Thursday, August 13, 2009

Random Thought Of The Day #29

Day 29
I'm amazed by the kind of looks you get from vanilla friends that are only mildly aware of your kink life when the question of rope is involved. And it comes up at the most random times. For instance:
Last night, I went to visit my friend El Hefe. He just bought a house and he and his girlfriend are in the process of moving in. They bought a couch. They hated it. So, long story short, I offer to help take it back to the store. El Hefe borrowed someone's minivan and did an evening trade.... Minivan for his 335. Cause a couch isn't fitting in a BMW.
Ok, totally got off subject. Back to the point. We put ths couch in the back and the hatch won't close. No problem, says El Hefe. I have rope. So, I stand back and let he and his girl and another of our friends make a virtually hysterical attempt at tying this hatch down. They managed to do the best job of making a gigantic mess with rope without actually tying anything down that nearly left me pissing myself that I had ever seen. Note to parents. Seriously. Teach your kids how to tie a knot other than on their shoes. Seriously. They're going to need I at some point. Fuck, put them in cub scouts for all I care. Tying knots is important everyday knowledge.
Now back again to the story. After finally overcoming my overwhelming lack of laughter control, I finally stepped forward and untied one knot and the whole 50' of rope simply fell off the back of the van. Again, see? Knot tying. Important for things other than bondage. It's a safety issue. Couches falling out of the backs of minivans on the freeway = bad.
Well, after taking about 4 seconds to look atthe bumper and the undercarridge of the van, I took about a minute, tied a nice tight strong and visually appealing knot. Turned around and was promptly asked "what the fuck? How did you? What?". The look of genuine astonishment was almost as amusing as their initial attempts of tyin that shit down themselves.
So the moral of the story? When vanilla have issues involving transporting furniture, for the sake of other motorists, kindly volunteer your kink talents. It's a matter of public safety. Or at least tell them to locate a fisherman. They're pretty talented with tying shit down too.

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