Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #466

Day 466

I don't know if I mentioned this here, but I know I did on twitter.

I was disappointed in myself at the party this weekend. I realized, at one point, that I was actually quite bummed out when one person in particular sent me a txt to say that she wasn't gonna be able to make it.

Now, granted... it was a REALLY phenomenally bad idea to invite her in the first place, so I guess it was for the best that she didn't come. But still... I didn't realize how bummed I was gonna be that she wasn't able to make it.

It's weird though. You'd think that after more than a year of not seeing each other, it wouldn't bother me as much? *shrug*

Maybe that's why I consider her my Kryptonite.

Ok... and that's my naval gazing mopey crap for the next decade.

I hope you all die.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #465

Day 465

We need to come up with Kinky Rules Beer Pong.

There's already "House Rules" depending on where you're playing. Double Cupping, bouncing, islands, back-to-back, re-racks, slamdunk, behind-the-back, redemption, "guys finger, girls blow". They're all things that different houses have different rules on. Though in our house, girls also finger. We haven't yet had an instance when guys wanted to blow, but I'm pretty sure we can accomodate that as well. We're equal-opportunity like that.

As @TwistedView mentioned yesterday, we need some kinky-rules beer pong.

Here's what I'm thinking.

The Suspension Shot. We have 2 designated "Suspendees" for the evening. Either end of the table. And instead of the "behind the back" (which is really funny when someone sinks it into their own cup after they threw it into their own shoulder or arm) the suspendees get to throw. And if they sink it, it's also 2 cups. The suspendees can be changed up as they want to come down and someone can replace them if they want to fly instead.
The Blindfold Shot. One player from each team can elect to throw blindfolded at any point in the game. Each cup that they sink is also worth 2 cups. It's a risky play, but can really help if you're way down or drunk already and can't see straight. Plus... watching someone throw it about 20 feet away from the table would be kind of amusing. But I laugh at others misfortune. So maybe it's only funny for me.

Strip Pong. Every game that you lose, you lose another article of clothing. This could end up with a lot of half-naked drunken assholes. Which is greatly amusing.

So what do you think? Come up with a good kinky beer pong house rule for my house.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #464 - Late Day Edition

Day 464

Wow.. I was gonna write something here this morning. And then work happened. So about 7 1/2 hours later, I'm back to writing.

Thanks everyone who came out this past Saturday to the party. It was a good time. It was an invitation only party, so if you weren't invited... we hate you.

Ok... maybe we don't hate you... maybe I hate you and my roommates are indifferent to you. Or I am indifferent to you, like I am to 98.7% of the worlds population. This is a legitimate statistic. I counted. The other 1.3% is made up equally of people that I like and people that I hope would have an anvil dropped on their heads from a zeppelin ala Wile E. Coyote meets... well... a zeppelin... if someone still made them. Does anyone still make zeppelins??

Where was I going there? Fuck it.

Yeah, so thanks to the 20-some people that made it out. It was a good party even though like 10 of the people that said they were coming bitched out. Whores. You're dead to me. Or... maybe I'll just see if you show up next time. Whatever.

And thanks to Sybele for coming up with the idea. A 50's "Mad Men"/Housewives & Misogynists/ Greasers & Poodle-skirts thing was definitely fun. I'm pretty certain that almost all the guys actually did wear suspenders with their pants too. It was kinda awesome.

And thanks to BrighidsCross for fulfilling my "only wearing heels and an apron" fantasy. That was hot. Seriously. All damn night... I don't think she even had other clothes... she wore a coat in to cover up and underneath... heels & an apron. It was yummy.

Yes, I just said yummy. Eat me.

He's totaly going to be an Eat N Park
Smiley Cookie
We're gonna do another party in the not-too-distant future. Probably a Halloween party. But we're definitely going to be doing a Superhero theme party too. They're' going to be different parties. So save your superhero costume for the Superhero party and don't blow your wad on the Halloween party. Do something creative, fuckers. Like a gigantic Cock.

What is Bailey going to dress as?

I can bet Artemis_Fallen is going to go as Wonder Woman. It's too perfect of a choice.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #463

Day 463

I think we all learned a valuable lesson yesterday evening...

Trying to sound really smart when you write something is just about the most certain way to end up looking like an idiot. For at least 3 reasons:

First, there's a fine line between "eloquent" and "wordy". Far, far, far too often, people cross that line.

Don't... Just. Don't.

When you feel compelled to add that 37th preposition into your diatribe about how "oh-so-Domly" you are, or the "depths of your submission", just maybe hold back a little. Not everyone is a poet. Not everyone is fucking Wordsworth. Sorry. You're not. I KNOW I'm not.

Unless what you're writing is obviously meant to be in jest, just maybe try speaking a little more... down to Earth. It helps keep whatever you have to say from crossing into that far-too-easily-reached groan-inducing territory.

Secondly, you're going almost inevitably end up with redundency or oxymorons. That's kind of the "tell" that you're really not that good. So instead of appearing deep, you just end up appearing pretentious. Well, maybe "appearing" isn't the right word. More like... proving your pretentiousness.

Third, using a lot of big words doesn't prove eloquence, it proves a big vocabulary that you don't necessarily know how to use properly. Or it proves access to a thesaurus or google. You can use a shitload of big words and not say a fucking thing.

Wordiest Tramp Stamp EVER!
 There's a paradox to vocabulary in that way. I'm pretty sure we have a President that's really good at that right now. The previous idiot to hold that office sounded like a retarded chimp when he opened his mouth, but you pretty much knew what he was talking about. This idiot sounds like a dictionary but you feel like you've just been fucked in the temporal lobe by a 14 inch dildo when he stops talking and are then compelled to scream at the television "what the fuck are you talking about?". That's the difference.

I blame "Words With Friends".

But we all learned another lesson... I have a tendency of  being that guy that will just say what everyone else is thinking about but is too polite to say until someone else says it first. One of these days, I might actually care if I piss someone off. But I do kinda pick easy targets. I might wanna consider developing a brain-mouth filter at some point. But I doubt it.

He's cuter than you. A lot cuter.

Though I think that the reaction most people seem to have to what I have to say proves that I should totally run for political office. Instead of trying to come up with a platform or something, I'd just point at the other guy/girl/thing/animal/plant and go "what the fuck is that? Are you looking at that? LOOK!" to all the crazy shit that they say and appeal to the common sense of the voting public. That would totally be my campaign strategy.

Have we really had anyone run for office that was an unapologetic asshole? I should totally be the President. I'll make my dog the VP. He's kinda awesome. And then when I inevitably get assassinated, he'd totally make for an awesome President. As long as he gets to take his toys when he goes outside to play on the White House lawn.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

RTOTD #462.1

Day 462.1

Hey... this is kinda cool... I've managed to get this stupid blog thing onto the first page of google results when you search for Random Thought Of The Day. The bottom 2 results on the first page are this blog.

I want to get it up to being the top result though, fuckers.

So keep reading my rambling bullshit... or am I going to have to track down every single person that's ever read this and their families and friends and hold them all at knifepoint until they come here every day?

Don't test me... I might.

Random Thought Of The Day #462

Day 462

So, I met up with some awesome people for drinks last night post Rope Bite since I couldn't make it (fucking cleaning is a pain in my balls). And while there, it came to my attention that I must again evolve my persona.

First, I was the Doktor. Now, the ScienceJesus. We were thinking the next stage in my evolution should be JoeMyGod.

Come on... say it quickly. Out loud. I'll give you a few moments.

*muzak plays in the background*

Ok... tell me that wasn't kinda funny. You can thank DoNotGoGently for that one.

On a totally unrelated subject, Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple's CEO. My stock took a gigantic shit on my front sidewalk this morning. *Fuck you, Jobs.*

Now, let me preface this by saying that I LOVE apple products at this point.

But I have to ask... how the fuck did the company that used to make the Apple IIe that we all played Oregon Trail on in grade school end up becoming the couture brand of computer products?

And speaking of apple products...

I really wish I had a picture of this to post, but a good number of years ago... probably circa 1998 or so? A friend of mine and I decided to do something cool with an old-ass Mac. You remember those things, right? The kind with the huge 5" floppy drive on the front and the upgraded model with the 3+" one below that? They had the screen built into the tower. That screen was all of about 4" across. And totally square.

Well, we had 2 of these things (what we did with the 2nd one is a totally different story) and decided "I really want a fishbowl"... even though neither of us had fish... and decided "hey, I bet that thing would make a cool fishbowl!". So we did. I really wish I had a picture for that though.

After doing a google image search, I found some... so apparently we weren't all that original in our idea.

Now maybe turning an old console TV into a fishtank could be fun... hmmm... but I want it to be one of the kinds that have the record player on top too and the record player should totally still work.

And to play the misogynist card a little bit... if only girls actually worked like my iPhone does... is there an app for that? Cause that would be awesome.

And somehow I just managed to go from Steve Jobs to fish bowls to having a Dollhouse thought.

I am just that damn good. Maybe the JoeMyGod persona is the next step in evolution?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #461

Day 461

How many earthquake jokes can we come up with today? I mean, I had a half dozen  yesterday between fetlife and twitter. I still think someone dropped the national debt and it wasn't really an earthquake.

Oh god... now I'm starting to sound like formulaic morning drive radio. Someone shoot me.

But I do have to ask, we got hit with a natural disaster... even if it was centered a couple hundred miles away.. does this mean we can loot? Cause that would be awesome. I need a better surround sound system. And maybe a 2nd, bigger couch for the living room. And booze. I always need more booze.

What? My liquor cabinet is getting a little light. I need to restock.

Let that be a reminder... bring booze when you come over and I'll love you.

Speaking of coming over. I'm still waiting on RSVP's one way or another from about 1/3 of you fuckers. 20 of the 60 people we sent out invitations to haven't replied. Bastards. Don't make me track you down and hold a knife to your throat for an answer.

Damn... I just remembered that I need to pick up my pants from the drycleaner. Lipstick mark on the fly. If I have to explain how it got there, we're not friends anymore.

Which brings up a good question for you...

What's the funniest story to go with a stain that you've had to take something to the dry cleaners to get taken out? Or the most embarassing stain? Cum stain on a dress or pants or shirt? Blood stain in a really weird place? Come on... you know you have at least a couple. Let's here them.

This thing sucks today. Sorry about that. I wish I could come up with something for a Mad Libs Edition. Or that I'd see something that pissed me off so much that I felt compelled to really yell about it. Instead, you get a txt version of fucking god awful morning drive radio. Or like...  fucking Good Morning America or some shit.

For the love of god... someone do something really fucking obnoxious so I have something to scream about!!

Making fun of Obama or Michelle Bachman or vegans or any other idiots can only be so fun before I feel like I'm just beating a dead horse. Oh... that probably pissed off vegans... how about a dead artichoke?

Doesn't quite have the same effect, does it?

But still.. How many times can I make fun of politicians or vegans or bullshit community politics before it gets old? I get bored with it after about the 2nd time.

Coming up with original material sucks. That's why one of you fuckers needs to point me at things that piss me off.  Maybe then I'll have something that doesn't suck to write here.

In the meantime... here's some Deadpool:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #460

Day 460

Man... I had the most fucked up, vivid dream last night. It was like I was giving my own eulogy but not exactly. I can't exactly explain it... there were people there that I haven't seen (or even thought about) since highschool... there were people I see weekly... and there were people that I'm pretty sure were completely fictional.

And the setting was really really weird too. It was partially in the gymnasium of the middle school I went to and partially at a house I haven't lived in since I was 7 but slightly different and partially at some place that I know I've been before but can't figure out.

There were fights, there was fucking and there was a lot of alcohol.

And then there was me... alternatingly acting somewhere between crazy person and new age messiah. Ok, so that part was probably semi normal... but still.

It was fucked up.

Definitely not a zombie. I think.
I need to stop falling asleep watching TV I think.

But it seemed like a cool party. Even if I think I was both alive and dead. But not a zombie. Or I was just a really not-dead looking zombie that could still articulate complex thoughts. Or my definition of complex thoughts.


It was just fucked up. But it was wildly vivid. Actually, I wouldn't mind having a few more dreams like that. It was kinda like doing acid mixed with the random black-outs of heavy intoxication.

Oh, and while I'm on that subject... the next person that decides "hey, Joe's birthday/christmas/valentine's day/ tuesday is coming up, I should get him something" and then thinks "oh, Joe loves beer... let's get him some pint glasses" is getting those pint glasses thrown at their head. I finally unpacked all of the booze-related glassware yesterday and they filled about 12 square feet of shelf space. I don't ever need any more pint glasses, wine glasses, pilsner glasses, rocks glasses, shot glasses or any other kind of fucking glassware. I have more than I know what to do with.

Ohhh... shotgun party? I just had a total "Don't Tell Mom, The Babysitter's Dead" moment.

"The dishes are done, man"

Ok... that's it. I'm going off topic rather badly. So let's call it a day and try this again tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #459

Day 459

It was a good weekend.

Spent some time hanging out with some great people, did some thinking on some stuff that's been stuck in my head & read 3 books. It was good.

That's pretty much all you get today.

I'm kinda zen today. So nothing to get mad about, nothing to make fun of and nothing I really have to say.

Enjoy your monday, children.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #458

Day 458

I've never been much for pictures. And it's strange, but it seems as though my friends are mostly the same way. Maybe it's just around me, but I don't remember the last time someone had a camera with them and was taking pictures when I was out with anyone.

Even cell phone pics are rare.

Oh, nevermind. I figured it out. They just don't want their pictures taken with me. Nevermind.

Granted, I'm totally guilty of this. I don't take pictures of shit. I don't care if my picture gets taken, but apparently because I'm not busting out the phone to snap pictures of shit, nobody else is either.

Oddly enough, I take more pictures of shit at work than I do in my own life. In fact, I think the last time I took a picture that wasn't business related was... ummm... hold on... lemme check my phone... oh wait, I took a picture of my patio furniture that a friend wanted to see last week, but before that? 3 weeks ago. And all that was was a leaky pipe so I could remember which catch to buy at the hardware store.

It's a truck. On fire. And not part of a movie. Cool
 But the last time I took a picture of anything that I thought was cool was a month and a half ago when I was on my way to work and there was a truck on fire in a gas station parking lot. Though I'm pretty certain the only reason I took that picture was in hopes of seeing a big fucking explosion. Plus... how often do you see a truck on fire?

I guess what I'm saying is... outside of the really photo-oriented people out there... do people even think regularly "hey, I should take a picture of that!" ? I don't. Is it just me? I mean, I know I'm weird. And judging from facebook and all that other stuff, people are busting out the camera every time they get a chance... but from the people I'm around... nobody takes pictures. Even at the bar or anything.

Hell, I can't count the number of girls that I've dated that I've never had my picture taken with. In fact, it's probably an easier number to count how many I have. Lemme think... if I'm not mistaken... that number is 3. Out of every girl I've dated... I've had my picture taken with only 3 of them. Maybe that says something.

Does it say something to you?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #457

Day 457

Wait a second... all of a sudden, now that S&P downgraded the US debt and the US credit rating to AA+ (instead of AAA), the Justice Department is now investigating them for potentially improperly rating sub-prime mortgage backed securities before this?

I'm sorry, but what about this DOESN'T smack of "revenge" from a pissed off administration?

I'm not gonna go onto a whole big thing, but EVERYONE improperly rated sub-prime mortgage backed securities from the 90's until the collapse. Every rating company. Every bank. Every person. All somehow thought that backing a security with debt that could not be paid back by the people taking out the loans was a good idea. A 6 year old could have figured out that it wasn't, but 6 year olds don't run the banking industry. But everyone thought that it was "safe" and everyone was wrong.

But ain't it a coincidence that Justice is going after S&P but nobody else after S&P (and nobody else) downgraded the US debt rating. I'm shocked. Really. I am.

OK, and that just lost like 80% of my readers...

I can almost guarantee that I'm talking to myself right now. I can say anything and nobody will read it. La La La La La! Poopy Poopy Poopy. You're not reading this.

I'm a little teapot... Short and stout. This is my handle... this is my... wait a second? Stout? Now I'm thinking about beer. Fuck you children's rhyme.

Some of those childrens rhymes are fucking weird. I'm still trying to figure out what this teapot thing is meant to teach kids or what it's purpose is. Are we teaching them how to be inanimate objects? That's just fucking weird.

And here's just something fucking awesome that I found... this has to be a few years old, but it's still cool...


Can you think of all the cool shit you can do with a set of power-loader arms from Aliens!?!? You could punch fucking aliens in the face with that shit! Or... move heavy shit!! Or... punch fucking aliens in the face with that shit!!!

Because that's the perfect use for robot arms. Punching aliens in the fucking face!

And here's some Deadpool.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #456

Day 456

Wow... some days, I can't find anything to talk about... and other days, the funny just falls right into my lap.

Some dude in Texas apparently broke into his neighbors apartment and bit her... claiming that he "needed to feed".

And when the cops found him in the parking lot of the apartment complex, he asked to be restrained because he didn't "want to kill them". All while claiming to be a 500-year-old vampire.

Yeah, sure buddy. I bet you sparkle and shit in the sunlight too.

The cops said he wasn't under the influence of drugs... umm... are we sure about that? Cause I don't think anyone can actually go that crazy to believe that they're really a vampire. That's gotta be drugs. Crazy can only take you so far.

I mean... any time you arrest a 19-year old dude that claims to be a 500-year old vampire in an apartment complex parking lot in the middle of the night in Texas while he's only wearing his boxers... drugs kinda have to be involved. Sorry... there's no way around that one.

Well... I guess there's also the guy that climbed a radio tower in Oklahoma and hung out there for 6 days... but again... it was just a guy in a pair of shorts...

What does this prove?

Shirts & shoes make us sane.

That's why the gas station forces you to wear or refuses you service. They know that we go crazy when we don't have shirts or shoes on. Pants are optional.

I'm sure there's a Texas/Oklahoma/American-southwest joke in there, but I'm not sure I have the energy to look for it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #455

Day 455

Party planning is tiring. You gotta write an invitation... keep the guest list to a manageable number and then actually send people invitations? Then after that, you gotta still do the stuff like... clean the house so people think you're a lot less messy than you really are. And when that's all done, you gotta still actually throw the party. My natural apathy is kicking in already...

So the invitations for the housewarming party have been sent... I THINK I got everybody. If I missed someone, lemme know. 

Or maybe it's just because I don't like you all that much and intentionally didn't invite you.

Or you... you know... live like 400 miles away and I have no expectation that you'd drive here for 1 party. Cause that would be absolutely stupid to do. I wouldn't drive like 400 miles or more for a party unless it was a family member's wedding. And even then... I might say "eh, not worth the trip".

Seriously... who the fuck drives 400 miles for a party? You're lucky if you can get me to go 2 miles to the grocery store some days. But maybe that's just because I'm lazy. I actually had someone get mad at me about a year or so back for not inviting them to a party because they lived 3 states away. WTF, mate? I'm pretty sure that's a reasonable reason to NOT invite someone to a party.

Oh... yeah... I guess I got off track there.

I don't remember where I was going with that... so um... yeah...


oh... and here's some other funny comic stuff... this time... Spider Jerusalem

It does work.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #454

Day 454

I'm going to make you a few promises today... Here's the first 5.

1.  If your power goes out tonight and you go down to your basement to check the circuit breaker, I promise that it wasn't me and I'm not hiding behind the furnace with a knife.

I promise.

2. When you wake up tomorrow and get in your car... I promise that I haven't snuck in during the night and cut the brake lines.

I promise.

3. When you go to bed tonight and see that window open just a little more than you think you left it, I promise I didn't climb in and hide in the attic with piano wire until you go to sleep.

I promise.

4. When you think you hear that noise in the closet and go to get your gun and find it isn't there, I promise that I'm not hiding in there with it, watching you and waiting for that moment that you realize your only protection is gone.

I promise.

5. If you hear something in the bushes outside the house tonight and think "oh, it's just an animal"... I promise that it is. I'm not there waiting for you to walk back towards the door with a chloroform soaked rag.

I promise.

You can trust me. I promise.

Friday, August 12, 2011

RTOTD #453.1

Day 453.1

8 years ago yesterday, America lost a great treasure. Herb Brooks, the guy who took a bunch of kids from Michigan, Minnesota & Boston and beat the Big Red Machine in Lake Placid in 1980, died 8 years ago yesterday. He was still an amazing coach, scout and hockey mind.

He's sorely missed.

Random Thought Of The Day #453

Day 453

How did I miss this?  There was a debate over whether or not Bert & Ernie should get married on Sesame Street?

THEY'RE PUPPETS!  They go over your hand or hang off of strings? Often made out of a sock or other pieces of cotton? You know....puppets. They aren't gay. They aren't straight. They aren't bi, asexual or like screwing goats. They're inanimate objects with some guy or girl doing a weird voice outside of your field of view. They flop around on a screen or a stage of some kind and that's pretty much it. They're supposed to be funny.

Ok, I get it... Sesame street is a tool to teach kids about morality, diversity, community and all that other fun stuff that they might not learn while still sheltered at a young age. Cool. That works... But don't we think that pushing the the whole "accepting gay marriage" thing is a little too much for Sesame Street?

Cue the moral indignation in 3...2... 1... go

No... I'm not saying it's wrong to teach kids to accept non-hetero relationships at any age. That's cool. I think kids shouldn't be sheltered into thinking that the only "right" kind of relationship is what they're going to mostly see on TV between hetero couples & then end up confused when they see a non-hetero couple on the streets or be conditioned that it's unnatural or anything. I just didn't think Sesame Street is really doing much in the line of validating relationships of ANY kind to kids. Nor should it be.

Granted, I haven't watch it in like... forever... but I don't remember them really having romantic relationships of any kind between any of the characters. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but I don't remember any OTHER 2 characters having any sort of romantic connection. It just always seemed like most of them were just friends with each other (except Oscar... nobody liked him cause that guy was kind of a dick... and kinda awesome)... Is there a straight couple on the show that I'm not remembering? If so, forget anything I really said... showing the other types of romantic relationships is perfectly reasonable. I just don't remember Sesame Steet having ANY relationships.

I always got the impression that Bert & Ernie was trying to teach kids that you can get along and live with people that you might have almost nothing in common with. That people that live differently than you aren't bad people or anything. Just that they're different and we can still get along at the end of the day, even if we disagree on almost everything else. The whole "live and let live" message.

Granted, you can still get a lot of the same message across if they were gay, but I think it loses its effectiveness about the "getting along with people that are different" message at that point. I can't really put into words yet this morning WHY I think that though. I might have to come back to that. It's the same message in a different way. More from the perspective of the other characters getting along with "people that are different than themselves" than 2 characters that have very different personalities getting along with each other.

But if "legitimizing" non-hetero relationships to kids is the goal, why not just throw in a new non-hetero couple? I think you'd get the social perspective of "gettling along with others that are different from yourself" better than attaching it to existing characters.

I guess what I'm saying is that don't try to teach the whole lesson... on the inter-personal level and on the social level... with the same characters. It's like saying "we need a half-black, half-hispanic, muslim, trangendered lesbian character to teach suburban white kids about relating to someone of a different race, religion, sexual orientation and non-traditional gender types all at once!".  Effectively teaching anyone about diversity by sticking all of the "diverse traits" in 1 or 2 characters means a lot of the effectiveness about some of those areas is going to be lost.

I just think that you'll end up diluting the message too much when it's all coming from 1 or 2 characters. And it's almost like teaching kids that everyone is the same execpt like 1 in 20 people that are nothing like the others. And we all know that's not true.

Or I'm probably over-thinking this. Yeah, probably.

And I couldn't really find any funny pictures for this one cause I'm trying to NOT make too much light of it. I think it is important in the grand scheme to get kids to understand the diversity of the world to help break down the walls of prejudice that exist. I just think there's better ways to go about it than to shoe-horn the one set of friends that doesn't get along really well into a non-traditional relationship just to teach kids that that kind of relationship is just as normal as mom & dad's.

Though the whole "sleeping in the same bed" thing really doesn't help my case.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Random Thought Of the Day #452

Day 452

So apparently the MPAA is going hard after people that are pirating movies. Watch your ass, people. Use proxy servers when possible, IP masking or any other sort of annonymity-creating methods you know of to hide your IP when downloading.

Christ, I'm thinking about going back to the old fserv method on mIRC to get my pirated movies. Now I just need to remember how to avoid the REAL perverts that still use that regularly.

Actually, fuck it... I'll just hit RedBox or wait for Netflix to deliver them and then rip them, send them back immediately and watch them when I feel like it thru my xbox or appleTV. That's what Handbreak is for.

With the way the MPAA, RIAA and all the rest of the AA's are going after people for piracy anymore, it's just almost not worth the effort. But with how much utter crap hollywood, the LA music industry and the Valley porn producers are putting out there anymore, it's more of a crapshoot on how good something is anymore. And with how much stuff is competing for our ever-shrinking entertainment dollars, it makes it even less likely that I'm gonna go out and waste money on something that I don't have a pretty good indication is worth every penny I'm paying for it.

And don't get me started on buying DVDs anymore. It's not fucking worth it. At all. Between the physical space that they take up, the apparently rising cost of them for no apparent reason (gotta make up the profit margins lost from all the crap that people bought when they were down to like $8 each 5 years ago and people bought them like fucking candy, I guess) and THIS:

and they wonder why people pirate movies?

Fuck... by the time the god damn thing starts, I already forgot which movie I put in the dvd player and I've gotten distracted by watching Netflix Instant Play on my phone.

But I do have to ask you all your opinion on this one...

Music & movie piracy has been around for a while... digital piracy for the past 15 or so years. First it was Napster, then Kazaa, and other services. P2P file sharing is not going away. I think we can all agree on that. But I have to ask, 5 years ago, when the studios were still making a killing on DVD sales and piracy levels were at the same level as they are now, why weren't they going sue-happy then? Is this just a cheap ploy to make up their lost profit margins by sueing instead of putting out a decent product for the price?

When I could walk into a best buy 5 years ago and buy a new-release DVD the first few days it was out for $9, I didn't mind buying them. If I do that now, it's nearly $20 because it's a new-release. It used to be cheaper to drive up sales on new-releases... now it's more expensive to drive up profit margins (well, bad economic understanding & bad math makes them think that, but that's a whole other argument). And they wonder why people aren't buying them as much?

Thankfully, it looks like the lawsuits have mostly been directed at people torrenting indie flicks or generic porn. It doesn't look like most of the BIG studio productions have been targetted yet. Or even the BIG release porn stuff.

I guess it's because most of those already make a killing in total profit, so it's not worth the effort or bad publicity to go after pirates of blockbuster movies. So I guess we're a little safer in that regards for the time being. But it's only a matter of time before they start going after that too.

Though I do wonder... since Apple found a way to make money off my pirated music collection, are they going to find a way to do the same thing with my pirated movie collection too once it's in the iCloud system?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #451

Day 451

Oh, this is marginally interesting... scientists have found more evidence that the building blocks of  DNA are not entirely specific to Earth. We're all aliens.

Now we just need to find Superman. Cause if there's DNA building blocks in meteorites, that means there's life elsewhere, and that the planet with the life blew up and some of the rocks smacked into Earth and if so, they totally sent a spaceship with a baby and it landed somewhere in Nebraska.

That's how this stuff works. It's true... I saw it in a comic book.

But that once again bring up my point... Superman should totally be a fat guy. I'm not gonna keep proving it. It's just true. Superman should be a fat guy.

Speaking of superman... apparently there's going to be a new Superman movie. A total reboot of the franchise this time. It's going the Batman route and going with the title of Man Of Steel with no reference to Superman at all. I guess it's to distance itself from the abortion that was the Bryan Singer one with the SuperBaby and Cyclops from the X-Men movies for no apparent reason.

Spider-Man is also getting a reboot with Amazing Spider-Man.

So with all the superhero movie reboots coming out, what's the list of comic books that have NOT yet been made into movies that you would love to see?

Personally, I'd kill to see any of the following:

The Authority - superhumans that don't take any shit at all and put the bad guy down for the count. Period. Plus, it would be wonderful to show a strong, monogamous relationship between 2 gay male characters on screen in a superhero flick. We haven't seen that really yet. Especially between the 2 biggest bad-asses on the team.

StormWatch: Team Achilles - humans trained and armed to take down superhumans. Fuck waiting for Superman to beat up the gigantic bad guy, these guys can take him out faster and then take down Superman when they're done with the first guy.

Wildcats - Why do you need to always punch people to save the world? The corporation IS the 21st century superhuman. And what better way to save the world than to use all of the proliferate advanced technology to the rest of the world. Imagine a world with unlimited electricity for pennies. The Jack Marlowe & the HALO Corporation is bringing that to you. HALO... Your world, only better.

Deadpool - Though it is in active development with Ryan Reynolds reprising his role from the first Wolverine movie... except he'll be able to talk again in this one. And routinely break the 4th wall. And talk to his thought bubbles. I hope we actually see the thought bubbles on the screen.

Invincible - Probably the Spider-Man of the 21st century. Think all the cool things about Spider-Man in his teens with Superman's powers.

So what about you? What do you wanna see?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

RTOTD #450.1

Day 450.1

So why the fuck are the Brits rioting again? Did school text books go up in price a nickel? Oh, wait... what's the british version of a nickel? Fuck. Whatever.

No, no... I know... Dr. Who is on hiatus and they're bored?

Wait... a sex tape of the queen came out... except it was from the 90's and not the 40's. I'd freak out if I had to see that shit too.

No, that can't be it... someone on tv actually admitted that American football is more interesting to watch than Soccer?

Oh... I got it.. they might actually have to pay for some cold medicine when they get the sniffles?

Hmmm...What reason do you think it is that they're rioting THIS time?

The first time, it was because god forbid that they have to actually pay for a little bit of their post-secondary schooling.

So what it is this time?

And anyone else notice that it's always the "yay peace" idiots that are the ones out there rioting and breaking shit and screaming "no justice, no peace!" and shit like that? The same ones screaming about how horrible war is and how much collateral damage it creates are the same that are setting random cars on fire in the streets and breaking windows of coffee shops and pretty much any business that they can find? So that's cool, but war isn't?

Alright then. At least a Deadpool-led riot would be funny.

Random Thought Of The Day #450

Day 450

I'm finally getting to the planning stage of the housewarming party for sometime this month.

It has been decided by powers greater than myself (meaning a couple girls came up with the idea and I said "ok" rather than argue, plus it gets me my fix of 50's housewife kink) that we're doing a 50's housewife/stepford wives & misogynist party. I just wanna know which girl is gonna show up in only an apron & heels.

But in the interest of simplicity... I'm just calling it a 50's theme party.

And you have to wear costumes or I won't let you in.

And now, I have to decide which of you I actually like enough to invite. You'll be getting the invitation in your e-mail box within the next week. I'm not entirely sure when the party is yet (I should probably talk to the room mates about that, shouldn't I?)  but that'll be in the invitation, of course.

I'm not gonna do an event page for this one. It's not a public party. But hey, if you wanna bring someone, be my guest. Though I reserve the right to tell them to get the fuck out of my house if they're not cute.

Unless they bring cupcakes. That might get them off the hook. Maybe. If they're really really good cupcakes.

Or chimichangas

