Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #526

Day 526

Apparently I missed hunting season again.

Cause there's nothing better to do than sit my happy fat ass in a tree for like 900 hours and wait for something to shoot. That's what I want to do.

But I wish there was a people hunting season.

I think 2 per-year would be sufficient. I could live with that.


OK... I think this proves that I need a vacation. I'm getting back to my "well, if we could just take 2 people per year.... " thinking. I wonder how many of us would be needed to take care of those Occupy idiots?

SHUT UP BRAIN!! Or I'll stab you with a crayon.

I definitely need a vacation. I'm gonna go find coffee or mountain dew or something to maybe wake my brain up a little bit.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #525

Day 525

I sent an entirely unsolicited message to someone last night on FL. It wasn't someone that I'd met at a party or an event. It wasn't someone that had stumbled onto this stupid little column, or at least to the best of my knowledge. It wasn't someone that I had any real mutual friends with.

It was simply someone whose profile I stumbled upon because of an interesting name and, after reading their profile, I was intrigued by.

This is profoundly uncharacteristic of me.

Fuck, you people kinda know me by now. Some of you really know me pretty well.

I don't like new people. I don't like people I haven't met. I guess that was kinda redundan, but whatever. I don't go out of my way to meet any people. I certainly never bother to send friend requests or first messages or even initiate conversation with people I don't know. And half the time, if it's not someone I haven't known for at least a little while, if they initiate conversation with me, I'll feign interest for about 10 seconds before looking around with a bored expression on my face before finally turning back towards the speaker, interrupting them and just saying "I really don't care what you're talking about" and walking away abruptly.

It's not anything to do with being shy or anything like that. I'm just kind of a dick.

Well, maybe that's not entirely accurate. It's probably how it's percieved, but it's not accurate. I simply prefer someone prove that they have something of value that I would appreciate in conversation or even in an acquaintanceship before giving any of my time or energy to so much as a conversation. I'm not much for small talk unless I've already established that the person I'm engaging with also has something to offer in the realm of substantial conversation as well. Something that I'd be interested in conversing about.

Harsh? Probably. But I really don't care. Even a conversation is an exchange. You prove yourself interesting & I'll give you my attention. Give me something of interest & I'll trade you my time. I do the same thing here. You do too. When I have something interesting to say, you trade me your time to read it and occasionally reply. But how long did it take for me to grab your attention? When did I prove that I have something interesting to say? Rhetorical question. Just proving a point.

But I digress.

Sending an unsolicited message to anyone here is terribly uncharacteristic of me.

Maybe it's just because I'm waiting for it to be interpretted as an "I'd like to fuck you" message rather than an "I said I was intrigued. Because I'm intrigued. Period." message and I dislike being misinterpretted like that. Maybe it's because I know that most people that SEEM interesting tend to be terribly underwhelming after you get to see beyond the surface intrigue. Or maybe it's just because it involved me actually making an effort towards someone I don't know. A little too much "putting myself out there" than I feel like doing for absolutely no reason other than initial intrigue.

I figure... I "put myself out there" every single day right here. Why am I bothering to do more than that on an individual basis?

I guess it's kind of the typed-word equivelant of my lack of fear of public speaking.

I've never had any sort of problem with public speaking. There was never any fear. Because I knew that whatever I was about to say would connect with one person out there. I'd be throwing a wide net over a large group of people and I knew that I'd catch at least one of them. I'd be able to grab onto that connection & run with it. And everyone else would disappear from my field of view. I'd forget about them. It was me and the few people that I caught in my net. They became my audience. Everyone else was static in the background.

So I guess that's what this is. This is my daily public speaking. This is my net. I throw it at the intarwubz and see what the fuck I catch. And then it's just me and you talking.

And with that all said... here's Deadpool.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #524

Day 524

Fuck me, it's early. Why in the chocolate christ am I awake this early? Oh... yeah... work. Bah.

Everyone still here? Nobody killed any relatives over the long weekend? Nobody working in retail killed any shoppers this weekend?

Good. Well... maybe good. Some of those assholes deserve a good killing.

Nobody died from withdrawal from not getting this shit for 4 days? You sure? I think I saw my friends list shrink by a couple people. That could have just been people realizing I'm kind of a dick... but unless I see proof otherwise, I'm totally assuming they died of withdrawal. And their profile here died with them.

So, I was thinking... Have we pretty must killed Santa Claus?

Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but when I was younger (I mean, even like 10 years ago), companies did holiday commercials & themes, but kinda avoided showing the "parents buying all the presents for the kids" type deal. Now, that seems to be all the commercials really are?

I don't really care. I'm just thinking that we're on a pace now where we're like 2 years away from Best Buy just running a commercial that says "Kids, there is no Santa. Just tell your parents to shop at Best Buy for your presents this year.". That, plus the glorification of Black Friday into some kind of fucking "event" instead of... I don't even feel like trying to figure out what it USED to feel like. But I just think it's been turned into a spectacle.

Though it does seem to make people go insane. Which is kinda awesome.

Some lady walking into a WalMart and lighting people up with a can of pepper spray? Tramplings? Robbing people for their "Black Friday Deals" at 3am in a wildly lit-up parking lot and thousands of people around?

That's all comedy gold for me. I just wish there was more chaos to laugh at this year.

Maybe next year when Black Friday shopping starts before Midnight... fuck, let's just start it on Thanksgiving Day now. We already see Christmas shopping ads before Halloween. Thanksgiving is just the day-off that most of the country gets to prep them for Black Friday. That's the actual holiday at this point.

Oh well. That's only temporary. Once my Birthday becomes a national holiday, that'll change.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #523

Day 523
So... I got a question. This just dawned on me...

What was the deal with Popeye & the spinach? Did they ever explain why Popeye thought "hey, if I eat a can of spinach (who the fuck has cans of spinach anyway?), I'll get super strong!" at all? Or was it just a "remember to eat your vegetables, children watching this cartoon" kinda thing? That never quite made sense to me.

I have no idea why that just popped into my head.

Now that I think about it, what ever happened to Popeye? Or any of the rest of the old-school cartoons? Everything from Popeye to Tom & Jerry to the Hanna-Barbera cartoons from USA's Cartoon Express in the 80's. Fuck, even Loony Toons have pretty much disappeared.

Instead we have these insane anime things that you need a heavy dose of LSD to understand more than 3 minutes of.

Though that does be the question of "What the fuck was a Grape Ape?" and why do I have a feeling it was wildly racist?

Man... 80's cartoons are very missed. And half of them ended up with a Nintendo game based on them. Or we're based on a Nintendo game.

Now we need to give Deadpool his own Nintendo game. But not like a Wii game or even a Super Nintendo game. I'm talking old-school 8-bit shit. Just like this right here.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #522

Day 522

Sidney Crosby has solved hockey.

There was an equation somewhere.

He figured it out.

He gave the rest of the league a 20-game head start. And the rest of the league's reply after last night?

"can we have another 20 games to make it fair?"

Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #521

Day 521

Just another "thank you" to everyone that came out on Saturday night for the party. It was kinda awesome to see all the costumes. Everything from "real" comic book characters to made-up creative ones with a comic book vibe. It was kinda badass.

Though it dawn on me that my costume was gonna get confused with Deadpool about an hour before people showed up.

Grifter. Not Deadpool. A far more obscure character.

But yeah. It was a good time. About 35 or so people showed.

And it was great to see more people playing this time around. If you all have more suggestions on how to make it better, feel free to post them.

There were a few good suspension scenes, a bunch of resistance, and a few people used the spanking bench & stocks. We didn't have the space for the Wheel of Doom this time around.

And even without a kitchen, it seemed to work out pretty well.

Plus, @DoNotGoGently totally had the hottest costume. Seriously. That was the best Storm costume I've ever seen. Fucking yummy, yo.

Yeah. That version of the costume. And she somehow made it even hotter. And tinier.

But yeah, Doom, Storm, Dr Who, (we did have a lot of Doctors there apparently), LadyZorro, the Punisher, Elektra, Spider-Girl and many more all showed up. It was a good time. And I got a kick out of the made-up characters. Like Henchman #2 or RopeSlut Girl.

Sorry to the couple people that e-mailed me for the address who I didn't get back to or who I don't know. Sorry kids. My house. If I don't know you or don't know someone that can/will vouch for you, I don't give it out. That's the rules. This isn't a community event or public party. It's a (mostly) monthly party at my home. I'm not throwing the address out into the intarwubz void for everyone. If it was an open party for anyone, I'd just put the address in the event list.

That might be complicated for some people to understand, but how about you throw an open party at your house first. Then we'll talk. (no, I seriously got like 3 people that were pissed cause I wouldn't give them the address when I'd never even met them or spoken to them previously. The only reason I post these as "events" is because fetlife still doesn't allow for "bulk messaging".)

Friday, November 18, 2011

RTOTD #520.1

Day 520.1

By the way... Fuck this iOS 5.0.1 update. I did it 2 days ago & it's fucking up my cellular connection as well as my wifi & my microphone when I'm on calls.

I thought I restored it back to just the basic iOS 5 last night, but apparently it wasn't done when I got a call that interrupted it, so I'm still on 5.0.1. So if you call & I don't answer, don't get back to e-mails (not Fet-mail, I am horrible about getting back to that all the time) quickly, or you can't hear me when you call... My phone is being more retarded than that kid with the helmet from middle school.

Random Thought Of The Day #520

Day 520

So it looks like my work is going hardcore on monitoring Internet use. So I'm back to writing this damn thing on my phone each day. They haven't initiated yet, but I just got the new security policy to sign yesterday & it's basically "you can't do anything online that is not work related" now. Needless to say, getting 1500 words on random bullshit might have to start being RTOTD #X.1 late-day updates now instead of the morning stuff.

Though honestly, writing a thousand words thru my phone isn't as irritating as your think.

But it does mean that my "reading stupid shit on gizmodo" time has been significantly reduced.

On an entirely different note, I have to say... The party tomorrow is going to be one of the hardest to pull off for a while. The contractors that are doing the kitchen are about 1 or 2 days behind what I expected. They started Tuesday instead of Monday & after we also hired them to do the walls as well (painting & whatnot), it pushed us back another day. Hopefully, they'll finish today on schedule but it's unlikely. The walls still need painted, 90% of the cabinets need hung & the plywood floor needs to get finished being laid. That's not including the counter top being installed, the sink being installed, the microwave being hung, dishwasher installed & the stove put back in place.

We are still going forward with the party though. It's just going to be a little awkward. The kitchen might be off-limits for the party. We can move all the kitchen stuff back out of the dining room into the unfinished kitchen & move all the old cabinets into the corners of the basement to keep them out of the way. But it's going to limit play space a little bit.

Though the electrician should be done today. So that's one less thing to worry about.

And if anyone wants some cabinets from the 40's or 50's, let me know. They're yours. Seriously. I kinda feel bad about trashing them because they're nice. They just need re-finished & some of the hinges need replaced. I wanted to go more modern in there, so we figured it was easier to just redo the whole thing. I think I might have just been a little ambitious in getting the whole thing done in the window I had set.

And we need to clean still too.

I'd like to thank GreyOne again for letting us borrow furniture. With all the other things getting worked on this month, I still haven't had time to build anything.

One project at a time. Winter will be a good time to do building. Just won't really be able to stain or paint anything until the spring probably.

Anyone want to volunteer time & tools for a building party in January? Just all get together and build shit?

*this is post-tear-down. Before they started working. It's already in much better shape.*

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #519

Day 519

I decided that I'm gonna do one of those "25 things about my sexuality" things that everyone else seems to be doing.

Cause I'm a trend-follower. Really. I am.

But considering that mine would be 3 things about my sexuality followed by 22 things about booze, strippers, cigarettes, comic books, video games & music, maybe it'll be "25 things that have absolutely nothing to do with my sexuality" instead. That would be far more fitting for me.

But I just saw that NBC has asked for a proposal for a The Munster's re-make show. And tv has recently tried to do a Wonder Woman reboot show and ABC had an Incredible Hulk show coming out next year. This past season also saw a reboot of Charlie's Angels and the year before saw a return of Hawaii Five-O. So going back to the well on tv shows is all the rage. So, with that in mind... let's go with 5 old-school TV shows that should totally be brought back:

I vote for the following:

1. Married With Children - though I don't know how you could find someone funnier than Ed O'Neil to play Al Bundy. Though I think this is what they're trying to do with Modern Family. It's just not nearly as funny. Where's the trampy daughter & the teenage son that can't get laid? Or hearing the thoughts of the dog. But maybe in this version... Al's can be the grandson of Ted Bundy that he fathered with some other chick. Think Dexter as a women's shoes saleseman... losing his god damn mind.

2. Gilligan's Island - When I first saw the commercials for LOST, that's what I expected it to be. But it was infinitely cooler. But I think you could do an absolutely hillarious Gilligan's Island remake that was totally different. And doesn't need to include 4-toed statues and smoke monsters.

3. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? - I remember that this show sucked... but instead of doing it as a game show for kids.. make her an actual bad-ass intelligence broker & go all spy-hunter on her. She's got her network set up & all that. Maybe make it a 1st person style story too. Like the viewer is the spy hunter going after her. All shakey-cam style and everything.

4. Twin Peaks - I'd just be happy if this show ever got a proper resolution. But a reboot with the same crazinness and the same starting point question (Who killed Laura Palmer?) would be totally bad-ass.

5. Flipper - A crime-fighting dolphin? Who thought this was a good idea in the first place?  How the fuck did this show not fail the "suspension of disbelief" test? Come on... this time, give him like... a bionic tail, one of those collars from the Pixar movie UP that the dogs wore so they could talk. And a fucking body suit filled with water so he can survive ... with a laser gun. Or something. Just go fucking crazy with it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #518

Day 518

Who in the world are these people I keep seeing on tv anymore? These "celebrities" of some sort...

I've never heard of a single one of them. Then again, I'm completely out of the loop when it comes to pop-anything at this point. If it's not geeky pop-culture stuff... I'm lost.

I'm pretty sure it took me like 2 years to figure out who the fuck that gaga chick was.

I'm was significantly happier when I didn't know who that gaga chick was. Or that human glitter machine that writes her name with a $ in it.

I should start writing my name with some kind of special character in it. Maybe the "o"'s can be boobs... and we can dot the middle to make them nipples. Doktor... with boobs... hmmm... yeah... that doesn't work.


Fuck you, Kesha! I can do it 3 times. And I don't look like a herpes epidemic waiting to happen.

But back on topic...

I have no idea who some of these celebrities are anymore. Or these shows that they're apparently famous for being on. WTF is the Hills? I vaguely rememeber something about Housewives, but I thought that was the show with the chick that used to be on that Superman tv show like 15 years ago. And who the fuck is this fake titted blonde chick hanging all over the dude that played Horace on LOST that is all over the damn intarwubz??

I'm not even going to bother finding out. It's the Hilton sisters effect again. People that are famous for being.. I don't know... famous? Like, they haven't done anything. They're kinda hot. And they're just always out somewhere getting their picture taken. But they aren't even actresses or musicians or artists or anything. They're just random hot girl that apparently complains a lot... and according to the random news thing I just read, don't look all that great without makeup.

I give up. This is the reason I avoid celebrity related crap.

Deadpool is a better celebrity. And he's not even real!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #517

Day 517

You know what makes me lose my god damn mind?

Militant assholes.

The kind that just can't seem to let people live in any way other than their prescribed manner.

I don't care if they're vegans, christians, feminists, atheists, marxists... whatever... fuck them. I don't care. They aren't satisfied just to live THEIR lives according to some stupid fucking rules. No. They demand that YOU do too.

Because me eating a steak, owning a house, not believing in any kind of higher power & not caring if you believe in anything or not somehow infringes upon their ability to sit down on some animal-product-free chair, eat some fucking tofu & worship some invisible man/woman/cow/taco in the sky or something.

This popped into my head this morning because the militant atheists are throwing a temper tantrum about the "in god we trust" thing again. Just like they did with the "under god" in the Pledge a couple years back.

For fucks sake... nobody gives a shit.

It could say "beat me with a trout if this is fake" or "fuck chickens" on it and nobody would even notice until they're bored enough and out of reading material that they'd read it. And even then, they wouldn't give a shit... as long as they can still buy a new tv with it at Best Buy or a ridiculously overpriced coffee at Starbucks.

And really... don't they have anything better to do?

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 just came out. I bet they can find a few million people online playing it now to amuse themselves for the next 6 hours or so.

If nothing else... it'll shut these militant assholes up for a little bit. Or let them find something NEW to bitch about.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #516

Day 516

I'm not putting 2000 words down on a page again today about stuff that nobody else but me seems to find amusing. Instead, I'll give you the following 8:

I hope you all die. That is all.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #1000000011 - Binary Day Edition

Day 515

It's the last binary day (when using the 2-digit calendar) of our lifetimes. I should have totally taken this whole thing and thrown it into a binary translator & made the whole fucking thing in binary. Just to fuck with you.

Although, it would probably have fucked with me even worse. And then I would have gotten bored & then I'd have been trying to find some pancakes.

But regardless.. it's the last binary date we're going to see in our lifetimes. Unless you're going to live a hair under 89 more years, that is. I'll be lucky to make it 89 months, so more power to ya if you can make it all the way there. You'll be like 120 fucking years old or something crazy like that, but I guess you'll enjoy it? Maybe?

I really don't care. I'm only amused that it's going to screw with the numerology freaks when nothing of any significance happens today & that it's just another damn day. A day with an amusing date, but still... just another day.

Now... on to the second thing we're celebrating today... and arguably the more interesting (to everyone but Sybele, apparently... )... It's National Deadpool Day!

So here we go. I'm just going to throw a bunch of Deadpool at you today. Like a Deadpool Bukakke. Deadpool-kakke. That's actually a lot funnier when you sound it out.

This is the First Annual National Deadpool Day. The day where the 4th Wall is the thinnest. Like the Deadpool version of Halloween mythology. Where we can talk to our fictional characters. But only those that KNOW that they're fictional characters.

So I'm going to have an interview with Deadpool today.

Me: Good morning, Wade.

DP: It's Mr. Pool to you, tonsafun.

Me: Well then, good morning, Mr. Pool.

DP: That's better, chuckles. Kinda awesome that it's Deadpool day & Binary day at the same time. My love of 1's and Zero's and my love of me all combined into one day? No wonder we can have a chat thru the Fourth Wall today.... wait a second..

hehehehe... I always wanted to say that.

Me: Really? Did you just use that joke?



DP: What?

Me: What the fuck are you talking about? You know what, nevermind. Let's just try to get on with the interview, ok?


Me: Wade! Pay attention!

DP: Oh, wait... what? I was thinking about something else.

Me: Yeah, I noticed. So how do you like being able to actually talk back to the people that you always talk to in your comics?

DP:  It's pretty awesome. It's normally a pretty 1-way conversation, you know? I read your blog whenever I have the time. I loved the thing about Scrooge McDuck the other day. I would love that. I haven't gotten a gig recently that hooked me up with enough cash to do that, but when I used to...

Me: You know, you're kinda fucking crazy, right dude?


Me: Fuck you, man. I'm gonna punch you...


Me: Erm... Uh... Nevermind. Ok... maybe you'd probably kick my ass.

DP: Yup. But damn... I was hoping for a fight. I remember this time I was fighting with the Rhino & I shrunk him down & put him inside a glass jar & carried him around on a necklace for like a week. It was kinda awesome. And then the time I was fighting a bunch of dead X-Men and they just kept coming and coming & I kept shooting and shooting &
So I just kept shooting and then they all died... er... again... and I went to get a chimmichanga. That was a fun day.

Me: You like to talk to your thought bubbles. But your thought bubbles aren't really bubbles. They're just yellow boxes. How's that work?


I like it.

Me:  But how does it work?

DP: Madness.

Me: Fair enough. So you always wear the mask. It kinda looks like Spider-Man's mask. Why do you always wear the mask? I mean, it's syonymous with you at this point. You even have a belt-buckle with your mask on it... but it's really rare that you take it off. Why is that?


Me: Speaking of Ryan Reynolds... you're getting a movie & you already appeared in the Wolverine movie with Ryan Reynolds playing you. How'd you like that?


Me: What are you talking about? I'm not married & I don't have supermodel wife that turned into a zombie. Do you even listen to anything going on around you?


Me: Yes, I know... ME! I'm the one at the keyboard. I'm talking to you and typing out the transcript for the interview I'm gonna post on the blog site. Oh you know what.. .never mind. I give up.

DP: Okie Dokie. We should totally do this again next National Deadpool Day!

Me: Um... yeah... we'll see about that.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #514

Day 514

I'd like to start off by wishing a happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps. Happy 236th Birthday. Semper Fi.

And a belated public birthday wish to DC. You're kind of an awesome chick.

And on an entirely different topic...

You know... what the fuck happened to jouralism? Not like... being entirely objective or anything like that. That has always been a myth that the media has propogated to the general public. They're no more objective than my fucking dog. They like the people that feed them, bite the people that kick them & bark at the people they don't know.

The new world has all but killed print media. The personal virus that we all have been unleashing has made Matt Drudge & Ariana Huffington a shitload of money & turned them into go-to sources for news. But at least they're MOSTLY honest that they're not objective. So the intarwubz is now the home for news.

Dan Rather might as well be the god damned crypt keeper at this point. He's a fossil. Nobody gives a fuck where Matt Lauer is either. 24 hour news cycles turn everything other than the local news into irrelevent time-slot-fitting tv that nobody but my 87 year old grandma watches. And the only thing they do is devote 20 minutes to a story instead of the 10 that goes to it on Fox News or MSNBC or CNN.

No. Twitter & Facebook & some random dude's blog or some chick's Instagram accounts are the new news sources. Blogs have replaced newspapers. Everyone has their own voice that has long ago replaced the Editorial section of the newspaper. That was the Blog for the "journalistic elite"... in other words, the ones that sucked enough dick to get a slot in a paper.

But what did the old media have that we're sorely lacking in the new media?


Hell, fucking spell check & grammar check is all I'm asking for at this point.

But what we really need is the guy that would read thru something BEFORE it went to publication... digital or print... whatever... doesn't matter. But they'd read it over & say "holy shit dude, did your write this in fucking Notepad or something? Was MS Word too difficult to use? Did you lose the Spell Check & Grammar Check button? WTF?".

I mean... reading half of the "news" stories on the intarwubs now, I don't know if it's intentional or not, but a lot of the time, my 4th grade English teacher would have beat me to death with my English book for fucking up the language as bad as these self-styled "journalists" do anymore.

Maybe it's intentional... make it read like a spastic 9 year old wrote it while gushing about... well... whatever the hell 9 year olds have their own little squee-sessions about... and fuck up the grammar so that they don't look like they're "establishment" sources. They're the "new media".

No... you're not. You write for a news source. It's just a news source that otherwise wouldn't make any fucking money if it had to pay for something more than their FiOS Business network connection. Mostly cause your articles take 15 seconds to read & are nothing more than "look at this cool thing" and not even anything funny to say about said cool thing.

Oh fuck it... just another example of how things are going to hell.

The world would be better if there was a real Deadpool walking around... oh wait, there is. He's totally gonna fix this shit.

In fact.. I love you all so much that you get Double The Deadpool today!!

See. Deadpool fixes everything fucked up that happens. Even movies with fake version of himself in it.

Cause he's that awesome.

And tomorrow... a special feature... It's going to be National Deadpool Day!

I just made it up. A day entirely dedicated to Deadpool.

It's one of 2 national holidays I'm totally enacting when I take over the world. That... and my Birthday. But Deadpool Day is going to be bigger & awesomer & we're going to take a page from Deadpool & break the 4th wall back to our fiction.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #513

Day 513

I got a fun e-mail this morning. A "Copyright Violation Claim" from my ISP. That's fucking special. And oddly enough, nobody was even home at the time they claim it happened.

Thankfully, it's only a "warning" and the copyright holder hasn't requested personal information thru a supeona at this point. Hopefully, it just blows over.

And in the meantime, I changed my wireless password in case someone decided that my house would be a good place to download an episode of a mediocre tv show.

But this does once again prove something I've talked about a couple times recently. Seriously... everyone... stop fucking bootlegging movies & watch your ass. If you're going to do it, use a proxy or TOR or something. Annonymize yourself in any way possible. Or just spend the $1.50 on iTunes for an episode of a tv show if you only missed one. Or wait until the fucking season hits dvd, borrow it from the library or get it from redbox or netflix & rip that shit if you REALLY need to watch it on your laptop instead of the tv.

It's strange how easily they are tracking IP addresses at this point.

Hell, it's amazing how easily they're tracking us everywhere at this point.

The supreme court is hearing a case pretty soon about warrantless gps tracking. And it seems like it's happening more and more every day. To just everyday citizens.

I've never been a fan of the Post-9/11 patriot act crap. I can understand the need for some things but a lot of the tracking is getting grossly abused. A lot of the whole "war on terror" thing has been used for going after people for everything from movie piracy to pot smoking. But I still want my fucking groping & some "enhanced screening" at the airport if I'm gonna be stuck in a 2 hour long line.

But it does, again... prove the same "slippery slope" that others love to discredit in discussion claiming "that'll never happen" only for it to happen & then disregard the "slippery slope" argument the next time someone uses it again. The slippery slope ALWAYS happens. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... but eventually. Because, like with any great authority granted to any single or group of people... eventually someone will be the "bad apple" that spoils the bunch & starts it going down that slippery slope.

So keep questioning authority. Keep seeking more freedom where you can. USE the slippery slope argument when it applies. Because someone WILL think of a way to corrupt power. And it's always the people that truly seek power that will do it.

And no, the solution to abuse of authority is not giving another authority the oversight to watch THAT authority. It's to strip that authority from anyone of power. Because you can't solve a corruption problem that stems from having too much authority by creating an even greater level authority to oversee the first authority. It's a vicious cycle that can only be fixed by stripping authority & making government smaller.

And there's my political rant for the next... hopefully a long time.

Now I'm thinking about pancakes. And what Deadpool I'm going to give you today. So here's some Deadpool & pancakes at the same time. The best of both worlds.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #512

Day 512

A list of random thoughts today:

1. I wonder if I could build a particle accelerator in my basement? Do you think that violates zoning laws? Maybe I should also build a small nuclear reactor down there too. You know, to power it. Otherwise, my electric bill might go thru the fucking roof.

2. I haven't seen strippers in a while. I should probably put that on my list of things to do.

3. Oh look, the government said "we have no evidence of alien life and have never encountered information or beings of alien origins.". They said that shit to Mulder too, and he and that kinda cute redheaded chick that always wore shoulder-pads proved them wrong. I mean, look at this guy...

wait... I should probably find a picture of some dude that looks like an alien before I type that up, right? Well... then ... just image a really funny looking guy. Probably with a huge freaking bald spot & some liver spots on his head. Gigantic ears. Like... bigger than the President. That's pretty fucking big.

Wait... that's 2 Presidents in a row with ungodly big ears. Maybe it's not actually about who is the taller one anymore. They used to say that the taller guy always won. Maybe it's now the guy with the biggest ears. Disney totally got to us all with fucking Dumbo.

4. An asteroid is going to come really fucking close to Earth tomorrow... so for all you global warming idiots out there... don't worry... when it comes back around 2028 and actually hits us next time, your electric car won't have mattered worth a fuck. And since I'll be like... 48 when that happens... I'll probably already be half way to my deathbed with some new form of cancer, some wildly viral form of dimentia & liver failure. So I won't give a fuck.

5. Will someone find a way to lobotomize George Lucas so he quits fucking with Star Wars? Every other year, it's another special edition box set super double trilogy blu ray re-synched with digital enhanced alien fucking or something like that. Unless it includes removing Jar Jar Binks and all of those weird floppy green alien frog people (and no, Frenchy... I wasn't talking about you this time, dirty horse-eater.), can you fucking cut it out? Nobody else fucks around with 35 year old movies to change 17 seconds, add in 3 lines and toss in a minute and a half of b-roll that nobody even notices half the time. Go make something new. Or just try to perfect the Scrooge McDuck money bin dive.

How the fuck did he do that? You'd think that he'd just smash face first into that thing like everyone else. And he was old... he's not that fit. Diving into anything would probably just make him break his hip or something.

Wait... whose kids were the colored-shirted duck children that got pawned off on ol' Scrooge? Was that Disney universe or Warner Brothers? They weren't Daffy's kids, right? Whose were they? I don't remember.

And how did he keep the location of the Money Bin a secret? It's a 40-story tall building in the fucking woods, on top of a hill, with a gigantic "$" sign in solid gold on the top of it. Nobody's gonna miss that shit, man. I'm pretty sure I could see it from my house, and you're all the way in a fictional universe populated by anthropomorphic ducks & chipmunks.

Now I want to go watch some old-school Duck Tales.

It was Duck Tales, right?

I just got the greatest idea... Deadpool guest-starring on an episode of Duck Tales. Deadpool & Darkwing Duck saving the world!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #511

Day 511

I'd like to congratulate Doc on winning the Ms Pittsburgh Leather Fetish 2012 title. It was a good & close competition. She will do a wonderful job of representing the title for Pittsburgh. And thank you too, to DoNotGoGently for providing an amazing opponent in the title race.

This brings up something that I think is good for the community.

Granted, I stopped caring about the whole "community" concept a while ago. Inclusiveness, welcoming atmosphere, sex-positive whatever, bridge building... whatever... I couldn't give a fuck. Maybe that's why I don't involve myself in the whole community structure anymore.

But I know that's the goals of the community at present. It's also kind of necessary if there's any hope of putting together some kind of public play space anytime soon. The whole "rely on one part of the whole pansexual community to sustain anything" model doesn't work. We've got a boatload of failures in keeping something afloat to prove that one.

And I think having someone that's a mainstay in the bdsm community is a good way to help bridge some of the gaps between a number of the small, segmented communities in this city. There's not a lot of crossover as-is between the Leather and the bdsm communities as is. And while the Fetish 101 parties are also somewhat of a bridge-buidling thing, it's not really enough. There's a lot of differences between these 2 segments of the community. And I think either of the 2 female contestants would have been good choices to help show some of the similarities that the 2 segments also have. So either way, it was a win.

And in closing... I'd like to be the first person to refer to Doc as Ms Fancy Pants for her title. Because... well... why not?

I should totally run next year on the "I don't care about bridging any gaps or doing anything to improve anything anywhere for any reason" platform. While flipping off the audience & the judges the whole time, wearing my customary button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up over black t-shirt with jeans & the only leather being my belt, boots & wallet. For every part of the competition. I'll just change the color of my over-shirt.  See, I'm Leather. I totally got this.

Oh wait... it's not like an election? Well, then that's no fun.

Now, back to my apathy & willful-ignorance fueled ignorant rants about ridiculous bullshit that nobody else but me cares about. And Deadpool. Because that was wayyyyyyy too much of me appearing to care about "community building" and other such bullshit.