Friday, February 8, 2013

This Is A Real Thing - RTOTD #789

Day 789

This is actually a thing.

Konstant Kittens

Because what the world needed was more motherfucking cats that are going to either get put down or to further the degeneration of society into "cats as the common family pet" instead of "dogs are the normal family pet".

This is illustrative of the change in our culture away from pets that actually require tending to, towards an animal that kinda fucking hates you but still depends on you WHILE being resentful of you. Mostly due to the growing self-absorbed nature of Americans. And we REALLY needed to fucking nurture more of that shit, didn't we?

Either that... or we're letting some people enjoy the kitten part of cats (the only time when they're even moderately tolerable) while also providing more cats for the growing "crazy cat lady" population. Or the growing "need a kitten to make an internet meme" population.

I mean... where else are we going to find more cats to replace those that are found dead under a pile of junk in an episode of Hoarders? Show me one episode where they found a dead dog? There was 1 episode with someone that hoarded dogs. But they also hoarded cats and something else too.

I cry for our culture sometimes. We were just plain better people when we were "dog people" than we are as "cat people".

And before all you cat people come defending your spiteful ball of fluff that poops in the corner and pees on everything and fills your house with ammonia smell... just go fuck yourself and get a dog. You'll be a happier person. Because even when a dog pisses you off or annoys you, it's because they actually LIKE you and want your attention. Instead of your cat, who just wants you to feed it and change it's litter box and then go fuck right off.

I'm going to get so many pissed off people because of this. It's going to be great.


  1. Konstant Kitten changed my life.....

  2. Cats are awesome (mine anyway) but that page is the SICKEST thing I have ever heard in my entire life. Whoever started this should be jailed forever, since most of the cats end up being killed or shipped to "cat farms". WTF this makes me angrier than almost anything else.
