Thursday, September 5, 2013

☠☠☠☠ - RTOTD #838

Day 838

I had something interesting to say this morning while driving to work

Then I forgot what it was when I got to my desk.

Then I got grump because the internet is a horrible festering shithole filled with people who should all die.

Then I thought I remembered what I wanted to say this morning.

Then I realized that was wrong. And I gave up.

But I found skulls to use in place of text for the title and was amused.

Then I tried to use them to make ascii text that said "death penis" but gave up because it looked like a big bag of ass.

Then I wanted to punch things because the internet is fucking gay today and now I have heartburn.

So I'm just going to go now and listen to some music and pretend to work and stare at the middle of a story I was trying to finish writing today but know that there's no way it's going to get done because I'm grumpy and can't write book material in this kinda mood.

Here's my thoughts on the rest of the day:

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