy is batshit fucking crazy. I mean... he is to pretty much any sort of social matter what  Joe Biden is to... er... everything that comes out of his mouth. And I fucking KNOW crazy. Yinz know some of my ex's. So, yeah. I know fucking crazy.

Also, a less horrible option than what we have now

Wait... THAT'S who we need... screw electing them President. Let's play a practical joke... Santorum/Biden ticket... yeah, one wears an R and the other a D... but the amout of ridiculous bullshit that each of them spews is comedy gold. And then... after we elect them to what they THINK is the President & Vice President... they find out that they got elected to the newly created office of the Executive Jester & Executive Vice Jester. It'll be a competition for each office. The one who is wrong more often wins (or is it loses? I can't quite tell). This is gonna be a close fucking race. Cause I'm not sure when either of them were last right on anything.

And then... we elect a robot to the Presidency. Figure it can't work out much worse... at least it'll be a quick death when Skynet is elected. Instead of the slow bleeding to death that the idiots that have run Washington for the past 20-some years have been doing.

Doom is always a good option

Death of a thousand cuts or quick & fiery nuclear explosions? I kinda vote for option B.

Or there's always digging up... wait... what was that guy's name? The guy with the gigantic ears. No... not Bush... not Obama... Not Bush's Dad... (what IS the deal with Presidents having huge fucking ears?)... oh sonnuvabitch... what was his name?

Ross Perot! That's it! Or Bob Dole. But only if he sits on his recliner the whole time & watches scantily clad girls run around on TV while his dog watches with him. Or am I the only one that remembers those commercials?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #545

Day 545

You know what I really need? A Helper Monkey.

Seriously. Don't you remember the episode of the Simpsons where Homer gets a helper monkey? Wouldn't it be kinda fucking rad to have one?

"Hey, Mojo... go get me a beer."

I'd totally teach the Helper Monkey how to ride my dog like a horse around the house.
But I'd actually make use of him. Gotta teach him what tools are which though. Then, I can have a workshop assistant that gets me tools when I need them or holds stuff for me when I need an extra pair of hands.

I wonder if he'd try swinging from ropes when someone does a suspension during a party? I wonder if monkeys are any good with rope? Hmmmm...

I bet I could even get him to kill people I don't like. Does that count as a crime if you get a monkey to do it? Cause you can't really aim them at someone... and you're not hiring someone... hmmmm.. That is an awesome business opportunity! Hit-Monkey!!

He rides in on the back of my dog, shoots montherfuckers in the face and then calls it a day. And nobody is any wiser.


Friday, January 6, 2012

RTOTD #544.1

Day 544.1

So... some broad got her panties in a bunch about Cosmo being sold in grocery stores & has 10k people sign an online petition to ban it.

I'm gonna start an online petition that bans whiny cunts from grocery stores.

Let's see who gets more signatures.

And let's see if any online petition matters. (*HINT* - they don't)

Random Thought Of The Day #544

Day 544

You know what we need more of? TV shows on actual history and educational channels about aliens. Because... we don't have enough of those.

Fucking REALLY??
 Now that I think about it... who the fuck does the programming for these channels?

Planet Green network has half of their shows about fucking ghosts and haunted shit. I don't know the last time I flipped that channel on and saw something about nature.

The History Channel has about a dozen shows about "ancient alien astronauts" visiting earth, Area 51, nostradamus and about everything else that is as far from actual history as possible.

Same with The Learning Channel. And I'm pretty sure I saw some of this shit on Discovery too.

That's more like it! Needs More Tin Foil!!!!
 Don't get me wrong. I love me some wacky alien conspiracy theory nutjobs. The Area 51 freaks are great as well. I'm a little bummed that none of them have actually been on TV yet wearing their tin-foil hats, but still. I love it. They're great fun for letting your brain go off on fantastical tangents for no apparent reason. And they're my replacement for the last decade of no X-Files on tv and one bad movie that had nothing to do with aliens... fuck you, werewolves and bigfoot and crazy pedophile priests and shit. I want some little grey men!

I just don't know why in the chocolate christ these guys are all on channels that are supposed to be educational but they still don't belong on History or Discovery or TLC. Granted... Pawn Stars, Storage Wars and Hoarders don't belong on their either... but still. At least that shit is REAL... with physical proof & all that.

Just look at this guy... fucking... REALLY? He gets paid?
 No... these alien nuts sit there on my television box for an hour and spout off about "hey, I saw this light one time at this place and there wasn't a plane around that I could see... and it looked like it was floating" and expect that to be proof of something?

And while I'm at it... how the fuck do you become an expert in ancient alien astronauts? Or extra-terrestrials in general? Cause that seems like a pretty cool gig. Just make up bullshit strawman arguments about conspiracies and try to tie little bits of nothingness from history into a big elaborate story.. and get paid for it? GAME. ON. How can I become an expert in something that has no proof?

Then again... I guess there's experts on god... and that's a fictional character too.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #543

Day 543

Do you remember Jurassic Park? What's taking them so long to do it?  Cause, man... I'd love to have somebody clone some dinosaurs.

Mostly cause I wanna see what dinosaur meat tastes like. I have a feelilng it's gonna be a lot like most birds... but maybe a little more stringy.

Probably tastes like chicken.

I bet Deadpool can tell us

Come on... Deadpool? Dinosaur? Big titted blonde wearing minimal clothing? WIN.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #542

Day 542

I'm really happy that the holidays are over. Now, I can finally get back to working on a number of the little projects that had to get put on hold.

Here's the project list:

1. Final coat of paint & then a couple coats of finish gloss on the beer pong table. It looks good. I want it to look great. Then, once that's done... the detachable pad for going over it. To both protect the finish, make the thing more comfortable & to also allow for more play options on top of it.

2. I've been meaning to get to building shit for a while now and haven't had the time. Now... fuck it. I'm starting off with a prayer bench. Because the ScienceJesus needs a prayer bench to be worshipped from. And to tie his worshippers to while they're being beat.

3. But I'm also looking for actual suggestions for other stuff to build. I've been borrowing furniture from GreyOne & KristynaDark for months now & I'm pretty sure they're gonna want that stuff back in the near future. So I need to start replacing it with my own crap. I'm thinking I'm definitely going to need a spanking bench and a more traditional St. Andrew's Cross.

4. Maybe now is the time to build the Death Ring I have been thinking about for a while. Because standard wrestling mats are boring. No... I want shit with razor wire & shit. Mats? Pssshhhh... razor wire cage. Because we don't fuck around.

5. Finally install the cage door inside the closet. Then find someone to put in it. Any volunteers?

6. Seriously consider adopting another dog. I kinda want to wait until I've fenced the whole yard in before I do that... but at the same time... those god damned Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials that make me need to hug the dogs & want to adopt every dog on the planet are kinda compelling me to go adopt like another 8 dogs.

Seriously... am I the only one whose whole damn day gets ruined every time they see those commercials & then wants to adopt all the dogs everywhere? I know I can't be.

Fucking christ... I'm a sucker for dogs. Grrr...

And now my brain just hit the rewind button that apparently remembers every single second of those god damned commercials and now I want to go adopt all the dogs again. And hug mine. And I'm at work so I can't.  FUCK YOU, BRAIN!

I wanna go home now. And hug dogs.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #541

Day 541
Yeah... don't think you all got rid of me that easily. I just decided that I'm not writing on my vacation this time. So now that it's the end of that, it's time to get back to fucking business here. It's just the first blog post of 2012.

First of all... I'd like to thank everyone who came out for the "Let's Hope 2012 Sucks Less" party. It was kinda killer. That was probably the biggest party we've had so far and we ended up pushing about 40 people there. I'm thinking we're starting to reach capacity with these. But I'll wait until we hit 50 before making the call.

That was a lot of work & I want to thank everyone who showed appreciation for it & everyone who helped out by throwing in food or beverages or alcohol or setting up or whatever. Without your help with that, there's no way we could do these things nearly this regularly. Though with the way the liquor shelf keeps growing and growing after each of these, I'm pretty sure I could throw a liquor-only party in the near future and only go thru about half of it.

But next time I volunteer to host a group event only hours before a play party that's also at my house, someone hit me in the fucking head with a tack hammer. Seriously... I must have been on fucking drugs to do that.

Though on a different note... things are finally starting to settle here. All my roomies are now back (well, Roommate Baby gets home in about 15 minutes), so the house is starting to feel a helluva lot less empty.

I already told Artemis_Fallen... and I'm gonna let Diotima know too... next time they're both away for more than like 3 days at the same time, they need to find substitute room mates. This place is boring is shit with just me and the dogs. And I can't really go out drinking either, cause I know that I have to make it back here to take care of dogs and I'm totally not dealing with the fucking amateur hour out there around the holidays when it comes to the drunk fucks. Yo... I'm a professional. I don't have time to deal with the rookies trying to make a name for themselves out there this time of year. I mean... where's their gold medals? Who'd they ever beat? I'm like 7 times platinum with a bottle. I don't fuck with chumps like that.

But really... I'm glad that everyone stayed safe and found their beds or the floor on New Years.

There was a lot of good play scenes and it seems like each time we throw one of these, the atmosphere gets further established here. And I love it.

You know what might make this a little more fun? To see if I can maybe start scheduling these to go with some of the Rope Bite Demo things that @TwistedView is starting up. How'd that sound? Go do a demo... then head back over here & do a play party a little later? Just an idea... and I know I'm totally putting him on the spot here. I don't know... I'm just throwing shit out there. Isn't that what the one munch does already? I'm not sure... shows you how much I pay attention.

Though the downside to this idea is that it means I'm actually paying attention to community event planning. I don't wanna... I just wanna throw parties when I feel like it and totally ignore anything else that's already scheduled. It's a lot more fun to make people think that I'm intentionally causing scheduling conflicts. This might force me to actually become considered a member of the community again and not just some random asshole that throws parties and, for some unknown reason, a few people actually LIKE.

Here's a secret... sssshhhhhhh... I don't even LOOK at the events section here or any of the local group event listings. I just say "oh, I think 3 weeks form now would be a good time for a party... let's make an event' and see who shows. And then I inevitably get the "but there's this thing or that thing going on that same night and I don't know which one I want to go to! Why did you schedule it on the same night?" e-mails... and then I laugh.

Why do I do things this way? Because... and here's a shocking revelation... I DON'T CARE what else is going on. I don't care whose toes I might be stepping on. I don't care what events I might be stealing people away from. Hell, I don't even care if anyone comes. I just like to throw an occasional party because nobody else is doing it on any sort of regular basis... at least that I know of... or that I notice... or that I like. Wait... does anyone else throw a regular party?

Seriously... I appreciate all the "thank you" e-mails and whatnot. Even when I don't have time to get back to all of you.

"I do it for the nod"
"The nod?"
"yeah. at the end of every party, at least one person comes up and just gives me a nod. They say 'thank you. I needed this' and then they nod. And I nod back. Because I understand."
"you know, you're kinda weird."

*EDIT* - I had to edit this... as I already did Day 540 on Fetlife-Only for Christmas Eve. I shall post that one here eventually.