Monday, November 26, 2012

That Update Sucks - RTOTD #753

Day 753

I really hate the K&P format update. I preferred the tiles style that was there before. Especially on my phone. I don't want to scroll through hundreds of things to find something that doesn't suck. It updates slower, I can't zoom out and see a dozen or so different K&P things at once, and I literally have to scroll past every single one of those things that I don't care about before I get to something that I might. This was just a bad fucking update. And a bad idea. Not quite as bad of an idea as this, but still...

I want the old format back. I want to be able to see most of a page worth of stuff at once. I want to be able to scroll past a dozen or 2 different things with one swipe. I want to idly scroll through it with no real care as to what is there and even see the same things a couple times on the way down.

So gimme the option, Fet! I want to be able to pick my format. Old vs New.

It's why I hate a lot of the mobile versions of websites and always have. I want to just see the same fucking screen that I do on my laptop when I am browsing the same site on my phone. Mobile versions of websites suck. They were useful when everyone had 1 inch screen 128 color flip-phones. When everyone has a 3.5-6" 16 million color screen on their phone, or a 7-10 inch screen on their tablet, we just want to see the regular fucking screen. Unless you're blind.

When I can't set my device to automatically view a site in desktop format, I stop using them. It's why I don't check any of the Gawker sites like Gizmodo or io9 on my phone. I can't fucking stand their "we'll guess which news you really wanna see and blow it up to fill your whole screen" view instead of the "just show me which shit got posted in order of when it was posted and I'll decide what's fucking interesting" view that they used to use. Fuck that. One is a news format. The other is a fucking scavenger hunt. And I have no desire to look for new content in scavenger hunt format. So I just don't use them.

Don't make me stop using K&P by forcing me into a fucking mobile version and don't even fucking THINK about adding this same god damned format to the Friend Feed screen that you've added to K&P and Mail. It works for mail. It might even work for group forums with posts. It does NOT work for K&P or the friend feed.

I think I'm done with that rant.

Here's some random content to make you want to visit the blog site and not just read the post here. Cause there's not really much I can add here.

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