Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #562

Day 562

You know what I haven't seen in a while? Someone that really crosses the line into wacko crazyland.

I almost miss the loonies that make an issue out of everything and make no sense in their ranting lunacy.

Then I remember exactly how much that kind of crazy makes me want to beat myself in the head with a shovel and I don't really miss that kind of crazy anymore.

Speaking of wacko crazyland...


I mean... look... I'm no fan of the idiot in office. I wasn't a huge fan of the idiot before him, but compared to the other 2 options?? I don't know... Captain Planet and Herman Munster? Fucking really? I guess with those options, the guy that was there wasn't any better. But that was like choosing between shit and diarrhea... same thing, different form.

But fucking really? Rick Santorum? This guy is a nutjob. I mean, the guy is more interested in what's going on in someone elses bedroom than most of the people on Fet are. But at least we're only interested to get ideas. Or... you know...  pr0n.

Though... I might decide to grade the performance. Or judge it... if it involves furries. Fucking furries.

But back to the crazy... I guess he's my substitute crazy for the loonies on the other side of the political spectrum? But I don't need to point out his crazy! He's like the Michael Jackson of political crazy. All you gotta do is say "Rick Santorum" and you know exactly what I mean. At least with the other side of the crazies, I can point and... oh wait... I guess it's pretty much the same thing.

But it's still not as fun. I can't explain it. Oh well... Fuck that guy and his Mr. Rogers sweaters.

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